Break Into Another World

Chapter 1965: The army of hundreds of millions

"Impossible?" Xu Ming was taken aback, "Why is this?"

Pavilion Master Qi Tian was a little surprised that Xu Ming would ask such a question.

"Brother Xu Ming, don't you know that it is very difficult to destroy a small universe? Destroying a small universe controlled by the Supreme is extremely difficult and extremely difficult! - And these forces that Brother Xu Ming wants to destroy are all controlled by the Supreme Supreme. With a small universe, this... can't be wiped out at all!"

"Yeah!" Another strong man also said, "Even if you pay a big price, you can destroy one or two small universes controlled by the superiors, but after all, they are only a very small number! I want to destroy the small universes controlled by the superiors on a large scale. , it's really impossible!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming was stunned, "So that's what you're talking about!"

Destroying the small universe is extremely difficult, and Xu Ming naturally does not know it!

But... don't forget, the new plug-in function "Second Day, Second Earth, Second Air" that Xu Ming has just opened is specially used for Second Small Universe!

"Don't worry, I have my own way to solve this problem you mentioned!" Xu Ming said, "As long as the army of Emperor Tingwei attacks the nests of those forces and traps them in the small universe; then, I have my own way to break the small universe. !"

"Oh?" Pavilion Master Qi Tian and other great masters were a little surprised - they couldn't think of what Xu Ming could do to destroy the small universe! After all, the small universe under the control of the superior, even if it exists at the peak of the shackles of the three realms, it is difficult to break it!

"If there are no other problems, then... go on an expedition!"

The Imperial Court represents the pinnacle of power in the entire eighth quadrant.

The Emperor Talisman represents the absolute military power of Emperor Tingwei!

With Xu Ming's order, the entire eighth quadrant of the Imperial Guards moved.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Emperor Tingwei's army of hundreds of millions directly killed the more than five trillion forces that Xu Ming said. Wherever the army passes, all the people and horses of these forces will be killed!

Through the Emperor Talisman, Xu Ming could feel the situation of the army of hundreds of millions.

"Is this the taste of absolute power?" Xu Ming couldn't help sighing.

If there is no control over Emperor Tingwei, then it will be really difficult for Xu Ming to kill the "minion forces" in the entire eighth quadrant!

Of course, Xu Ming is very clear that the reason why he can have "absolute power" is because he has absolute strength - "absolute strength" that makes the four emperor-level forces have to bow their heads!


Only strength is the last word!

When he goes to other quadrants, Xu Ming will use his "absolute strength" to seize the "absolute power" of those quadrants!

"When I remove all the 'minion forces' of the eight elephants, it will be much easier for Han Mo to deal with the pursuit of the enemy, right?" Xu Ming secretly said.


At the beginning, Gu Hanmo asked Xu Ming to help remove some "minion forces", just to give Xu Ming a goal to strive for; he did not expect Xu Ming to be able to help in any substantial way.

Gu Hanmo would never have imagined that Xu Ming was about to wipe out the "minion forces" of the entire eighth quadrant! Moreover, in the near future, the "minion forces" of the other seven elephants will be wiped out!

At that time, the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe will be Gu Hanmo's absolute safe zone!

In this absolute safe zone, Xu Ming will not let Gu Hanmo suffer any harm - even if he is standing at the top of the real universe, he will never hurt Gu Hanmo!

In the virtual universe, Xu Ming has the final say!

"It's coming! It's coming!" Xu Ming already had a premonition that he was not far from the limit of the Eight Great Era of Dominating the Void Universe!


Heart and soul religion.

"Hahahaha..." The leader of the heart bone is very proud, "The forces under me have infiltrated every virtual universe! It's only a matter of time until all the targets are discovered! Hahahaha..."

The goal in the mouth of the leader of the heart bone naturally refers to the incarnation of Gu Hanmo!

Although, once Gu Hanmo's incarnation is discovered, it will immediately self-annihilate without leaving a trace; however, the more incarnations are discovered, the more disadvantageous it will be to Gu Hanmo!

Even if these minions have penetrated widely and deeply enough, then Gu Hanmo's incarnation may have nowhere to hide! At that time, it would be really dangerous for Gu Hanmo!

"When this is done, I will go to the real universe in the future, and I will definitely be rewarded!" The leader of the heart bone thought happily.

And just then...

Suddenly, a superior supreme powerhouse reported: "Cult Master, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?" The Heart-Bone Sect Master was displeased, "What's going on in a panic!?"

"We...we are surrounded by the Imperial Guard!"

"What!?" The leader of the heart bone suddenly stood up, "Di Tingwei? We and Emperor Tingwei have never had any grievances or enmity. Why did they surround us?"


The Sect Master of Heart Bone hurriedly rushed out.

Sure enough, the several virtual universes controlled by the Divine Cult of the Heart and Bone had already been surrounded by the army of Emperor Tingwei! Moreover, the leader of the heart bone just got the news that the people he arranged to infiltrate the various virtual universes also suffered heavy losses and were almost What happened? "

The Sect Master of Heart Bone held back his anger and asked repeatedly: "Everyone of the Imperial Guards, our Sect of Heart Bone Sect, it seems that we have never offended anyone!?"

The Imperial Guard general said: "No offense!"

"Since that's the case, why do you, Emperor Tingwei, want to..." The leader of the heart bone asked again.

"We're just acting on orders!" After the general of Emperor Tingwei finished speaking, he didn't say any more.

Act as ordered...

The Heart Bone Sect Master gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do—after all, although their Heart Bone Sect was the roost, in front of Di Tingwei, they were nothing!

"Humph!" The leader of the heart bone snorted heavily, "You Emperor Tingwei are bullying others, and I can't do anything about it! But... We are hiding in the small universe now, do you dare to come in?"

Similar things happen in many places in the eighth quadrant.

What kind of power is Emperor Tingwei?

This is the army formed by all the top forces in the eighth quadrant! As soon as Emperor Tingwei came out, no force could stop him.

The periphery of Fang Fang's minions was almost completely leveled and erased by the Imperial Guard.

The army of Emperor Tingwei went directly to the nest of these minions!

Xu Ming held the Emperor Talisman and watched the results of the various parties.

"Come soon!" Xu Ming looked at the reports from all parties, "When all the armies have arrived at the lair of these minions, then open the time and space passages of hundreds of millions of roads; then I will clone hundreds of millions, and go to various places at the same time to tear them down. Their small universe, step down all the minions and forces!"


A strange wave of will suddenly came from the depths of the endless and deep void, and came to the imperial court - this is a will from the true universe.


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