Break Into Another World

Chapter 1970: 1st grade 2nd grade

"I have something to ask of you!"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms laughed.

The fallen demon master also smiled: "Three Realms Great Venerable, with your strength and status, is there anything else you need to ask me?"

"It's really something!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms laughed, "Help me deal with someone!"

"If you're dealing with Gu Hanmo, then you don't have to speak!" The Fallen Demon Lord smiled, "I just want to live a peaceful and stable life, and I don't want to get involved in the grievances between you."

The Fallen Demon Lord undoubtedly possesses absolute power in the virtual universe! If he wanted to deal with Gu Hanmo, it would not be difficult to find out Gu Hanmo's billions of incarnations in the virtual universe.

Therefore, it is fortunate that the fallen demon master did not fall into the trap; otherwise, Gu Hanmo's situation would definitely be much more difficult than it is now!

Of course, the fallen demon master didn't dare to fall into the trap casually. After all, no one knows if Gu Hanmo still has any trump cards; if Gu Hanmo is really irritated, it may not be impossible to drag a Great Senior to his death!

"Don't worry, it's not against Gu Hanmo!" said the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

"Oh?" The Fallen Demon Lord jokingly said, "Isn't it against Gu Hanmo? Then who else, the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, can't deal with?"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms spit out two words: "Xu Ming! - I also hope that the fallen devil will help to get rid of him, I must be very grateful!"

"Haha!" The Fallen Demon Lord laughed, "I know Xu Ming! It's better to thank him, I don't want to worry about it!"

The Fallen Demon Lord refused directly.

After all, at the level of the fallen demon master, the so-called heavy gratitude is just an external thing, and there is no temptation for him. Moreover, the fallen devil is still very optimistic about Xu Ming, and naturally he is not willing to kill Xu Ming.

"Sinking Demon Lord?" The face of the Great Senior of the Three Realms became a little gloomy, "You don't even want to give me this face?"

"I just don't want to intervene in this matter! Please don't embarrass me!" The Fallen Demon Lord said lightly—he really didn't need to give the Three Realms so much face. After all, he is the only great master of the virtual universe; it is impossible for those great masters of the real universe to pay a high price and go to the virtual universe to beat him.

Xu Ming naturally didn't know that he had already attracted the attention of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms. Moreover, the Great Senior of the Three Realms even found the fallen devil to deal with him, but fortunately the fallen devil did not agree.

At this time, Xu Ming was about to leave the eighth quadrant—he came to the eighth quadrant just to exterminate the minions; now that the minions had been exterminated, it would be meaningless for him to stay here.

Of course, before leaving, Xu Ming had already recorded the spatial coordinates of the eighth quadrant. Even if you leave, if you want to go back to the eighth quadrant in the future, you can come back at any time.

"Holy Master Jiuxiao!" Xu Ming looked at Holy Master Jiuxiao and said, "I'm leaving the holy world! Now, the Holy Land of Jiuxiao is an emperor-level force, so I'll leave it to you to take care of it!"

"Pfft!" Holy Master Jiuxiao vomited blood directly - he managed a Hou-level force, and was almost wiped out; now let him take care of the Emperor-level force?

Without Xu Ming, how could Jiuxiao Holy Land dare to dominate the position of emperor-level power!

"Haha!" At this moment, a hearty laughter came in, it was Pavilion Master Ziqiong.

"Jiu Xiao!" The master of Ziqiong Pavilion laughed, "Brother Xu Ming has already talked to me. From now on, your Jiuxiao Holy Land will be merged into my Ziqiong Pavilion and become a branch of my Ziqiong Pavilion!"

"My Emperor Talisman has also been returned to Pavilion Master Ziqiong!" Xu Ming smiled, "As for the grievance between you and Bingfeng Supreme, it will be written off from now on!"

"Thank you, Brother Xu Ming!" Holy Master Jiuxiao really let out a long sigh of relief.

If Xu Ming left without arranging this, then Holy Master Jiuxiao would really want to cry without tears!

After Xu Ming left the holy realm, a piece of news came to the holy realm—Xu Ming, a powerhouse in the visionary quadrant!

"Abnormal quadrant powerhouse?"

"How is that possible? How can a powerhouse in the abnormal quadrant come to our eighth quadrant!?"

The news spread, and the entire holy world was shocked.

"There is no communication channel between the eight quadrants of the virtual universe! How could Xu Ming kill him from the abnormal quadrant?"

"Who said there is no connected channel? There is one - abyss battlefield!"

"That's right! Xu Ming was killed from the abyss battlefield!"


"Killed from the abyss battlefield? Could it be that... Xu Ming's cultivation level is not even a supreme, but only a half?"

The top powerhouses in the eighth quadrant fell into a long silence.


How can the powerhouses in the eighth quadrant think that Xu Ming's cultivation level has not even reached the domain master realm, but is only in the nirvana realm!

Xu Ming returned to the sinking abyss of the eighth quadrant, causing another shock.

However, Xu Ming had ravaged the Supreme Being, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the shock of these ants in the sinking abyss; he passed by indifferently and returned to the abyss battlefield. Then, he plunged into the gate of the abyss in other abnormal quadrants!

Now that the eighth quadrant has been conquered, the next goal is the seventh quadrant!

"Send me directly to the holy world in the seventh quadrant!" Xu Ming said to the messenger of sinking with a smile.

As the saying goes, once is born and twice is cooked.

After gaining the experience in the eighth quadrant, Xu Ming seemed to be familiar with it, and went straight to the holy world in the seventh quadrant.

Seventh quadrant.

Edge of the Holy Realm.

A female cultivator in the domain master realm was looking at a world master male cultivator with admiration on her face.

The world master male Xiu is pointing at Jiangshan: "Our Tianlong Sect is one of the best forces in the entire Sacred Realm! I have a considerable position in the Sect! No one will dare to deceive you!"

"Mmmm!" The domain master female cultivator nodded her eyes again and again.

At this moment, Xu Ming's figure appeared at an unknown time.

"Hey, two, let me ask!" Xu Ming asked directly, "Which are the top five forces in this holy world?"

In Xu Ming's voice, there was a hint of willpower. How could the weak World Lord be able to resist Xu Ming's willpower? Subconsciously, he said honestly: "The top five forces are the 'One Emperor and Four Sovereigns' five forces, and they are the Xuyanzong..."

The power structure of the eighth quadrant is very similar to the seventh quadrant; it is also an emperor-level force and four emperor-level forces!

However, the world master male cultivator mentioned the five forces without mentioning the "Dragon Sect". Obviously, Tianlongzong is not one of the best forces in the holy world, and it is not even a name at all; it is just that this world master deliberately said this in front of the female cultivator in order to pretend to be X.

The female cultivator of the domain master also discovered this situation: "Didn't you just say that the Heavenly Dragon Sect is one of the best forces? Why is there no Heavenly Dragon Sect among the top five forces?"

"Well..." The world master male cultivator thought for a while and said, "Our Tianlong Sect just happens to be ranked sixth!"...

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