Break Into Another World

Chapter 1957: 1 colony of ants

"Just tell him what my identity is! See if he dares to be arrogant!"

There are only a handful of powerhouses in the shackles of the three realms in the entire eighth quadrant; the title of Bingfeng Supreme is naturally extremely deterrent in the holy realm!

"Yes!" The Cult Master of Mie Kong was given the order, and he immediately felt a lot more confident.

When he turned to Xu Ming again, there was a hint of fox and tiger's might on the face of Sect Master Miekong.

"Heh!" Xu Ming naturally saw the smugness in the expression of the Sect Master of Mie Kong, "Tell me, who is it!"

"Humph!" The Sect Master of Mie Kong snorted softly and said, "Xu Ming, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't regret it when you know it! - The one who offended the Holy Master Jiuxiao is the Supreme Bingfeng of Ziqiong Pavilion!"

Ziqiong Pavilion!

When hearing these three words, the face of Holy Master Jiuxiao couldn't help changing - among the four emperor-level forces, Ziqiong Pavilion ranked second!

Immediately afterwards, when he heard the words "Bingfeng Supreme", the face of Holy Master Jiuxiao changed again - what he offended was really a super existence in the three realms of shackles!

At the same time, Holy Master Jiuxiao couldn't help but wonder, he couldn't remember when he offended Bingfeng Supreme!

"Hum hum hum!" Sect Master Mie Kong hummed proudly, "Now you know what you're afraid of? Arrogant! Why don't you continue to be arrogant..."


Before the Sect Master Mie Kong could finish speaking, he was slapped away by Xu Ming again.

"Noisy!" Xu Ming scolded directly, "Tell that Bingfeng Supreme, I will go to Ziqiong Pavilion now!"

With that said, Xu Ming took the Holy Master Jiuxiao directly and left the Mie Kong Sect.

"Too arrogant!" Sect Master Mie Kong covered his face with a sullen face, and sent a message to Bingfeng Supreme again.

Bingfeng Supreme was about to re-enter cultivation, but was interrupted again, and he couldn't help but get more angry: "What's wrong!? Could it be... That Xu Ming dared to be arrogant after hearing my name!?"

Sect Master Miekong thought for a while and said, "It's still quite arrogant!"

If Xu Ming is not arrogant, then it is impossible for the leader of Mie Kong to get another slap!

"Humph!" Bingfeng Supreme snorted coldly, "How dare you be arrogant? When I leave the customs, I will let him know the price of arrogance!"

Having said that, Bingfeng Supreme wants to cut off the communication again.

"Wait, wait!" The Sect Master of Mie Kong continued, "Xu Ming also said that he will go to Ziqiong Pavilion now and let me tell you!"

"Come to Ziqiong Pavilion?" Bingfeng Supreme sneered - he naturally didn't think that Xu Ming came to Ziqiong Pavilion to look for trouble! Even if you look at the entire eighth quadrant, I am afraid that no one dares to come to Ziqiong Pavilion to find trouble, right?

If you're not here for trouble, why are you here?

Bing Feng Supreme took it for granted that he must have come to apologize to himself!


"Heh!" Bingfeng Supreme couldn't help but smile proudly and said to himself, "What kind of thing is Xu Ming, if you want to apologize, you can come to apologize? - The peak of the second realm? Humph! Let it hang for now!"

Bingfeng Supreme did not plan to "meet" Xu Ming, and planned to close the door for Xu Ming.

Moreover, in order to prevent the retreat from being disturbed again, Bingfeng Supreme directly closed all the communication, and planned to "close up" directly!

call out! call out!

Two figures cut through the void of the holy world.

"Brother Xu Ming, are we going to...?" Holy Master Jiuxiao felt the route forward, and felt more and more that something was wrong—the direction they were going was clearly heading towards Ziqiong Pavilion!

"Are we really going to Ziqiong Pavilion to find Bingfeng Supreme?" Holy Master Jiuxiao looked extremely strange.

