Break Into Another World

Chapter 1985: stop me!

"The division of your Black Tribulation Hall, the contradiction with Yuan Zun, and the contradiction with the Temple of Despair, are all misunderstandings!"

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, the Dao Killing Hall Master suddenly couldn't understand - what did he mean! ?

The Hall of Black Tribulation is divided into halls. In the territory of "Destiny Heaven", there are actually three enemies: Xu Ming, Yuan Zun, and the Temple of Destiny.

And now, Xu Ming actually said that their Black Tribulation Hall is divided into halls, and Yuan Zun and Destiny Temple are all misunderstandings?

Xu Ming said with a meaningful smile: "Dao Murder Hall Master, in fact... there really shouldn't be any contradictions between you, Yuan Zun, and the Temple of Despair!"

"What do you mean?" The more he heard, the more confused the Taoist Palace Master - Xu Ming should have conflicts with all three of them! Why does it seem like Xu Ming is helping them to reconcile the conflict between the three parties?

What is the benefit to Xu Ming by doing this?

The Taoist Palace Master was puzzled.

"Humph! I want to see, what kind of trickery Xu Ming wants to play!" The Taoist Palace Master secretly said, "No matter how hysterical he says, he will die in the end!"

The Taoist Palace Master now has a feeling of "playing a cat with a mouse", as if he is saying to Xu Ming - you can perform as much as you like!


How does the Dao Murder Hall Master know Xu Ming's strength!

And Xu Ming's purpose in doing this now is to make Yuan Zun, the Dao Killing Hall Master, and the Temple of Despair, to understand to death!

"It's very simple!" Xu Ming continued, "The reason why you Black Tribulation Hall and Yuan Zun, and the Temple of Destiny, are actually... all guided by me! If it wasn't for me, the three of you should have been completely different. There will be no contradictions, and even, I will be regarded as a common goal and become a friend who fights side by side!"

"Huh?" The masters of the Taoist Hall and the equal division halls were all slightly startled.

"Huh?" Yuan Zun was also slightly startled.

After listening to Xu Ming's words, the two parties seemed to have vaguely thought of something - they had a feud before, and it seemed that it was a bit strange! Now it sounds like... it was Xu Ming who was making trouble in the dark!

Xu Ming ignored the faces of the two great powers, looked at the Dao Killing Hall Master again, and continued: "Also, in the Fish and Ghost Realm at that time, the great power of your Black Tribulation Hall and the great power of the Temple of Despair were actually both. By my hands, not by killing each other!"

"What!?" The master of the Taoist Temple suddenly widened his eyes, "It turned out to be you!"

You must know that for so long, the Black Tribulation Hall and the Destiny Temple have been trapped in a "chain of suspicion" towards each other - the Black Tribulation Hall Branch believes that the Destiny Temple killed their power; The Temple of Despair also thinks so.

The result is…

For a long time, the Temple of Black Tribulation and the Temple of Destiny have fought fiercely. Both sides have lost a lot of power, and their hatred has grown stronger!

And now, Xu Ming suddenly came out and told them—Hey, I actually designed it all!

Whether it was the Dao Killing Hall Master or Yuan Zun, they were so angry that they vomited blood.

The power of the Temple of Death is not here, and they don't know it yet; if they were there, they would also vomit blood with anger.

"I..." Yuan Zun was about to burst into tears, "It turns out that I was suppressed here by the branch of the Black Tribulation Hall, and it was all wronged..."

"Xu Ming!" The Master of the Taoist Temple said even more solemnly, "Today, you came here specially to talk about this matter, it know that you can't escape the pursuit of our three parties, and you don't want to hide anymore. Do you want to die a little more happily? Humph! For the sake of your acquaintance and for the sake of uncovering the truth, I will give you a happy one as you wish!"


The Dao Murder Hall Master was filled with murderous aura, and he was about to take action.

But at this moment-

An endless stalwart voice suddenly resounded through the entire Destiny Heaven territory: "I don't know which almighty from Destiny Heaven broke through and touched the absolute limit of the virtual universe? All forces in the Holy Realm have come to visit, can we meet?"

The mighty and stalwart voice is exactly the peak power of the shackles of the three realms in the second quadrant!

All forces in the Holy Realm have arrived!

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled secretly in his heart, "Sure enough!"

However, Xu Ming did intend to meet the top powers in the second quadrant. But he did not rush to reveal his identity, but instead told the peak power of the Three Realms of Shackles who just spoke of his current position.

"Okay! I, the Supreme Being of Songjiu, and the leaders of the holy world, will be here soon!" The endless stalwart voice resounded through the Territory of Destiny again.

And the master of the Taoist Temple quickly recovered from his astonishment: "Desperate, in the second quadrant, it can only be regarded as a desolate place; and now, the top floor of the entire second quadrant is here!"

Just thinking about it, the Taoist Hall Master felt shivering.

"Now, there is a peak of the Three Realms of Shackles in Destiny. In the future, this is the hometown of super strong, and it will definitely soon develop into one of the most brilliant territories in the entire second quadrant!" thought again.

Immediately, the master of the Taoist Temple looked at Xu Ming again and sneered: "Xu Ming, originally, you might have had the opportunity to witness how Destiny Heaven transformed into glory; but now, you obviously don't have such a chance! Then... Die!"


The master of the Taoist Palace directly slapped Xu Ming with his palm - in his impression, Xu Ming's strength is very weak; his presence at the level of the dignified high-ranking supreme, although it is only an ordinary high-ranking supreme, but to kill Xu Ming, it should be It's easy too!

"Die!" Yuan Zun hid in his own small universe, but when he saw the Dao Murder Hall Master's shot, his eyes lit up - he himself was blocked in the small universe, and he was basically useless; however, he Of course I hope to see Xu Ming die.

However, at this moment, time and space seemed to have completely stopped.

The attack of the Dao Killing Hall Master was monstrous, but he was unable to move forward even in this static space-time.

"This is...?" The Dao Murder Palace Master was puzzled and horrified to see that one after another stalwart figures appeared at the end of this still Among these stalwart figures, he also I saw the main hall master of their Black Tribulation Hall; however, the Black Tribulation Hall Master was inconspicuous among many figures.

"How did the great powers of the Holy Realm come here? Could it be that... the super existence that touches the absolute limit is near this area?" The master of the Taoist Temple couldn't help but wonder, "However, I have been entrenched in this place for some time. , I have never seen any hidden powerhouse!"

The Hall Master of Dao Murder never thought that Xu Ming was the super existence that touched the absolute limit!

The leaders of the Holy Realm, at this time, actually still do not know who has touched the absolute limit. But...a few shackled three-level peaks like Gejiu Zhizun exist, although they don't know that Xu Ming is the person they are looking for, but they recognize Xu Ming - after all, Xu Ming's reputation has long been in the virtual universe. spread among the top beings!

Of course, although Xu Ming's reputation has spread, the people who know Xu Ming are only Gejiu Zhizun and other peaks of the Three Realms of Shackles; as for other weaker powerhouses, they are not qualified to obtain Xu Ming's video information for the time being.

As for several super beings such as Gejiu Zhizun, when they saw that Xu Ming was being attacked, they were all startled. In the second quadrant, there were still people who dared to attack Xu Ming without knowing it.

Immediately, Gejiu Supreme roared subconsciously: "Stop me!"...

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