Break Into Another World

Chapter 1983: virtual universe gift

The other high-ranking supreme beings in Destiny Heaven were equally astonished, and they were all guessing that it was the almighty who touched the absolute limit of the virtual universe. However, no matter how much they guess, they can't guess the slightest clue.

after all…

When Xu Ming left Destiny, his strength was not very strong!

And Xu Ming's prestige in the abnormal quadrant and in the abyss battlefield has not had time to spread to the corners of "Destiny Heaven".

Moreover, even if Xu Ming's reputation spreads back, I am afraid that the powerhouses in the Destiny Day will think that it is not the Xu Ming of the Destiny Day - after all, the virtual universe is so vast, and there are not a few powerhouses with the same name and surname!

Xu Ming was completely unaware of the shock in the second quadrant.

Of course, even if Xu Ming knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart at all—is there still few quadrants shocked by Brother Ming? The seven abnormal quadrants have all been shocked once, but the second quadrant is just a little more shocked!

It's nothing!

But now, Xu Ming himself was shocked.

"No wonder... No wonder I think that although I have reached the absolute limit, I am weaker than other powerhouses at the peak of the Three Realms! Originally I thought it was because my cultivation was too low and not balanced in all aspects, but now I know it. , that's how it is..."

When the visions of the heavens came, at the same time, the gift of the will of the virtual universe also came!


The gift of the will of the virtual universe!

For the existence whose strength reaches the absolute limit, even the will of the virtual universe, will show respect for it, and thus come down and bestow it!

"The will of the virtual universe is improving my strength in all directions!"

Originally, although Xu Ming broke through to the ninth order of the world master and touched the absolute limit of the virtual universe; however, his strength in all aspects was not balanced enough. Where it is strong, it is no different from other peak powerhouses of the Three Realms of Shackles; while the weak places are only at the level of the Three Realms of Shackles, not yet at the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles!

But now, the gift of the will of the virtual universe has directly raised all aspects of Xu Ming to the level of "absolute boundaries".

"It's no wonder that every one of the peaks of the Three Realms of Shackles I've seen has exactly the same strength... So that's how it is!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In the virtual universe, as long as any aspect of you touches the absolute limit, then the will of the virtual universe will be given, so that all aspects of you can be raised to the absolute limit!

"However... this improvement doesn't mean much to me!" Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head and smiled.

It does!

With the ultimate version of the otherworldly invincible plug-in, Xu Mingjin can kill everything in one second, retreat and be reborn invincible. Within the scope of the virtual universe, he is already a real invincible existence!

As long as Xu Ming is willing, even if it is the peak of the three realms of shackles, he can kill him in one move—his attack has not crossed the "absolute limit";

Unreasonable spike!

As long as it is within the scope of the virtual universe, Xu Ming, whoever wants to second, will second whoever!

long time...

The visions of the heavens have just retreated.

And Xu Ming's eyes were looking in the direction of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm: "Go to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm as well, and meet my old friends!"

call out-

As soon as Xu Ming took a step, his figure was already in the Divine Phoenix Primal Chaos Realm - "Ubiquitous", allowing Xu Ming to instantly appear anywhere in the virtual universe.

Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, the place of origin.

Today, the realm master of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is "Old Sword".

"What is this colorful vision?"

Old Jian, and other powerhouses in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, looked at the colorful vision that penetrated in, full of doubts.

"And, not only in the endless chaos, but also in the border of disorder, it seems to be full of these colorful visions!"

Jian Lao is not even a Supreme, and his vision is naturally limited, and it is impossible to know what this colorful vision means - after all, even an ordinary Supreme does not know, how can he be qualified to know?

However, Jian Lao thinks about it with his toes and has already guessed that something major has happened!

"It's still too weak!" Jian Lao secretly said, "Although I control a world, but... the real major events in the disordered border, I have no qualifications to participate! Not even to say that I participate, I don't even have the qualifications to know!"

However, Jian Lao also has self-knowledge: "My talent is limited, it is already luck that I can achieve today's achievements, and I don't want more..."

Thinking of this, Jian Lao couldn't help but think of Xu Ming: "Xu Ming's talent, it is possible to become a big man in the entire 'Despairing Day' in the future!"

In Jian Lao's view, if you want to become a big man in the entire "Destiny Day", you must be at the level of the supreme! Such a level is already an existence that Jian Lao can only look up to!

It's just, how does the old man know... There is no need for "future", and it is not limited to "Destiny Day"; now, Xu Ming has become a big man in the entire virtual universe! And it is the number one powerhouse in the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe!


At this moment, Jian Lao was slightly startled—as the controller of the endless chaos, and Xu Ming did not hide at all when he entered the endless chaos; therefore, Jian Lao naturally noticed Xu Ming's arrival for the first time.

"Xu Ming?" Jian Lao couldn't help but look surprised, "You're back? Are your problems solved?"

Jian Lao also knew that Xu Ming was suppressed by the cosmic chains. However, Jian Lao didn't know what the cosmic chain was, let alone that Xu Ming's cosmic chain was the most terrifying nightmare!

However, seeing Xu Ming back now, Jian Lao is naturally delighted.

"It's solved!" Xu Ming said with a smile, and did not deliberately say his current strength - after all, when they meet again at this time, the strengths of Xu Ming and Jian Lao are no longer at the same level! It has even reached the "unexplainable" gap!

It's like a mortal person can't understand how powerful a **** is!

The difference in strength between Xu Ming and Jian Lao is more than the gap between gods and mortals!

"Right!" Jian Lao suddenly thought of a Ming, is this colorful vision related to you! "

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word, which was a default.

"It really has something to do with you!" Jian Lao couldn't help exclaiming, and then he laughed at himself, "Forget it, I can't see through you more and more, haha..."

Jian Lao is free and easy, and he is too lazy to think about how powerful Xu Ming is!

However... if Jian Lao knew that Xu Ming was the number one powerhouse in the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe, he didn't know what his expression would be like!

Jian Lao didn't ask in detail, and Xu Ming naturally didn't bother to elaborate—he returned to Endless Chaos this time, originally to meet Jian Lao and other old friends! I am also preparing to help some old friends with weak cultivation bases to directly upgrade to the "ninth-order world master" cultivation base.

After all, Xu Mingyan follows the law and improves others' cultivation. It's just a matter of opening his mouth, and it doesn't take much to hang up.

"By the way, Xu Ming!" Jian Lao suddenly thought of something, "There is a person, I wonder if you still have an impression?"

"Who?" Xu Ming asked.

Jian Laodao: "Master of the Walking Corpse!"...

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