Where is Ziqiong Pavilion? —This is the second-ranked force among the four emperor-level forces! Who dares to provoke?

Who is Bingfeng Supreme? - He is the existence of the "Three Realms of Shackles" standing at the peak of the virtual universe!

Go to Ziqiong Pavilion to find Bingfeng Supreme, this...

"Oh, no!" Xu Ming shook his head and said, "The main purpose of my going to Ziqiong Pavilion is not to find Bingfeng Supreme!"

"Huh..." Holy Master Jiuxiao's expression softened a little - he wasn't looking for Bingfeng Supreme, then he shouldn't be looking for something! so far so good!

But then, Xu Ming said again: "My main purpose is to represent Jiuxiao Holy Land and challenge Ziqiong Pavilion!"

"Pfft!" Holy Master Jiuxiao vomited blood directly, "Brother Xu Ming, you... just the two of us, ran to the imperial power Ziqiong Pavilion and challenged them?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "Two people, it's a bit small..."

"Cough cough!" Holy Master Jiuxiao continued, "It's not a little bit, but..."

"That's it!" Xu Ming interrupted directly, "You immediately send a message to all the Supremes in the Holy Land, and ask them to rush to Ziqiong Pavilion to assemble immediately - let's kill it directly and capture Ziqiong Pavilion!"

"Pfft!" Holy Master Jiuxiao really didn't know what to say.

A Hou-level force not only wants to challenge the Emperor-level forces, but also threatens to "take it directly"...


Now Xu Ming is the absolute leader of Jiuxiao Holy Land! Unless the Holy Master Jiuxiao wants to let go of Xu Ming's thigh, he can only obey the order.

Holy Master Jiuxiao gritted his teeth and said to himself, "I really don't understand what Xu Ming is doing! However, after all, Xu Ming is the existence of the second-order peak; there must be a reason for him to do this!"

Holy Master Jiuxiao is also smart! In his opinion, the peak powerhouse of the Second Realm cannot be a fool; in this case, Xu Ming is likely to have some plan!

As for what the plan is, this is not something that Holy Master Jiuxiao can understand!

"Then go crazy!" Holy Master Jiuxiao gritted his teeth and said, "Hold Xu Ming's thigh tightly, I can get through this difficulty!"

After knowing that he was offending Bingfeng Supreme, Holy Master Jiuxiao decided to hold Xu Ming's thigh tightly! After all, if he left Xu Ming's side, he might soon be crushed to death by Bingfeng Supreme's subordinates!

Thinking of this, Holy Master Jiuxiao directly sent a message to all the Supreme Realm powerhouses in the Holy Land, ordering them to rush to Ziqiong Pavilion to assemble immediately.

The powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land were also stunned when they received this message - rushing to Ziqiong Pavilion to assemble? What is this for?

After confirming again and again, this communication was indeed sent by Holy Master Jiuxiao himself; the supreme powerhouses in the Holy Land rushed to Ziqiong Pavilion.

Jiuxiao Holy Land is much closer to Ziqiong Pavilion than Xu Ming. In addition, there is a teleportation formation to go to, so the powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land arrived before Xu Ming.

The powerhouses of one side of the Hou-level forces are almost all dispatched, and their momentum is not small! It's just that the location they arrived at was the imperial power Ziqiong Pavilion; these strong people seemed to be three or two kittens and puppies...

"What's the situation!?" The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land were actually a little confused. After all, Holy Master Jiuxiao didn't tell them what to do when they assembled here.

Some powerhouses even couldn't help but think: "Could it be that we were recruited by Ziqiong Pavilion? Are we going to merge into Ziqiong Pavilion now?"

"Incorporated into Ziqiong Pavilion? Then aren't we a member of the imperial forces? At that time, who else would dare to deceive?"

Thinking of the possibility of becoming a member of Ziqiong Pavilion, the powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land couldn't help being a little excited and looking forward to it.

"What's the situation!?" The powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion were also somewhat puzzled - they didn't know why a "group of ants" had crawled to their door.


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