Break Into Another World

Chapter 1980: Invincible Ultimate Edition

"The ultimate version of the invincible plug-in in the world is opening!"

The mechanical voice of the small hanging sounded: "The current version of the host's plug-in is: Alien Invincible plug-in version 40, the functions are as follows:

Combat functions: leapfrog invincibility, eternal power, life and death.

Auxiliary functions: coordinate transmission, clone, independent space, inscription on the road, immortal mark, forced face slap (exclusive).

System functions: Wanjie hegemony system, Zhidao guidance system, Wanjie mall system, recycling system, and all beings worship system.

Elimination function: stealth, camouflage, heart tree garden.

Other functions that have been opened: unlimited clones, attribute modification, forced slavery, time suspension, wholesale and retail gold fingers, infinite blue, seconds air.

Unopened functions: infinite resurrection, time reversal, invincibility, instant kill, copy, take over the universe! "

"Upgrading to the ultimate version of the otherworldly invincible plug-in will delete most of the miscellaneous functions, are you sure?"

Remove most of the miscellaneous functions?

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Since it is a miscellaneous function, it means that it is not very practical for me now! And... Since it is the ultimate version, it must be much stronger than the 40 version!"

Xu Ming hardly hesitated: "Upgrade!"

"update successed!"

Xiao Hang's voice sounded again: "The ultimate version of the Alien Invincible plug-in has been successfully opened, and the functions are as follows: follow your words! Endless incarnation! Everywhere! Time goes against the flow! Infinite resurrection! Invincible! Instant kill! Seize the universe!"

The ultimate version, as expected, deleted most of the miscellaneous functions, leaving only eight functions!

But it is the names of these eight functions that Xu Ming has already felt - powerful!

Xu Minglian looked at the detailed function introduction:

"Words follow the law: within the scope of the virtual universe, the host's will can suppress the will of the virtual universe, and words are like the rules of the universe!"

"Endless avatar: Within the scope of the virtual universe, the host can instantly have an endless avatar! This function is free and does not require any hanging points!"

"Ubiquitous: Within the scope of the virtual universe, the host can reach any place at any time, ignoring all space barriers. 35xs This function is free and does not require any hanging points!"

"Time Reverse: Consume 24 levels of hanging points to reverse time and go back to the past!"

"Infinite resurrection: within the virtual universe, the host can be resurrected infinitely without consuming any hanging points; within the real universe, the host only needs to consume level 24 hanging points to be resurrected once."

"Invincible: Within the scope of the virtual universe, the host and the incarnation of the host are absolutely invincible! This function is free and does not require any hanging points!"

"Seckill: Within the scope of the virtual universe, you can kill everything in seconds, and ignore the suppression of the 'absolute boundary of the virtual universe'! This function is free and does not require any hanging points!"

"Seize the universe: Spend 25 points to win the entire universe! It includes the real universe and the virtual universe!"

Eight new features!

The more Xu Ming looked, the bigger his eyes widened!


too strong!

As soon as the ultimate version of the otherworld invincible plug-in is opened, Xu Ming is simply a completely invincible existence!





The only fly in the ointment is that many functions of the Ultimate Edition can only be used within the virtual universe; that is to say, once you go to the real universe, these functions are unavailable!

"Unfortunately..." Xu Ming sighed. Flash Dance Novel Network

"Nothing to regret!" At this time, Xiao Hang's voice resounded in Xu Ming's mind again, "The will of the true universe is extremely tyrannical and domineering! If it is version 40 of the plug-in, it will be completely unusable in the true universe; even the host has it. The risk of being killed by the will of the true universe! Only the ultimate version of the plug-in can still be used after entering the true universe!"

Be careful when opening and hanging!

Xu Ming has already felt that the plug-in from version 0 to the final version has become more and more tyrannical and more "stable"!

Like before, low-level plug-ins would even be noticed by the will of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! After the 40th version of the plug-in, it is difficult to be discovered by the will of the universe within the scope of the virtual universe!

"Fortunately, there are still three functions: Time Reverse Flow, Infinite Resurrection, and Cosmos Seizure, which can be used within the real cosmos!" Xu Ming secretly said.

To seize the universe, you need level 25 hanging points, but you only need points.

"I don't know... How can I get level 25 hanging points! If I can get points, then I can directly take away the entire universe!" Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to it.

Taking over the entire universe, what kind of concept is this! ?

At that time, the entire universe will belong to Xu Ming!

And the existence of the Great Venerable, such as the fallen devil and the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, although they have already stood at the peak of the entire universe, they are only a creature in the universe! If Xu Ming was in control of the entire universe, it would be as easy as the palm of your hand to kill the existence of the Great Senior!

"The real universe..." Xu Ming looked far away, "What kind of powerful world would that be?"

Xu Ming has no fear, only expectation!

After the Alien Invincible plug-in was upgraded to the ultimate version, Xu Ming's state of mind was suddenly lifted countless times! In his eyes, within the scope of the virtual universe, there are only two types of people left—the first type is the relatives and friends recognized by Xu Ming! The second category is... ants!


Except for the relatives and friends recognized by Xu Ming, all the others are just ants! If Xu Ming wanted to kill those ants, he would just lift his foot and stomped to death. He would not have the slightest psychological burden, and would not even have the feeling of slaughter.

Just ants!

He couldn't even make Xu Ming have mood swings!

"This independent space..." Xu Ming felt the time and space he was in again.

Independent is created by "Independent Space" in the previous plug-in version! However, in the ultimate version, the "independent space" is no longer hanging, but the independent space is still retained, and Xu Ming is still in absolute control!

"Although there is no 'independent space' hanging, but I have a 'speaking out of the law' hanging!" Xu Ming chuckled, "The independent space today is too small for me!"


too small!

After all, the scope of the independent space is similar to the scope of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, that is, the scope of an ordinary small universe. But today's Xu Ming is an existence that can destroy hundreds of millions of small universes with a wave of his hand!

Independent space is really too small!


Xu Ming's lips moved slightly, and his words followed.


Immediately, the scope of the independent space began to skyrocket! Soon, it rose to a million times the size of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! - This size is still very inconspicuous within the scope of "Destiny". But for Xu Ming, it is enough for the time being; if he wants to be bigger, Xu Ming can get bigger at any time with a slight movement of his lips!

"Let's be smaller!"

An independent space is a special time and space; the smaller it is, the more secret it is, and the less likely it is to be discovered by super existences.

"Strength breakthrough, plug-in upgrade, it's time to meet my old friends!"

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