Break Into Another World

Chapter 1984: It's all a misunderstanding

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The Lord of the Walking Dead?

Xu Ming's memory returned to a long time ago.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming was still relatively weak, it was precisely because the Great Emperor Wan Zhe of the Walking Corpse Temple came to the Divine Realm that Gu Hanmo had to use the power of his previous life and was discovered by the enemy.

Otherwise, Gu Hanmo estimates that he will not reveal his identity until now, and he will not be in danger; and Xu Ming, there is no need to kill the abnormal quadrant...

It can be said that the current situation of Xu Ming and Gu Hanmo is all because of the walking corpse temple. And later, when Xu Ming left the realm of God and went through the endless chaos, he also had some conflicts with the walking corpse temple...

The Lord of the Walking Corpse Temple, as the Lord of the Walking Corpse Temple, naturally has nothing to do with it.

Jian Lao continued: "After I learned that the Walking Corpse Temple had a festival with you, I have suppressed everyone in the Walking Corpse Temple; however, I don't know what to do, so I'm waiting for you to come back! Look..."

In fact, not many people know about the conflict between Xu Ming and the Lord of the Walking Corpse, and it is only within the scope of the Chaos Kingdom.

But what kind of character is Xu Ming? As long as there is something about him, the entire powerhouse of the endless chaos must be careful; the contradiction between him and the Lord of the Walking Corpse is naturally also known by Jian Lao!

And Jian Lao also just took this opportunity to show his favor to Xu Ming.

"Elder Jian, you can just deal with it!" Xu Ming said lightly.

At Xu Ming's current level, he is too lazy to deal with such a small person as the Lord of the Walking Corpse himself!

"Okay!" Jian Lao said the word "good", and then he didn't say any more - the Lord of the Walking Corpse is a small person to Xu Ming, and he is also a small person to Jian Lao. Since Xu Ming said let him watch and deal with it, Lao Jian naturally knows what to do and won't ask any more questions.

What else can be done?

Of course it was killed!

How can a mere little person be qualified to be missed too much by Jian Lao and Xu Ming?

"This time, I'm just coming back to see everyone!" Xu Ming said again, "Wait a while, I'll go to the Border of Chaos to deal with some things, and then... I should be near the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix for a while, you If you need anything, you can come to me anytime!"

After leaving the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, Xu Ming went directly to Yuan Zun's small universe - some grievances, it was time to resolve them.

For today's Xu Ming, the distance in the virtual universe has no meaning!

As long as Xu Ming is willing, he can appear anywhere in the virtual universe in an instant; he can even go to the abnormal quadrant in an instant!


Xu Ming had just left the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, and he just took a step and appeared outside Yuan Zun's small universe.

"Yuan Zun..." The small universe's membrane wall could not hinder Xu Ming's gaze in the slightest. Xu Ming looked into the small universe and quickly found the figure of Yuan Zun.

Once, to Xu Ming, what a powerful existence Yuan Zun was!

But now, in Xu Ming's view, Yuan Zun is just a very ordinary Supreme, so ordinary that it can't be more ordinary!

Xu Ming shook his head and chuckled: "Although Yuan Zun is ordinary, all his behaviors at that time were just for the pursuit of becoming stronger!"

Pursue to become stronger!

In the entire universe, whether it is the Great Senior at the top or the ordinary mortals at the bottom, the vast majority of people are seeking to be stronger!

"It's a pity that Yuan Zun's luck is not very good!"

No luck indeed! Otherwise, Yuan Zun will not be trapped in the small universe now, and he will not dare to come out.

"Yuan Zun!" Xu Ming's voice spread mightily into Yuan Zun's small universe.

Inside the entire small universe, Xu Ming's shouts echoed continuously.

"Huh?" Yuan Zun was startled, and immediately saw Xu Ming's figure outside the small universe's membrane wall, "Xu Ming... how dare you come to me?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled, "Why don't you dare?"

"It seems that you haven't seen it for a while, and your strength has improved!" Yuan Zun sneered, "You dare to come outside of my small universe to provoke me!"

"Is there some progress?" Xu Ming said with a smile.

"Some progress" indeed.

Accidentally, Xu Ming directly advanced to the invincible level of the virtual universe - of course, Yuan Zun knew nothing about it.

"Then... do you want to come in and sit?" Yuan Zun said provocatively.

The enemy's small universe cannot be easily entered! Even the upper-ranking Supremes would not dare to trespass into the lower-ranking Supremes' microcosms.

Of course, for today's Xu Ming, how can there be a small universe that cannot be entered? -Even if it is a small universe that shackles the peak powerhouses of the three realms, Xu Ming can enter if he wants to enter, and if he wants to destroy it, it is a matter of one move! What's more, it is the small universe of the weak Yuan Zun!

However, Xu Ming still wanted to tease Yuan Zun: "I'm too lazy to go in and sit, just stand outside and take a look!"

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Zun laughed loudly, "Are you too lazy to come in, or are you too afraid to come in? - Xu Ming, I don't know why you came to me all of a sudden; however, since you have come, you will definitely regret it!"

"Regret?" Xu Ming said with a smile, "Do you want to kill me and make me regret it? No, do you have the ability?"

"I won't leave the small What if you have an ambush?" Yuan Zun sneered, "But well...there will be someone to deal with you!"

Yuan Zun's voice just fell—

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Immediately, there were a series of figures rushing towards them - it was the Dao Murder Hall Master and others from the branch hall of the Black Tribulation Hall!

It turned out... Yuan Zun couldn't guess what Xu Ming was doing when he saw Xu Ming for the first time, but he still told Xu Ming's arrival and the message to the master of the Taoist Palace - although Yuan Zun and the master of the Taoist Palace He is an enemy, but he also knows that there is a festival between the Black Tribulation Hall and Xu Ming!

Sure enough, as soon as the Master of the Dao Killing Palace heard the news of Xu Ming, he immediately brought someone to kill him!

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Zun laughed loudly, "Xu Ming, look, there are so many powerful men in the Black Tribulation Hall, you have nowhere to escape, right? Or, come in and take refuge here?"

Yuan Zun seemed to be very kind.

"Is the Black Tribulation Hall divided into halls?" Xu Ming looked at the powerful Dao Murder Hall Master and other powerhouses who were rushing to kill him.

The master of the Dao Killing Palace also quickly discovered Xu Ming.

"Sure enough, it's Xu Ming! What did he come here for?" The Palace Master Dao Murder was also a little puzzled, "Humph! What does he come to do! Zhengchou can't find him, so kill him first!"

The master of the Taoist Temple thought about it, and planned to kill Xu Ming.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Ming looked at the Taoist Hall Master, and said with a smile, "Before I start, let me explain things clearly!"

The Daoist Palace Master thought for a while, and he was not afraid of Xu Ming running away anyway, so he said, "Okay! I'll give you a chance to make it clear! What do you have to say?"

"I want to say..." Xu Ming smiled slyly, "Actually, the Lord of the Dao Killing Hall, your Black Tribulation Hall's separate halls, the contradiction with Yuan Zun, and the contradiction with the Temple of Despair are all misunderstandings!"

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