Break Into Another World

Chapter 1968: 3 Great Masters

Eighth quadrant.

Billions of "days".

Hundreds of millions of Xu Ming's clones face countless small universes of "minion forces".


At this moment, hundreds of millions of Xu Ming raised their hands at the same time.

"Second days, seconds, seconds of air" hang open!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Hundreds of millions of Xu Ming shot at the same time, a seemingly random strike without much power. But the mystery contained in it even ignores the rules of the universe!

These attacks fell directly on the small universes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The almost indestructible little universe suddenly burst like a balloon punctured by a needle.



The Imperial Guard army was shocked.

You must know that even if the peak powerhouse of the three realms of shackles takes action in person, it will take a lot of effort to destroy a small universe controlled by the supreme supreme. And what about Xu Ming? It's just a clone shot, just an understatement and a random blow, and it directly destroys the small universes.

"Okay! The small universe has been destroyed, and the rest will be left to you!" Xu Ming said, the time limit for his billions of clones had also arrived, and they all dissipated.

As for the "remainders" of exterminating those minions - without the protection of the small universe, it would be easy for the Imperial Guard army to exterminate these minions, and Xu Ming would not have to worry about it at all!

"Quadrant 8, leveled!"

Since then, in the eighth quadrant, there will be no minions that can threaten Gu Hanmo's billions of incarnations.

At the same time, the clones that besieged Xunjiantian Supreme also dissipated.

"Do you still want to fight?" Xu Ming asked with a sneer.

"Xu Ming..." Xunjian Tian Zhizun naturally knows that the boat is done, and the minions he wants to protect have been wiped out by Xu Ming; it is meaningless for him to stay in the virtual universe, "Xu Ming, do you know, What kind of existence have you offended?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming said with a disdainful smile, "Tell me, who am I offending!"

Xu Ming was also very curious about Gu Hanmo's enemies - all he knew was that Gu Hanmo and her enemies were the most prominent beings in the entire universe; however, Xu Ming didn't know who Gu Hanmo's enemies were.

"You..." Xunjian Tian Zhizun was about to speak, when he suddenly thought of something, but didn't dare to say it, "Humph! Are you qualified to know the names and taboos of those great beings?"

With that said, the figure of Xunjian Tian Supreme began to dissipate directly. Obviously, he didn't want to continue to stay in the virtual universe; after all, it was pointless to stay, and he might be ravaged by Xu Ming.

Moreover, Xunjiantian Supreme has to rush to report to those great beings what happened in the eighth quadrant.

After Xunjian Tian Zhizun left...

"Brother Xu Ming, I admire it!"

Pavilion Master Qi Tian and several other peak powerhouses in the Three Realms of Fetters came together.

"Brother Xu Ming's method is truly invincible in the virtual universe!"

"In this eighth quadrant, no matter who you offend, you can't offend Brother Xu Ming!"

On strength...

Xu Ming, Pavilion Master Qitian, Pavilion Master Ziqiong and several others who have touched the "absolute boundary" can be said to be invincible in the virtual universe; after all, in the virtual universe, nothing can kill them!

However, in terms of terrifying level... Xu Ming is definitely much more terrifying than these shackles at the peak of the Three Realms! After all, the number of Xu Ming's clones is too terrifying! Moreover, Xu Ming can easily destroy the small universe! Pavilion Master Qitian, Pavilion Master Ziqiong and others are significantly worse than Xu Ming in terms of destructive power!

"Brother Xu Ming's record is enough to be the number one powerhouse and the number one killer in the eighth quadrant!" Pavilion Master Qi Tian said with a smile.

Xu Ming just responded casually twice and didn't say much; he thought about it in his heart, and then went to the other quadrants after he settled down a little bit on the situation in the eighth quadrant! After all... Xu Ming's goal is not only to conquer the eighth quadrant, but to conquer all of the eight quadrants!

"Leave a few spatial coordinates here first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In this way, even if the abyss battlefield is closed in the future, Xu Ming can still come to the eighth quadrant; otherwise, Xu Ming may not be able to come to the eighth quadrant in the future!

real universe.

There is only one continent.

This continent is endlessly vast. The rules of the universe on the mainland are even more magical and domineering.

Three Realms Mountain.

One of the top forces in the true universe.

In the Three Realms Mountain, there are a lot of powerhouses even at the Heavenly Supreme level! And Xunjian Tian Zhizun is a strong person in Sanjie Mountain.


Suddenly, Xunjiantian Supreme rushed out of his residence, his body was full of murderous energy - he never thought that one day he would be ravaged in the virtual universe!

call out-

Xunjian Tian Zhizun did not stay, and flew directly towards the peak of Sanjie Mountain—there is the residence of the owner of Sanjie Mountain! That is an existence... who has touched the "absolute limit of the true universe"!

Touching the absolute boundaries of the real universe means...really invincible to the real universe and the virtual universe!

Is the existence of the entire universe standing at the highest peak!

Someone like Gu Hanmo is at this level!


Even the rules of the universe's operation, when faced with this level of power, will retreat to a certain extent! For example, the power of this level can freely travel the long river of time, travel through the past and the future!

And their cultivation level, although it is also at the "Heavenly Supreme" level; however, there is a title that belongs to them alone - Da Zun!

"I must report what happened in the eighth quadrant to the Great Senior as soon as possible!" Supreme Xunjian Tian flew with all his strength. However, the time and space around him seemed to be severely suppressed, and an inch of space seemed to be bigger than a small universe!

In such a compressed and distorted space, Xunjian Tianzun couldn't fly fast at Finally, Xunjian Tianzun came to the top of Sanjie Mountain.

The snow on the top of the mountain is melting.

In front of a courtyard as simple as a mortal's courtyard, a Taoist boy was standing still with his eyes closed and his hands lowered.

Xunjian Tian Zhizun knows that although this Dao boy is not good-looking, his strength is not inferior to him at all, and even slightly stronger than him! And... this Taoist boy is not a real cultivator, but a puppet made by the Great Master!

"Xunjian, what's the matter?" Daotong asked lightly when he saw the Xunjian Heavenly Sovereign.

"I have an urgent matter, and I have to report to the Great Venerable!" Xunjian Tian Zhizun continued.

"The Great Senior is not here now!" Daotong said lightly, "He went to travel in the long river of time, and I don't know whether he is in the past or in the future..."

"This..." Xunjian Tian Zhizun continued, "It's really urgent! Is there a way to contact the Great Senior?"

"Contact, of course there is a way to get in touch!" Daotong's tone was still flat, "However, in the eyes of the Great Senior, I am afraid it is not a matter of urgency! You should wait, and wait for the Great Senior to change from time to time. Come back from the trip!"


Xunjian Tian Zhizun wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by the Taoist boy: "Go! I will let you know when the Great Zun returns!"

"Then... Okay!" The Supreme Being of Xunjian Tian was about to leave.

But at this moment, the void above the Three Realms Mountain suddenly became chaotic.

Whoa! Whoa! …

The phantom of a long river appeared without warning.

"It's the real river of time!" Xunjiantian Supreme was startled.

In the real river of time, an incomparably stalwart and ethereal figure is stepping on the waves; it is the owner of the Three Realms Mountain - the Great Master of the Three Realms!

A great being who stands at the top of the universe and overlooks the entire universe!


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