Break Into Another World

Chapter 1971: Go straight

False Yanzong.

One of the four emperor-level forces in the seventh quadrant.

Xu Ming ran to Xu Yanzong, and without saying a word, directly opened the "infinite avatar" hanging.

The avatar keeps splitting!

Ten clones, twenty clones, forty clones...

Soon, the number of Xu Ming's clones reached tens of thousands.

"what's going on!?"

The powerhouses of Xu Yanzong are all dumbfounded - they have never seen, which powerhouse can have so many clones.

"What is this man doing?"

"I do not know…"

"It looks like it's provoking our Xu Yanzong?"


Xu Ming is provoking Xu Yanzong!

To be precise... not just "provocation", but to directly attack Xu Yanzong!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

When the number of Xu Ming's clones exceeds "100,000"! Xu Ming's 100,000 clones simultaneously launched an attack on Xu Yanzong's guardian formation!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

How tyrannical is the attack of more than 100,000 shackles at the second realm level! ?

Immediately, the entire Xuyanzong's guardian formation was shattered and in jeopardy!

The high-levels of Xu Yanzong were all alarmed, and one after another, the strong people in the shackles were killed one after another.

Sect Master Xuyan even glared at Xu Ming: "What do you mean by that, Your Excellency!?"

Xu Ming did not answer, but continued to split his clones while bombarding the formation. After a while, the number of Xu Ming's clones reached one million!

boom! !

The great formation of Xu Yanzong was finally unable to support it under the indiscriminate bombardment of Xu Ming, and it shattered directly.

Without the protection of the formation, suddenly, the powerhouses of Xu Yanzong shivered like little lambs that were stripped naked, surrounded by Xu Ming's million clones.


Just when Xu Yanzong thought that a catastrophe was imminent, Xu Ming finally said: "Xu Yan Sect Master, I have no malice here, I just want to use the 'Heavenly Dao Order' to use it!"

The only emperor-level force in the seventh quadrant is called "Tiandao Pavilion"; it is similar to the "Emperor Court" in the eighth quadrant.

And if you want to mobilize the "Heavenly Dao Guard" on a large scale, you must hold the "Heavenly Dao Order" - Xu Ming attacked the Xuyanzong, just for the Tiandao order!

Moreover, Xu Yanzong is only Xu Ming's first target; next, Xu Ming will attack two more emperor-level forces, so that Xu Ming can control the three Heavenly Dao Orders and directly control the entire Heavenly Dao Guard!

"You don't mean malicious!?" After hearing Xu Ming's words, Sect Master Xuyan almost vomited blood with anger - first, he forced the demolition of the Protector Sect Great Array, and then asked for Heaven's Dao Order... If this is not malicious, then what is it? Malicious?

"You can choose to refuse!" Xu Ming looked at Sect Master Xu Yan, and continued to say indifferently, "With your strength at the peak of the three realms, I really can't kill you; looking at the virtual universe, I am afraid no one can kill you! But... Xu Yanzong, I am afraid it will be erased from the history of the seventh quadrant!"

Xu Ming is clearly a threat! The threat of red fruit!

After having the experience in the eighth quadrant, Xu Ming came to the seventh quadrant without ink at all; he even omitted all the "foreplay" and went straight to the theme - the order of heaven!

Xu Ming wanted to get three Heavenly Dao Orders as quickly as possible, and then directly mobilize the Heavenly Dao Guard!

As for whether this will be too simple and rude...

Excuse me!

Brother Ming is so simple and rude!

"Have you figured it out?" Xu Ming looked at Sect Master Xuyan and asked jokingly.

The face of Sect Master Xuyan changed a few times, and when he turned his hand, a heavenly order appeared: "Humph! Tiandao order, if you want it, take it!"

The Xuyan Sect Master quickly made his choice - the Xuyanzong is his own power, and the Tiandaowei is public; in this case, of course, he chose the Xuyanzong and gave up the Tiandaowei without hesitation!

"Haha! Thank you!" Xu Ming took the order of Heaven and went straight to the next "theme"!

"Dare to ask your honorable name!?" Sect Master Xu Yan asked - he just remembered that he was "strong" by Xu Ming, but he didn't even know what Xu Ming's name was!

However, at this time, Xu Ming had already gone far, and no one answered the question of Sect Master Xuyan.

Not long after, Xu Ming appeared in the second emperor-level force - the Immortal Palace!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming also did not say a word, he directly opened the "infinite clone", and then directly began to bombard the palace guard formation of the Immortal Palace.

However, the Immortal Palace is obviously more well-informed, and has heard what happened in the Xuyanzong. When the Immortal Palace Master saw Xu Ming coming to attack, he handed over the "Heavenly Dao Order" without hesitation.

"Uh... so active?" Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little surprised - you just took it before I even asked for it?

However, now that the Heavenly Dao Order has been obtained, Xu Ming is naturally not good to continue to bully others, so he just ran to the next "theme".

"Huh... Fortunately, I reacted fast enough! Otherwise, if the guardian formation is broken like Xu Yanzong, the loss will be huge!" The Immortal Palace Master secretly proudly said.

At the same time, the Immortal Palace Master, like Sect Master Xuyan, was curious - Xu Ming took the Heavenly Dao Order, what did he want to do?

When Xu Ming appeared in the third emperor-level force, the "Wan Demon Sect", the leader of the Wan Demon Sect was already waiting at the door.

"Brother Xu Ming!" The Master of Ten Thousand Demons laughed, "I've been waiting here for a long time!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled slightly, "I never mentioned my name, how did you know?"

The Master of Ten Thousand Demons smiled and said, "Brother Xu Ming's name has been passed on from the eighth quadrant to this place!"

Between the top-level forces in the abnormal quadrant, there are naturally channels for communication. Xu Ming made such a big noise in the eighth quadrant, and now it has spread to the seventh quadrant, which is already slow!

"So that's the case..." Xu Ming was stunned, "Then why I'm here, do you know?"

"I know! I know!" The Master of Ten Thousand Demons This is the order of heaven, and I ask Brother Xu Ming to accept it with a smile! "

These controllers in the seventh quadrant have the same attitude as the powerhouses in the eighth quadrant - let Xu Ming make a fuss! Anyway, the minions that Xu Ming destroyed had nothing to do with them!

"Haha!" Xu Ming took the Heavenly Dao Order with a smile - these three Heavenly Dao Orders were really smooth! With three Heavenly Dao Orders, Xu Ming can control the entire Heavenly Dao Guard!

But at this moment, another figure shot up and shouted, "Brother Xu Ming!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help looking at the figure with some doubts.

The Master of Ten Thousand Demons introduced from the side: "That is the leader of another emperor-level force - the Floating Island Lord!"

"Oh?" In this way, not long after Xu Ming came to the seventh quadrant, he saw all the leaders of the four emperor-level forces.

"I don't know what this floating island owner is here for?" Xu Ming secretly said.

At this time, the island owner of Floating Life said from a distance: "Brother Xu Ming, I heard that you need the order of heaven, I'm here to serve it!"...

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