Break Into Another World

Chapter 1986: how could it be him

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"Stop me!"

At the same time when the Supreme Song Jiu roared, he quickly dispelled the attack of the Dao Slaughter Palace Master—it really didn’t know whether to live or die! You must know that even the leader of the emperor-level forces, the existence of the peak of the three realms of shackles, would not dare to do anything to Xu Ming!

After all, the existence of the pinnacle of the three realms of shackles cannot kill Xu Ming; however, Xu Ming can easily destroy a party of emperor-level forces!

And the Taoist Palace Master in front of him is obviously just an ordinary high-ranking supreme, who dares to attack Xu Ming? - This is not knowing death, what is it?

However, Gejiu Supreme just dispelled the attack of the Daoist Palace Master, and did not kill him. After all, Gejiu Zhizun didn't understand the situation, and it's not good to kill people casually.

"This is...?" The head of the Black Tribulation Hall naturally recognized his subordinate "Palace Master Dao Killing", but he did not recognize Xu Ming, and he did not know why the Palace Master Dao Killing shot Xu Ming. However, the Black Tribulation Hall Master vaguely smelled an unpleasant aura.

"Brother Xu Ming!" Gejiu Zhizun laughed, "Why are you here?"

"I'm from Destiny Heaven!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "Furthermore, I have some grievances with this Daoist Palace Master and others, so we'll deal with it here!"

"Oh?" Gejiu Zhizun suddenly thought of something, and even exclaimed, "Brother Xu Ming, your strength has broken through?"

Gejiu Supreme didn't know who had touched the absolute limit in their second quadrant; he only knew that the new breakthrough powerful voice transmission had brought them here. But now, when Gejiu Zhizun came here, he saw Xu Ming—could it be such a coincidence?

Probably not possible!

Gejiu Zhizun immediately thought of it, I am afraid that Xu Ming is the almighty who has just broken through and touched the absolute limit!

"Hi-" Thinking of this, Gejiu Zhizun couldn't help but take a deep breath, and his heart was even more turbulent, "Although Xu Ming has not reached the absolute limit before, he is already recognized as number one in the Eight Great Era of the Virtual Universe. Powerhouse! Then, now that he has reached the absolute limit, what kind of strength should he be!?"

There is no doubt that Xu Ming is definitely more convinced of his identity as "the number one powerhouse in the virtual universe of the eight great limits"!

However, although Gejiu Zhizun was shocked, he was not too afraid of Xu Ming - after all, he himself was the peak of the three realms of shackles! In his opinion, no matter how powerful Xu Ming is, it is impossible to threaten him!

"It's a breakthrough!" Xu Ming laughed.

"Hey—" After getting Xu Ming's definite answer, Gejiu Zhizun and other experts who knew Xu Ming's identity couldn't help but take a deep breath.

And those who don't know Xu Ming's identity, don't feel very much. After all, they didn't even know who Xu Ming was.

"That's right!" At this time, the Supreme Court of Songjiu said again, "Brother Xu Ming, what kind of grievance do you have?"

However, before Xu Ming had time to speak, the Daoist Palace Master began to cry: "Chief Palace Master! This Xu Ming killed several powerful people in our Black Tribulation Hall! Please also call the Master Palace Master for me!"

Obviously, the master of the Taoist Temple has not yet realized the identity of the Sovereign Songjiu; he thought that the identity of the Sovereign Songjiu was not as good as that of the head of the Hall of Black Tribulation, or at best it was equal! So, he simply came first with "the wicked complain first"!

If you let the Taoist Palace Master know that Song Jiu Zhizun is the leader of a royal power... let alone complain, I'm afraid you won't even dare to fart!

"What!?" The Black Tribulation Hall Master heard Dao Murder's complaint, and suddenly it looked like a cat whose tail was trampled on, and the whole person exploded - he had seen the pit, but he had never seen such a pit!

Although the Lord of the Black Tribulation did not know Xu Ming, but when he saw the attitude of Gejiu Supreme towards Xu Ming, he knew that this was definitely not someone he had provoked! But unfortunately, at this time, his subordinate Daoya dared to sue and wanted to ask him to call the shots...

The Black Tribulation Hall Master felt like a dog in his heart - call the shots? Can he be the master?

"Ha!" Xu Ming shook his head and smiled, but didn't say a word - does this kind of farce still need him to speak in person?

Sure enough, Gejiu Supreme had already looked at the Lord of the Black Tribulation, and asked with a half-smile, "Heijie, do you want to be the Lord?"

"No, no, no!" The Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall shook his head again and again, "It's my Black Tribulation Hall's fault! It's my failure to control my subordinates! I also ask the Supreme Being to punish you!"

"Punishment?" Gejiu Zhizun looked at Xu Ming again.

Xu Ming did not speak, nor did he show any expression.

Gejiu Zhizun understood it, waved his hand directly and said, "Hallmaster of the Black Tribulation, since you didn't take care of your subordinates, then you can handle it yourself!"

"Yes!" The head of the Black Tribulation Hall said without hesitation, and did not dare to talk back at all - he was only at the peak of the second realm of shackles, and the main hall of the Black Tribulation Hall was only a Hou-level force, how could he dare to talk to the leader of the emperor-level forces, the third shackles The Song and Wine Supreme at the peak of the realm talked back?

"President... Chief Hall Master, what are you going to do?" The Taoist Hall Master never thought that after he finished his complaint, the Chief Hall Master not only did not stand up for him, but approached him step by step, exuding murderous intent. .

The Lord of the Black Tribulation Palace did not answer this question, but pointed at Gejiu Supreme and asked: "Dao Do you know who this is?"

"Huh?" Hallmaster Dao Murder was stunned for a moment—the situation was changing so fast, he didn't react at all.

"This..." The Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall said solemnly and solemnly, "He is the leader of the emperor-level power Gejiu Pavilion, and he is also the most peak existence in the second quadrant - Gejiu Supreme!"

"Songjiu Supreme!?" The face of the Daoist Palace Master turned pale - how could he have not heard of the name Songjiu Supreme?

It's just that the Master of the Taoist Temple has only heard of the taboo, but he is not even qualified to know the image of Gejiu Supreme! After all, not everyone is qualified to know the images that exist at the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles!

When he knew the identity of Gejiu Zhizun, and thought that Gejiu Zhizun called Xu Ming "Brother Xu Ming", the master of the Taoist Temple felt that he was cold all of a sudden. But at the same time, the Dao Killing Hall Master was also full of doubts—he couldn't imagine what Xu Ming was, and he deserved to be called by Gejiu Supreme.

"What about him?" The Daoist Palace Master pointed at Xu Ming unwillingly and asked.

"He..." The Black Tribulation Hall Master was startled - to be honest, he was also very curious about Xu Ming's identity!

"Ignorance!" Gejiu Supremacy sneered, "For whom are so many of us coming to 'Despairing Heaven'?"

"For him...?" The Black Tribulation Hall Master was shocked and stammered, "He... he is the peak power that just broke through and caused the whole second quadrant vision?!"

"What!?" The Hall Master Daosi was completely stunned, and shouted, "Impossible! Impossible! I know Xu Ming's strength very well... how could it be him!"


Gejiu Supreme sneered disdainfully and was too lazy to explain, but said lightly: "Brother Xu Ming has another identity - before he broke through, he was already recognized as the number one powerhouse in the Eight Great Era of the Virtual Universe!"

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