Break Into Another World

Chapter 1958: we're going to play

The powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion were also somewhat puzzled - they didn't know why a "group of ants" had crawled to their door.

"These, seem to be people from Jiuxiao Holy Land?"

"Jiuxiao Holy Land, a Hou-level force, what are you doing gathered at our door?"

"Could it be that we were recruited? But...I didn't hear who was recruiting! Besides, what's the use of recruiting ordinary Supreme Beings? Divide our resources?"

"do not know what is happening…"

The powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion didn’t know what was going on, but they didn’t take it to heart—after all, in their opinion, it was only a Hou-level force, so could it be that they dared to act wild in Ziqiong Pavilion?

Even the senior members of Ziqiong Pavilion didn't even care about it.

Not long after, Xu Ming and Holy Master Jiuxiao also arrived at Ziqiong Pavilion.

"Holy Master Xu Ming!"

"Holy Master Jiuxiao!"

The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land all gathered around.

"We are...?"

"Is it going to be merged into Ziqiong Pavilion? Will it be a member of the imperial power in the future?"

"Cough, cough!" The Lord Jiuxiao coughed twice, but did not speak, but turned his eyes to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming said indifferently: "That's right! You will soon be members of the imperial forces! So I specially asked you to come over first to get acquainted with the territory!"


"Are you a member of the royal power soon?"

"Are we going to merge into Ziqiong Pavilion?"

"Holy Master Xu Ming is really a good trick! Just entered our Jiuxiao Holy Land, let us merge into Ziqiong Pavilion!"

The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land were all excited.

"Wait!" Xu Ming interrupted, "Not merged into Ziqiong Pavilion!"

"Isn't it merged into Ziqiong Pavilion?" The powerhouses were puzzled, "Then how did you become a member of the imperial power?"

"Haha!" Xu Ming suddenly laughed, "I'm going to attack Ziqiong Pavilion soon!"

what! ?

what! ?

what! ?

The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land were suddenly stunned.

Attack Zi Qiong Pavilion?

A Hou-level force, attacking an imperial-level force?

"Holy Master Xu Ming!" The strong men said in a row, "Cause comes from the mouth, this kind of joke is unacceptable!"

"Yeah! If the powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion hear about it, they will condemn us for 'disobedience'! That would be miserable!"

"Holy Master Xu Ming, stop joking! If there is nothing else, we should leave here quickly - we have stayed at the entrance of Ziqiong Pavilion for a long time, maybe others will have opinions!"

The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land said in horror.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Ming laughed. He had long expected that the powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land would have this reaction.

But what does it matter? Xu Ming didn't let them fight, but let them watch the show—they only need to be responsible for watching the show!

As for the fight... Brother Ming alone is enough!

"Holy Master Xu Ming?" The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land felt a little uneasy when they saw Xu Ming laughing suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming's laughter stopped abruptly, and he went directly to Ziqiong Pavilion, shouting loudly: "Is the pavilion master of Ziqiong Pavilion here? - I, Xu Ming, on behalf of Jiuxiao Holy Land, came to declare war on Ziqiong Pavilion! Challenge! The quota for the imperial power!"

Xu Ming's voice shook time and space, and spread loudly, instantly resounding throughout the territory of Ziqiong Pavilion.

"This..." The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land were all stunned.

They did not expect that Xu Ming actually declared war! How is this different from courting death? —And he brought the powerhouses of the entire Jiuxiao Holy Land together to court death!


The powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion were stunned after hearing Xu Ming's declaration of war! - They thought that the Holy Land of Nine Heavens might be here to defect, it might be recruited, and it might even be for tourism... But, they really didn't think about it, Holy Land of Nine Heavens came to declare war!

Hou level forces, declared war emperor level forces?

In the entire history of the eighth quadrant, I am afraid that such a bizarre thing has never happened!

Even the powerhouses of Ziqiong Pavilion couldn't believe their ears, suspecting that they had heard it wrong. After a while, they reacted.

"Declaration of war?"

"Jiuxiao Holy Land, declare war on our Ziqiong Pavilion?"

"Where did they get the courage?"

At this time, Xu Ming said loudly again: "If you don't dare to fight, then directly give up the places and territories of the emperor-level forces!"

Xu Ming's voice just fell.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

In all directions of Ziqiong Pavilion, countless tyrannical auras rose into the sky.


"Where did the dead thing come from!"

Countless tyrannical auras surrounded the powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land. Among these imposing manners, there are many who have reached the shackles realm; even, there are the imposing manners of the shackles two realms and the shackles three realms!

The powerhouses of Jiuxiao Holy Land were surrounded in an instant, and they had nowhere to escape.

"Brother Xu Ming..." Holy Master Jiuxiao looked at Xu Ming tearfully, not knowing what he would do next. If Xu Ming has no way to deal with it, then he will be dead, and the entire Jiuxiao Holy Land will be finished!

Soon, the strong men of Ziqiong Pavilion came and surrounded Xu Ming and others; it was like a group of wolves surrounding a group of little sheep.

The powerhouses of the poor Jiuxiao Holy Land were silent, not even daring to move. In their hearts, they even scolded Xu Ming directly—it would be fine if they were to die, and they would also be brought over to die.

On the Ziqiong Pavilion side, neither the pavilion owner nor the deputy pavilion owner appeared, only a "Elder Shique" who was shackled in the three realms appeared. Even, this elder Shi Que didn't want to come; after all, in his opinion, if a strong man in the three realms of shackles came out to deal with a Hou-level force, he would surrender his status.

"Tell me!" Elder Shi Que's voice was indifferent, even with a hint of impatience; as if his eyes had already determined the fate of all the powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land, "How do you want to die? ?"

Xu Ming was about to speak...

But at this moment, an ethereal voice spread across the endless void, and came: "Ziqiong Pavilion, wait! Please hold off!"

"Huh?" Elder Shi Que couldn't help but stunned - the one who transmitted the sound was an elder from Qitian Pavilion; like him, he also had the strength of the Three Realms of Shackles.

"Huh?" Xu Ming and the other powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land were also a little puzzled - they had no friendship with Qitian Pavilion, so why did the other party intervene?

At this moment, in the other direction of time and space, another voice came from the endless void: "Elder Shi Que, please give me a face, and do it later!"

"Yes! Start a little later!" This was the third voice.

Every voice came from the emperor-level forces and the powerhouses in the three realms of shackles.

Immediately afterwards, some king-level forces from the Second Realm of Shackles also came through voice transmission, and asked Elder Shi Que to wait for a while before starting.

"Are you...?" Elder Shi Que couldn't help but be a little puzzled - could it be that with so many forces, they want to protect Jiuxiao Holy Land?

However, the next voice made Elder Shi Que understand what was going on.

"Elder Shique, wait a minute, we're going to watch the show!"

"Yeah! Hou-level forces challenge emperor-level forces, such a good-looking joke has never appeared since the beginning of the world! Elder Shi Que, please hold back and don't be in a hurry, so that everyone has a chance to watch a good show!"

"Yes, yes! Such a rare show, it would be a pity to miss it!"

It turned out... the voices came from all directions, not to help Jiuxiao Holy Land, but to watch a good show.


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