Break Into Another World

Chapter 1981: Visions of the Heavens

A certain time and space in an independent space is filled with clouds and mists, and fairy sounds linger.

Familiar faces are feasting here.

The cultivation of these people is uneven, but compared to the current Xu Ming, the cultivation must be described as "very low".

Yes, very low!

The one with the highest cultivation base is the Chaos Realm and the Profound Yellow Realm; and the one with the lowest cultivation base is only a star-level deity - such a cultivation base is not even an ant.


To Xu Ming, it doesn't matter whether their cultivation is high or low! Because... everyone here is an old friend of Xu Ming's cultivation path.

Like Wen Shuai, Sun Ji, Du Lao of Feiyun Kingdom...

Like Gu Kongshan, "No. 2", Song Jiahan, Zhang Hao...

Like Yan Fei and Xing Li from the Demon Realm...

Like the great powers of the human race in the Endless Continent, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, Qin Tian, ​​the Lord of Swords, the Lord of the Palace of Extreme Heaven, Chuji, Erha, True God Jiuyu...

Like the Emperor Yanyan "Lu Qing", who is the ruler of Yan Yan later in God's Domain...

Like the great powers of the gods: Wudi, Misty Star Lord, Saint Emperor City Lord, Tianyao Saint, Bai Lao...

To the current Xu Ming, the cultivation of these people is naturally not worth mentioning at all! However, they are undoubtedly very important people in Xu Ming's life!

Every one of them, no matter how weak their cultivation base is, in Xu Ming's opinion, is more important than a thousand or ten thousand small universes!

Many things cannot be measured by the level of cultivation.

Today, Xu Ming gathered so many of them together.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

"Xu Ming!"

"Xiao Ming!"

Many of these old friends have not seen Xu Ming for many years; seeing each other today is unavoidable excitement.

"Xu Ming..." Lu Qing looked at Xu Ming quietly, but in his mind he recalled the scene where he met Xu Ming for the first time in the virtual world of God's Domain.

For so long, Lu Qing has never been married, because her heart has always been with Xu Ming—her feelings for Xu Ming have not diminished in the slightest over time, but instead are like old wine. , the more brewed the more fragrant.

However, as the strength gap between her and Xu Ming grew, the less she planned to pursue this relationship. As long as she looked at Xu Ming from a distance and often thought of Xu Ming in her heart, she would be satisfied.

Seeing Xu Ming now, Lu Qing's heart was naturally full of emotions.

"Brother Ming, why did you gather so many of us here...?" Xu Ming's loyal son-in-law "No. 2" in the Wilderness Sect asked with a smile.

"Take you to level up!" Xu Ming laughed.

Brush level?

Everyone here was stunned for a moment - what is "level brushing"?

But then, they understood!

I saw Xu Ming standing indifferently with his hands behind his back, and said casually: "Everyone's cultivation base, upgrade to the ninth rank of the world master!"

Xu Ming's words are very light and calm, but they seem to be the "Voice of the Great Way", as if they are the rules of the universe!

This... is "Follow the Law"!

Whatever Xu Ming said was the truth!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, everyone found that their cultivation was soaring.

Everyone, almost every breath, the cultivation base will soar by one level!

Star-level gods!

Silvermoon-level gods!

King level!





Profound Yellow Realm!


All worlds!



Domain Master!

World Lord!

The ninth rank of the world master!

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone in the room, no matter what their original cultivation base was, "swish, swish" and directly rose to the ninth rank of the world master!

Even the Misty Star Lord, the Star Lord, is a cultivation between saints and Chaos Realm; it stands to reason that once you become a Star Master, you will never be able to break through to Chaos Realm again! However, following Xu Ming's words, Star Master Misty's cultivation level has directly reached the ninth rank of the world master!

At this time, everyone finally understood, what is "level brushing"!

So this is the brush level!

"My cultivation base..."

"Brother Ming, this..."

Everyone was shocked.

No matter who it is, suddenly the cultivation base soars seven or eight major levels, and more than a dozen major levels will be shocked beyond recognition!

"You are all familiar with your own powers! Let's chat while eating!" Xu Ming laughed.

After the party, Xu Ming sent everyone to a separate space.

After all, the power has suddenly skyrocketed by so many levels. If you are not familiar with it, you will definitely be out of control!

"It's time for me to go out and do errands!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

In the eight quadrants, only the minions of the second quadrant are left, and they have not been uprooted by Xu Ming! Now, it's time to pull out those minions!

Thinking about it, Xu Ming stepped out of the "independent space".


As soon as he came out, Xu Ming's brows were slightly wrinkled - he felt a trace of abnormality in the surrounding time and space.

"Time and space seem to be... excited!"


It's as if something very happy happened, and the whole time and space are jumping for joy!

"What's going on?" Xu Ming was a little curious - this was the first time he felt "the joy of time and space".

What Xu Ming doesn't know is... This is actually the time and space of the virtual universe, celebrating - celebrating another strong man who has touched the absolute limit of the virtual universe!

In fact, in the eight quadrants of the virtual universe, every time there is a peak of the three realms of shackles; then, the time and space in that quadrant will be celebrated - before, because Xu Ming was in the "independent space", and the independent space has It has a strong effect of isolating cause and effect; therefore, the will of the virtual universe does not perceive it, and Xu Ming has reached the absolute limit. And now, as soon as Xu Ming walked out of the independent space, he was immediately sensed by the will of the virtual universe; this celebration exclusively for him is finally about to begin!

The entire time and space of the second quadrant, congratulations for Xu Ming alone!

Therefore, not only the time and space around Xu Ming is excited, but the entire second quadrant is excited!

Immediately after…

The colorful rays of light, with Xu Ming as the center, bloom toward the entire "Destiny Heaven Territory"!

Almost in an instant, the colorful rays of light covered the Territory of Destiny Heaven.

Wherever the rays of light pass, no matter it is the interior of the small universe or the dangerous places where time and space are destroyed, they cannot stop the coming of the colorful rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful rays of light centered on the Destiny Heaven, blooming toward the entire second quadrant!

For a time, the entire second quadrant vibrated!

Uncountable mortals and ordinary powers, UU reading looked at the colorful rays of light in the sky in shock and doubt, they had no idea what the colorful rays of light meant! —Don’t say it’s an ordinary power, even at the supreme level, the lower-rank supreme, the middle-rank supreme, many don’t know the meaning of this colorful glow!

Miracles of the heavens!

The endless powerhouses have all awakened from the retreat!

At this moment, the entire second quadrant, whether it is the existence of the pinnacle of the three realms of shackles, or the mortal baby who has just been born, is jointly witnessing the emergence of a super strong man!

?? Updated today.

?The chapter of the virtual universe is about to end, and it is about to enter the last big map of the whole book, "The Real Universe". The whole book is almost finished, so I don't dare to write it randomly, and the update is relatively slow.



(End of this chapter)

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