Break Into Another World

Chapter 1938: Seconds, Seconds, Seconds of Air (Part 1)

"Want to go have a look?"

Xia Yang Banzun hesitated.

It's too dangerous to get close to the dragon! However, if you miss the battle at the "16th tier" level, you will probably never have the chance to see it again in the future; moreover, watching this level of battle is likely to be beneficial to your cultivation.

After hesitating for a while, in the end, many people couldn't hold back, and decided to watch this world-shattering battle secretly with Banzun Xia Yang.

The closer to the core of Jiaolongtan, the more depressing the time and space.

Xia Yang Banzun and other great experts were all cautious and did not dare to make any movement.

"Magic Dragon Ze!"

Finally set foot on this endless black swamp in the center of Jiaolongtan, Xia Yang Banzun was even more nervous all of a sudden.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yang Banzun's expression froze directly!

"This is…"

He was horrified to see a familiar figure confronting the endlessly terrifying dragon... Oh, no! To be precise, it is not called "confrontation", but should be called "ravaged"!

The figure he was familiar with was ravaging the dragon!

And the poor dragon, wailing and roaring, could not escape the fate of being kneaded!

That's horrible! - Xia Yang Banzun would never have thought that the first moment he saw Dalong, the thought in his heart would be "Dalong is too miserable"!

And this familiar figure that is ravaging the dragon is exactly—

Xu Ming!

at this time.

In the abyss battlefield, the location of the light tower destroyed by Xu Ming.

The powerhouses of the eighth quadrant are gathered here.

"What about people?"

"How did Xu Ming escape?"

"To be able to escape from under the eyes of so many of our strong men... It seems that this Xu Ming must have some great trump card!"

"Our attack has definitely hit Xu Ming!" said the Void Poison Banzun, "With all the powerhouses joining forces, Xu Ming must have been seriously injured! He must have seen the situation in bad shape, so he did not hesitate to use his trump card to escape!"

The powerhouses in the eighth quadrant all felt that Xu Ming was seriously injured and escaped.

"Humph! Escape? Where can you escape to!?"

"That's right! He can still escape from the abyss battlefield!? Next time I find Xu Ming, I'll see if he has any cards!"

"When Xu Ming shows up again, it will be his death!"

These ignorant powerhouses have no idea that they have wandered around on the brink of death! If it wasn't for the mysterious power about the level 23 hanging point, and Xu Ming was in a hurry to rush over; then, I am afraid that few of the eighth quadrant powerhouses present would be able to live to this day!



An extremely angry dragon roar resounded throughout the abyss battlefield.

"This is…?"

"The roar of the dragon!?"

The powerhouses in the eighth quadrant gathered together quickly heard it. After all, as long as you have participated in the abyss battle before, you have generally heard the sound of dragon roar.

"But... do you feel that the sound of the dragon's roar this time is a bit wrong?" Suddenly a strong man said.

"It seems that something is wrong!" The other powerhouses also echoed, "It seems... there is some humiliation and anger mixed in the dragon's roar?"

"It's weird... Dalong is a 'sixteenth-order' combat power! What else can make it feel humiliated?"

Just when the powerhouses were puzzled, a piece of news quickly spread throughout the Abyss Continent—Xu Ming was fighting a dragon!



The eighth quadrant powerhouses near the outer tower of the middle road were stunned when they heard the news.

"Xu Ming is fighting the dragon?"

"Didn't Xu Ming get hit hard by us and escaped? How could he be fighting Dalong!?"

"No! Dalong is a 16th-order combat power! If Xu Ming has the strength to challenge Dalong, why did he flee? All of us here together are not enough for him to fight!?"

The powerhouses in the eighth quadrant have not yet figured it out - Xu Ming is not running away at all! But there is no time to kill them!

Fortunately, the news circulating in the abyss battlefield now only says that Xu Ming is fighting the dragon, not that Xu Ming is "ravaging" the dragon; otherwise, this group of powerhouses who surrounded and killed Xu Ming would definitely be even more ignorant!

"Go and see!"

"Go! Go to Jiaolongtan! It's definitely not possible that Xu Ming is fighting the dragon!"

"Yes! Impossible!"

And those who flock to Jiaolongtan are more than the hundreds of millions of strong men who besieged and killed Xu Ming!

In the entire abyss battlefield, more than 70% of the powerhouses, no matter which quadrant they are from, are rushing towards Jiaolongtan, wanting to see for themselves!

During the period, there was also news that Xu Ming was crushing the dragon.

But as soon as the news came out, people scoffed at him—Xu Ming crushed the dragon? how can that be? Simply bullshit!

Then, before the "true news" spread, it was killed.


All the powerhouses arrived at the core "Magic Dragon Ze" of Jiaolongtan and witnessed the battle with their own eyes, and they were all stunned!

Xu Ming crushed the dragon?

Cough cough!

To say "rolling" is an understatement, isn't it? - It's more than crushing, it's ravaging!

All the great powers who arrived at Molongze could only see that the poor big dragon was completely beaten, and he couldn't even fight back! It is true that the dragon is too rough and fleshy, and its vitality is too tenacious; otherwise, it would have been slashed to death by Xu Ming's spear!




Xu Ming's spear, shot after shot, fell on Dalong's body.

"The vitality of this dragon is really terrifying!" Even Xu Ming was shocked.

You must know that Xu Ming is a "17th-order peak" combat power, while Dalong is only a "sixteenth-order" combat power! It stands to reason that Xu Ming's slaying of the dragon should be easy, and it can be solved easily, but in fact, Xu Ming bombed the dragon for a long time, and even attracted the entire abyss The almighty on the battlefield watched the battle, but still failed to kill the dragon!

"The defense and vitality of this dragon may be comparable to the eighteenth order!" Xu Ming secretly said.

The combat power of the sixteenth order, the vitality of the eighteenth order - so Even the powerhouse of the sixteenth order of combat power cannot kill the dragon; only with the seventeenth order of combat power, there is absolute The crushing advantage can only kill this dragon!

"What mysterious power is hidden in this dragon!?" Xu Ming became more and more curious, "This mysterious power is a level 23 hanging point!"



The big dragon howled and roared helplessly—since the abyss battlefield was opened up, how has the big dragon been bullied for countless times? Not to mention bullying, even if it is Molongze, few people dare to step into it.

But now, Dalong felt the breath of death.

"Roar—" Suddenly, the big dragon roared, "The powerhouses in each quadrant, come to help me, and kill this person together! As long as you help, no matter how much you contribute, I will give you a lot of battle merits. , make sure you break the cosmic chains on yourself!"

Dalong... help!

(End of this chapter)

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