Break Into Another World

Chapter 1969: ask for something

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"Great Master!" The Supreme Being of the Heavenly Inspector hurriedly bowed.

The figure of the Great Reverence of the Three Realms stepped out from the long river of time, as if stepping from illusory to reality.

"Xuanjian, what happened?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms frowned slightly and said indifferently, "I was traveling in the long river of time, and suddenly noticed that a strong causal fluctuation occurred in the eighth quadrant... What happened in the eighth quadrant? "

"Reporting to the Great Venerable, something has happened!" Xun Jiantian said, "Almost all the forces you deployed in the eighth quadrant have been uprooted!"

"What!?" The face of the Great Senior of the Three Realms changed suddenly, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"It happened so suddenly, I didn't even have time to stop it!"

"Humph!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms snorted lightly, his eyes penetrating endless time and space, looking towards the eighth quadrant.

"Dare to move the forces I've worked so hard to arrange... I want to see who it is!"

It is not easy to spread the power in the entire eighth quadrant!

At the beginning, Gu Hanmo's incarnation was hundreds of millions, distributed in the eight quadrants of the real universe and the virtual universe; and the Great Master of the Three Realms was responsible for encircling Gu Hanmo's incarnation in the eighth quadrant. To this end... The Great Senior of the Three Realms directly went against the river of time, and went back several epochs to cultivate a batch of "seeds". It took several epochs to develop these seeds, which are the minions that are now besieging Gu Hanmo.

In other words, these minion forces, which seem to appear suddenly, have actually been cultivated for several epochs.

But now, they have all been uprooted.

The more the Great Senior of the Three Realms thinks about it, the more angry he becomes—you must know that he must pay a price for going against the flow of time and tampering with the past! He is a dignified and respected person, and the power he cultivated at all costs was uprooted, can he not be angry?


Wherever the Great Venerable of the Three Realms looked, the pictures he saw flowed against the flow of time.

Soon, his eyes were fixed, and he saw Xu Ming in control of the Emperor Fu and Emperor Tingwei; he saw the hundreds of millions of Emperor Tingwei's army conquer the Quartet and wipe out the forces he cultivated; Destroyed countless small universes...

"This method..." The Great Senior of the Three Realms was astonished—with his eyesight, he couldn't even see through what method Xu Ming used, and he destroyed the small universe so easily.

"Who is this person!?" The eyes of the Great Senior of the Three Realms, traversing endless time and space, stared at Xu Ming, "He definitely came for me! Could it be... a strong man trained by Gu Hanmo?"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms can cultivate hundreds of millions of forces in the virtual universe, so naturally Gu Hanmo can also.

"Let me go back in time and take a look at his origins!"

However, the Great Senior of the Three Realms didn't go back very far before he lost Xu Ming's trace.

"Huh?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms was startled, "This Xu Ming is not a person in the eighth quadrant? Then...he is a powerhouse in the other quadrants, and entered the eighth quadrant from the abyss battlefield!"

The eight major boundaries of the virtual universe were originally unable to communicate with each other. Until... the fallen devil opened up the abyss battlefield.

The abyss battlefield is the only passage between the eight elephants.

However, only the existences below the Supreme Realm can enter the abyss battlefield; those who reach the Supreme Realm cannot enter the abyss battlefield, nor can they go to the abnormal quadrant.

"Damn! The abyss battlefield is the site of the fallen devil, even me, I can't spy on the situation in the abyss battlefield!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms couldn't help frowning.

The fallen demon master is also an existence at the level of "great respect"!

Moreover, the Fallen Demon Lord is different from other Great Venerables - he is the only Great Venerable who has completely sunk into the virtual universe!

Other Great Venerables, such as the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, such as Gu Hanmo, sometimes enter the virtual universe, but their foundation is still in the real universe. The fallen devil, however, directly collided with the will of the universe, and has been rejected by the will of the universe since then, and can no longer enter the real universe.

Of course, at the same time, as the only great master in the virtual universe, the fallen demon master is also the absolute overlord of the eight great boundaries of the virtual universe!

For example, now, the peeping of the Great Senior of the Three Realms cannot penetrate into the abyss battlefield, and it is impossible to continue to track Xu Ming's origin!


The Great Senior of the Three Realms retracted his gaze and fell into contemplation.

"Your Majesty?" Supreme Xunjian asked cautiously, "Look... can you go against the river of time and travel back to Xu Ming before he mobilized Emperor Tingwei to stop his actions?"

"Ignorance!" The Great Venerable of the Three Realms reprimanded, "Do you think there is no need to pay for tampering with the past? What's more..."

There are still a few words left by the Great Master of the Three Realms - what's more, Xu Ming has destroyed hundreds of millions of small universes this time, and the impact on the virtual universe is too great! To tamper with the past on such a large scale, even the Great Senior of the Three Realms cannot resist the backlash of time!

"You step back! I will handle this matter!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms said lightly.

Immediately, the Great Venerable of the Three Realms cast his gaze in another direction—that is a mysterious time and space, and it is also the intersection of the real universe and the virtual universe. There, reality is twisted into nothingness, and nothingness is twisted into reality.

"Would you like to see the Fallen Demon Lord?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms hesitated.

Mysterious time and space.

Where the real and the unreal meet.

Interchanges like this there are eight in the entire universe—one of the eight big quanta.

And the fallen devil is just at the intersection of the eighth quadrant of the true universe and the virtual universe at this time.

"This Xu Ming... is really amazing!" Ever since he discovered Xu Ming, the fallen demon master has paid more attention to Xu Ming. The more he paid attention, the more frightened he became.

"Originally, I thought Xu Ming got the inheritance of a certain Heavenly Sovereign, or it was directly the reincarnation of Heavenly Sovereign... Now it seems that it is far from that simple!"

However, although the fallen devil is curious, he did not intend to spy too much! Because he knows - knowing too much is not a good thing!

"Also...Xu Ming is from the second quadrant. It seems that he has a close relationship with Gu Hanmo!" The Fallen Demon Lord secretly said, "However, Xu Ming may be even more terrifying than Gu Hanmo, and he may even see the end of the universe in the future. Mystery! Once you get a glimpse of the ultimate mystery of the universe and take the step that every Great Venerable wants to take, then it's really..."

"Huh?" At this moment, the Fallen Demon Lord suddenly frowned slightly and turned his eyes to the direction of the real universe.

"Hahahaha... The Fallen Demon Lord!" The voice of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms came from a mighty voice, "It's rare for an old friend to visit, so don't you welcome it?"

"The Great Master of the Three Realms!" The fallen demon master stood up to greet him, "Your Three Realms Mountain, which gathers the great fortune of the universe, is a rare treasure in the entire universe! You don't stay at the Three Realms Mountain, why did you come to my backcountry instead? "

The Fallen Demon Lord and the Great Venerable of the Three Realms are actually not a friendship.

However, in the entire universe, there are only a handful of existences that have reached the level of "Great Venerable". Even if there is no friendship, there is always a bit of intersection.

"Haha!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms said straight to the point: "I have something to ask you for!"

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