Break Into Another World

Chapter 1966: Heavenly Sovereign Comes


The will from the real universe descended on the imperial court and quickly condensed into a figure.

This is a slightly vicissitudes of life middle-aged man.

His aura was incomparably detached, incompatible with the time and space of the heaven and earth in the holy world; his body was surging with an incomparably powerful aura.

However, at this time, the middle-aged man who came from the real universe couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "It's really weak! - There are too many restrictions in the virtual universe, and my power can't really come here; otherwise, even if I It's just that the will comes, and the strength is definitely far beyond the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles!"


Flip your hands.

In the hands of the middle-aged man, an emperor talisman appeared, and the message said: "Come to the time and space round table to discuss matters!"

Only four people received this communication—that is, Xu Ming, who held the Emperor Talisman, and the other four.

"Huh? This is..." Pavilion Master Qi Tian couldn't help but stunned slightly when he received the message, "The Supreme Being of Xunjian Tian has actually arrived!"

Xunjian Tian Supreme, even in the real universe, is a super strong man who is proud of himself! The fifth emperor talisman in the eighth quadrant is controlled by him!

"The inspection tour is here?" Pavilion Master Ziqiong said with a smile; now, he has no Emperor Talisman in his hand, but he has not received a communication from the Xunjian Tianzun, "But... we have made such a big noise in the eighth quadrant. Come, the inspection tour should indeed come!"

"Let's go!" said the leaders of the other two emperor-level forces, "It's too late, this Heavenly Sovereign should have an opinion!"

"Heavenly Sovereign, so what?" Pavilion Master Qi Tian was very calm, "He is nothing more than living in the real universe, so he can cultivate to Heavenly Sovereign! If he is in the virtual universe, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to even reach our current height!"

Pavilion Master Qi Tian and other powerhouses at the peak of the Three Realms are still very proud! After all, what they represent is the pinnacle of the virtual universe!

And the Xunjian Tianzun who has just arrived, although he is a "Heavenly Supreme" cultivation base, his strength is several levels stronger than Qitian Pavilion Master and others; however, he is just an ordinary Tianzun, and he does not represent the "real cosmos". peak"!

It is precisely because of this that Pavilion Master Qitian and the others are actually proud of themselves when they face the Supreme Being of the Heavenly Inspector—this is the pride of standing at the peak!

"Let's go!" Qitian Pavilion Master said lightly, "Since he has come, we still have to give him a little face! But... there is no need to give too much face! After all, in the virtual universe, we still have the final say. It's not even his turn for an ordinary Heavenly Sovereign to point fingers!"

At the round table of time and space, which symbolizes the highest power in the eighth quadrant, this time, all five seats are full.

" Xu Ming

"That's right!" Xu Ming said lightly, and at the same time he was observing the Tian Jian Zhi Zun - even in the real universe, Tian Zhi Zun was standing at the top! It's just that in the virtual universe, the strength of Xunjiantian Supreme has also been suppressed to the "absolute limit" of the virtual universe.

"Humph!" Xunjian Tianzhi snorted respectfully, "Xu Ming, you are so courageous! To mobilize Emperor Tingwei on such a large scale can almost shuffle the power structure of the eighth quadrant! - Such a big deal! Things, even without my consent!"

"With your consent?" Xu Ming couldn't help sneering, "To mobilize all the imperial guards, you only need three pieces of emperor talismans to agree! Now, all the four pieces of emperor talismans in the hands of our four emperor-level forces agree, why do we still need them? ask for your opinion?"

"All four Emperor Talismans agree?" Xunjiantian Supreme couldn't help but look at the three of Qitian Pavilion Master, and his expressions were a little dissatisfied.

Pavilion Master Qi Tian and other three great masters remained silent, apparently not intending to explain anything to Supreme Xunjiantian.

"Humph!" Xunjiantian Supreme snorted again. However, he is also self-aware, knowing that this is a virtual universe, even if the three of Qi Tian Pavilion do not give him face, he has nothing to do.

"Forget what happened before!" Xun Jiantian said solemnly, "Now, I order all Imperial Guards to withdraw immediately!"


"Xunjian Tian Supreme!" The pavilion master Qi Tian couldn't help but speak, "In the eighth quadrant, which force is to be prospered and which force is to be destroyed, this seems to be a matter of our virtual universe; It doesn't seem right to meddle in the affairs of our virtual universe?"

The real universe and the virtual universe have always been clearly distinguished.

The real universe has the rules and forces of the real universe, and the virtual universe also has the rules and forces of the virtual universe, and the two sides do not interfere with each other.

But now, Xunjiantian Supreme is obviously a gesture of forcibly intervening, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of Qitian Pavilion Master and others.

"This time is different!" Xun Jiantian said coldly, "I don't care if you send troops to exterminate other forces; but this time, I can't care about the forces you exterminate!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming heard something famous, "What's the difference?"

"This is not something you are qualified to know!" Xunjiantian Supreme sneered, "Okay, you immediately order the Imperial Guard to withdraw troops immediately!"

Order to withdraw?

The leaders of the three emperor-level forces, including Pavilion Master Qi Tian, ​​did not speak, but in a tacit understanding, their gazes fell on Xu Ming. UU Reading Obviously, they want to see Xu Ming's attitude before deciding how to express it.

"Ha!" Xu Ming laughed directly.

"What are you laughing at?" Xun Jiantian's face sank.

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again!" Xu Ming joked.

"You..." Xun Jian Tian Zhizun saw Xu Ming's provocation, but still said, "I said... let you all immediately order the Imperial Guard to withdraw troops immediately! Listen clearly..."


Before Xun Jiantian could finish his words, a slap appeared directly on his face.




Pavilion Master Qi Tian and the other three were a little dazed—this is a roundtable meeting that symbolizes the highest power in the eighth quadrant! The people here are all real boss-level people. How to say it and start it directly?

This is too incompetent, isn't it?

"You..." Xun Jian Tian Zhizun did not expect that he would be slapped at the round table meeting when he descended into the virtual universe, "You dare to beat me!?"


Xu Ming said nothing, and slapped again.

"Brother Xu Ming..." At this moment, Pavilion Master Qi Tian couldn't sit still, "Is this not a good idea?"

After all, it's one thing not to give Xunjiantian's face, but it's another thing to slap him directly - this is the rhythm of directly tearing the face of the real universe!

Xu Ming said confidently: "What's not so good? - When will it be the turn of a person from the real universe to tell us about the virtual universe! I think it's better to just grab the emperor talisman from his hand, so as not to avoid it. He will point fingers later!"

"Haha... Good! Good!" Xun Jiantian laughed in anger, "Want to take the Emperor Talisman from my hand? I want to see if you have the ability!"


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