Break Into Another World

Chapter 1939: Second day, second, second, second air (below)

Dalong... help!

To be honest, Dalong is also aggrieved!

Since the Endless Era, it has no chance at all! After finally waiting for a battle, he was directly ravaged to the point where he didn't even have the strength to resist!

In the eight-elephant limit, countless powerhouses stared blankly at the dragon who asked for help.

Want to help Dalong? -think! Almost everyone wants to! After all, as long as you help Dalong casually, you can get a lot of battle credits; it seems that it is easy to earn battle credits!

But... the powers in the abyss battlefield, no one is a fool!

What level of battle is the battle in front of you? This is a "17th-order" level battle! Are they able to blend in? - Even the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant who wanted to kill Xu Ming, they all chose to be counseled at this time!

Can't be bothered! Can't be bothered!

Really can't afford it!

If Xu Ming was in the thirteenth, fourteenth, or even fifteenth order, then the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant would dare to provoke Xu Ming by relying on the crowd tactics. But now, everyone has seen that Xu Ming has the strength to hang and beat the dragon - this is the strength of the seventeenth order!

The crowd tactics are no longer effective for Xu Ming!

Although, the eighth quadrant has the help of the six quadrants, and its power is extremely huge! But... even if the number of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant is increased tenfold, it cannot pose any threat to Xu Ming!

Xu Ming, invincible!

"Ha!" Xu Ming looked at the endless visionary powerhouses, and only dared to look at it from a distance. He was stunned that no one dared to make a move, and suddenly laughed, "You know each other!"

If someone dares to attack him, Xu Ming doesn't mind killing him!

Anyway, it's been loud! Anyway, the strength has been exposed! Why not be more brutal?

boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming shot at Dalong with one shot after another.

Although the vitality of the dragon is extremely tenacious, it is only a matter of time before it is killed without resistance.


The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant discovered a problem - when Xu Ming slaughtered the dragon, will they slaughter them next?

Thinking of this, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.


"Get out now!"

"Don't look at it! If you look at it any longer, you will die!"

"Let's go! To Xu Ming, we are war heroes!"

Immediately, hundreds of millions of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant chose to run away—you can’t run away! If they don't escape now, they won't be able to escape when Xu Ming finishes fighting the dragon!

Even some timid powers escaped the abyss battlefield directly and returned to their respective quadrants - the abyss battlefield is too dangerous, it is better to go home safely!

In this regard, Xu Ming was too lazy to pay attention. After all, he was busy fighting dragons, and he didn't have much time to pay attention to these ants in the abnormal quadrant.

And the powerhouses in the second quadrant were pleasantly surprised to find that the abyss battle that they thought would be lost, seemed to be able to be won! Xu Ming alone can crush the limit of seven elephants!

"Let's go too!" Many of the powerhouses in the second quadrant said, "Go back and defend first! Otherwise, if the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant attack our crystal stone pillars now, then this abyss battle will be lost. Wrong!"

"Not bad! Xu Ming is fighting the dragon now! If we don't go back to guard the point, maybe the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant will really come to attack the crystal stone pillar!"

"Yes! Let's go! And... in case Xu Ming misunderstands, we stay here to share the benefits of him, then it's not good!"

For a time, most of the powerhouses in the second quadrant also chose to leave.

In this way, Xu Ming can fight the dragon cleanly!

Poor Dalong, with tears in his eyes: "The world is so hot! There is no one to help me!"


Under the strong pressure of Xu Ming, the incomparably strong vitality of the dragon was still killed!

Xu Ming watched carefully, looking forward to the appearance of that "mysterious power"!

"What would it be?"


At the point in time and space where the dragon fell, a faint flame suddenly appeared.

The strange thing is that this flame is white, looks extremely deep, and contains an endless breath of life.

"This is...?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled.

He had never seen this white flame before, but he felt the extraordinaryness of this white flame.


The white flame was burning and beating, and in an instant, it stabilized and no longer burned, but turned into a shape that was "like a fish but not a fish", and floated motionlessly in front of Xu Ming.

"What is this!?" Xu Ming looked curiously.

At this time, Xiaohang's voice sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind: "This is the origin of the universe!"

The origin of the universe! ?

Xu Ming was startled.

The origin of the universe, isn't that the most essential, pure and primitive power of the universe! ?

Xiaohang said again: "To be precise... this is the 'Origin of the Universe, Void'!"

"The origin of the universe? Void?" Xu Ming became more and more puzzled.

Xiaohang explained: "The universe is divided into the real universe and the virtual universe; the origin of the universe is also divided into the real and the virtual! - Hurry up and collect this group of 'Cosmic Origin·Void'! It can be exchanged for level 23 hanging points!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ming was about to collect "The Origin of the Universe: Void", when suddenly, a vast will entered his mind: "Kill the dragon, get the reward of battle! Your battle is full!"

Full of honors!

In other words, Xu Ming killed this big dragon, and the battle merits were directly... full!

There is no way to get more honors!

"The battle is full..." Xu Ming secretly said, "So, I don't have to slaughter the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant to get the battle! And... I should be able to ask the fallen demon to help me break the cosmic chain on my body. !"

Xu Ming didn't know how many battles it would take to break the nightmare-level cosmic chains! But... Xu Ming's battle honors are already "full", it must be enough! ?

At this time, Xu Mingcai included "The Origin of the Universe·Void" into the heart world.

"Would you like to convert 'Cosmic Origin, Void' into a level 23 hanging point?" Xiao Hang confirmed and asked.

"How many level 23 points can be exchanged?" Xu Ming asked.

"1 o'clock!" Xiaohang's voice showed no emotion.

"Okay... Level 23 hanging points are really expensive!" Xu Ming said to himself; a mass of cosmos origin can only be exchanged for 1 point of level 23 hanging points, "Exchange it!"

"Yes!" Xiaohang and immediately took away the "Origin of the Universe·Void" in the heart world.

"The exchange has been completed! Now you have a 1:23 level hanging point!"

"Congratulations to the host, it is the first time to get a level 23 hanging point. If you meet the trigger conditions, you can randomly open a new plug-in function!"

There is a new plug-in function! ?

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Among the plug-in functions that have not been activated, there are also infinite resurrection, time reversal, invincibility, instant kill, copy, second day, second, second air, and the universe..." Xu Ming secretly said, "I don't know, which one will be enabled?"

To tell the truth, Xu Ming wants to open every item!

Because... it sounds awesome!

"The randomization is over! The new function that has been opened is: seconds, days, seconds, seconds of air!"

(End of this chapter)

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