Break Into Another World

Chapter 1979: Alien invincible plug-in ultimate version

When several great masters were conspiring to tamper with the history of the virtual universe again; Xu Ming's cultivation level continued to rise in the domain master realm.

"To break through from the Nirvana realm to the domain master realm, you need to condense the 'flower of the true self'; and to break through from the realm master realm to the realm of the realm, you need to bear the fruit of the real self! What I cultivate is to break through The world-level exercise "Breaking the World", if you want to break through to the realm of the world, the difficulty is ten times, a hundred times higher!"

In the early stage of cultivation, there is not much difference between "Breaking the World" and ordinary exercises; however, the later stage of cultivation, the more terrifying this exercise!

The realm of the world master is divided into nine levels!

And those who practiced "Breaking the World" and broke through to the realm of the world master, even if they just broke through to the "first order of the world master", are even stronger than the "ninth order of the world master" of other exercises!

Those who cultivated "Breaking Mortal Dust" and reached the ninth rank of the world master can directly leapfrog to challenge the Supreme - and it is not necessary to hang up!

This is the tyranny of the Boundary-Breaking Cultivation Technique!

Of course, with such a tyrannical technique, it is extremely difficult to break through!

For example, now - Xu Ming's cultivation base has already reached the peak of the realm master, but he has not been able to break through the realm of realm master!

"Right!" Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes lit up, "When I was in the world of Jiuzhongtian, I once emptied the 'Cosmic Flower Sea'!"

The sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe is a mysterious place in the world of Jiuzhongtian; there, it is full of "true flowers" of various grades, including exquisite, imperial, and divine grades!

Xu Ming put the harvest in the entire universe of flowers in his "heart world". When using the "immortal mark" to be reborn, the treasures in the heart world will naturally be abundant.

"The flower of the true self is meant to be swallowed!" Xu Ming secretly said, "I didn't use these 'flowers of true self' when I broke through the realm of the realm; now I can use it when I broke through the realm of the realm! "


Xu Ming directly moved the entire sea of ​​cosmos flowers to beside his "flower of true self". Afterwards, Xu Ming's own "Flower of True Self" began to frantically devour these unowned "Flower of True Self".

You must know that when he was hollowing out the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, Xu Ming had more than five million clones! Not only have billions of "true flowers" been illuminated, but even the special soil of the universe of flowers has been hollowed out!

It is naturally more than enough to use the resources of the entire universe of flowers to nourish one of your "true flowers"!

After devouring a million "flowers of true self"...

"My 'Flower of True Self' has finally grown to the extreme! It can break through!"

Xu Ming ran the exercises, and the "flower of the true self" underwent an amazing transformation, slowly condensing into the "fruit of the true self"!

My true fruit!

This is the fruit that Xu Ming condensed with his own way! Represents the height of the realm!

"First-rank Boundary Master!" Xu Ming felt his own cultivation and strength, "Sure enough, "Breaking the World" is too strong... This first-rank Boundary Master of mine is probably stronger than the ninth-rank Boundary Master of others. Less! Comparable to a half-respected cultivation base!"

The first-order world master is comparable to a half-respect!

This is already a leap of faith!

Moreover, Xu Ming can really hang up!

"But..." Xu Ming frowned slightly, "Although I have broken through to the realm of the world master, even if I open up with all my strength, my strength will be equivalent to the ordinary 18th rank! There is still a big gap from the peak of the 18th rank. !"

The pinnacle of the eighteenth order, which is the pinnacle of the Three Realms of Shackles, which... means the pinnacle of the virtual universe! Absolute limit!

Who has reached this level of strength, who is not the one who has reached the peak of the upper-level supreme, and has practiced special exercises and various treasures of opportunity? Among the billions of high-ranking supreme peaks, it is difficult for one person to touch the absolute limit of the virtual universe!

And Xu Ming's current cultivation realm, to the peak of the supreme supreme, is still separated by the entire realm of the world's main, semi-exalted, lower supreme, middle supreme, and upper supreme! -Nearly five realms!

Five great realms!

This is still the difference between Xu Ming and the common high-ranking Supreme Peak cultivation base!

As for the ordinary high-ranking supreme peak, not one of the hundreds of millions of people will touch the absolute limit of the virtual universe!

"I'm afraid... My cultivation base must reach the ninth rank of the world master before I can reach the absolute limit of the virtual universe!" Xu Ming felt it, "This is because I am practicing "Breaking the World", the ninth rank of the world master. , the strength is comparable to the supreme! Moreover, there is also the bonus of my tyrannical heart world! Coupled with the opening, it is possible to reach the absolute limit!" 72 Literature Network debut https://

The absolute limit of the virtual universe is not so easy to touch!

This absolute limit is the "underpants" of the virtual universe! - Can anyone touch it?

If it is so easy to touch, then the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe, the countless billions of high-ranking Supremes, have long been referred to by many people as the "underpants" of the Virtual Universe!

"Fortunately, there are hundreds of millions of 'flowers of true self' that I can swallow and directly cultivate to the ninth order of the world master, which should be enough!"

The "flower of true self" dug up in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, swallowed directly! As for the special soil of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, it is used to nurture Xu Ming's "true self-dao fruit"; in this way, Xu Ming's "true self-dao fruit" will grow faster, which will certainly have a great impact on breaking through the supreme realm in the future. s help!

With the constant devouring of the "flower of the true self"...



boom! !

Xu Ming's cultivation level continues to climb!

The second-order world master!

World Lord Tier 3!

World Lord Tier 4! !

When all the "flowers of true self" were swallowed up, Xu Ming's cultivation had reached the "peak eighth-order world master"! Xu Ming already felt that he was very close to reaching the absolute limit of the virtual universe!

It's about to pull the underpants of the virtual universe!

"It's a bit extravagant to devour so many flowers of true self to improve your cultivation!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

These flowers of true self are enough to cultivate hundreds of millions of domain masters and world masters! Moreover, there are many of them, who will be extremely talented!

But think about it the other way around, is a genius at the level of billions of domain masters and world masters comparable to a Xu Ming?

Can't compare!

Not to mention billions of world masters! Even a billionaire high-ranking supreme cannot compare to a Xu Ming! - Like the tens of trillions of minion forces that Xu Ming wiped out, which force does not have a group of superiors? No ads 72 Literature Network am~w~w.7~2~w~x.c~o~m

Xu Ming alone is more valuable than the billionaires!

So, having said that... Xu Ming's cultivation with these flowers of true self is not a luxury at all; on the contrary, these flowers of true self are used by those ordinary geniuses, which is a real luxury!

"Break it for me!"

boom! !

With Xu Ming's roar, his cultivation level directly broke through to the "ninth order of the world master"!

At the same time, Xu Ming immediately felt a vast, invisible, but undeniable suppression—this suppression was the absolute limit of the virtual universe!

Even if the "Great Master" came to the virtual universe, he could not resist the absolute boundaries of the virtual universe!

"Is this the strength of the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "Why do I feel... I am weaker than other peaks of the Three Realms of Shackles?"

It does feel that way!

Therefore, this is exactly where Xu Ming is puzzled!

It stands to reason that they are both "the peak of the three realms of shackles", and they are also suppressed by absolute boundaries. Shouldn't their strengths be similar?

But at this moment, he couldn't think about it as much as Xu Ming - Xiaohang's voice sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind.

"Congratulations to the host, the strength has reached the absolute limit of the virtual universe! The otherworld invincible plug-in [Ultimate Edition] is officially opened!"

Alien Invincible Plug-in Ultimate Edition, here we come! !

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