Break Into Another World

Chapter 1987: Are there rules?

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"Brother Xu Ming has another identity - before he broke through, he was already recognized as the No. 1 powerhouse in the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe!"

As soon as Gejiu Zhizun said these words, all the powerful people from the holy world, even if they didn't know Xu Ming, had already guessed Xu Ming's identity.

"It's him!"

"It's the invincible existence who swept the seven abnormal quadrants!"

In the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe, there are quite a few powerhouses who have reached the absolute limit; however, the strength of every peak powerhouse of the Three Realms is the same. By".

In the virtual universe, there is only one recognized number one powerhouse, and that is Xu Ming!

And now, the powerhouses present have noticed that Song Jiu Zhizun said this—Xu Ming was already the number one powerhouse before his breakthrough!

Thinking of this, the powerhouses present couldn't help being horrified - so now, after Xu Ming's breakthrough, how strong should he be?

No matter how strong Xu Ming is, in short, none of the strong men from the holy world dared to provoke Xu Ming.

And the main hall master of the Black Tribulation Hall was so angry that he vomited blood - he never thought that a small branch hall master under his command would offend Xu Ming! For him, this is simply a disaster!

To know…

The Black Tribulation Hall is a killer organization! Moreover, it is the strongest killer organization in the second quadrant, and it is the top among many Hou-level forces! And the problem is here - since it is a killer organization, it will inevitably offend many forces!

Previously, because the Black Tribulation Hall had a backer behind it, and the forces of all parties needed to maintain balance and tacit understanding; therefore, although the various forces disliked the Black Tribulation Hall, none of them took action against the Black Tribulation Hall. And now... The Black Tribulation Hall has offended Xu Ming, the first powerhouse in the virtual universe, which has caused many forces to reconsider their attitude towards the Black Tribulation Hall.

Even the leaders of several forces, looking at the Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall, are already full of badness.

The Lord of the Black Tribulation is bitter in his heart: "This is simply a disaster!"

The Black Tribulation Hall Master really never dreamed that no matter what he did, he would be cautious and walk on thin ice; but his subordinates were better, and he directly picked the number one powerhouse of the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe to offend him!


The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he slapped Dao Killer directly with a slap.

"Don't tell me quickly, how did you offend Senior Xu Ming!" The Black Tribulation Hall Master could not wait to shoot Daosi to death immediately, but he still had to figure out how Daosi offended Xu Ming. Of course, after figuring it out, the Black Tribulation Hall Master will definitely kill Dao Murder himself, which is a statement to Xu Ming.

"I..." Dao Shi was already terrified to the point of being stunned, "I just took over a business... Someone made an offer to kill Xu Ming!"

When Dao Shi spoke, he felt very aggrieved - the Hall of Black Tribulation was originally an organization of killers; he was really just doing business! But now, working diligently and diligently in business, he has to be obliterated by the main hall master... Dao Shi really wanted to cry without tears.

"Who issued this task?" Song Jiu Supreme asked indifferently.

"This..." Dao Ji hesitated—there are rules! As a killer organization, how could the Black Tribulation Hall betray the gold master?

"Don't tell me soon!" Instead, it was the Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall, who had no morals at all; when he saw Dao slaughtering hesitantly, he immediately scolded—if this matter is not handled properly, the Black Tribulation Hall will probably be gone, who cares about him "Rules" ah!

"It's Jian Yi from the 'Eternal Palace' of the true universe!" Dao Ji continued.

Eternal Hall?

Gejiu Zhizun looked at Xu Ming—he naturally knew that the Eternal Palace was one of the most powerful forces in the real universe; however, he had never heard of the name Jianyi. After all, Jianyi should be just a small person in the Eternal Hall, and his reputation has not spread to the virtual universe.

"Ha!" Xu Ming was expressionless - he already knew that it was Jian Yi who was behind the scenes.

Jian Yi, the genius of the Eternal Palace, is also one of the suitors of Xu Ming's daughter "Xu Yin".

Before, when Xu Ming was in the Jiuzhongtian world, because he inquired about Xu Yin's news, Jianyi mistakenly thought that Xu Ming was a rival in love; even, he did not break his hand and assassinated Xu Ming through the Black Tribulation Hall.

Of course, in Xu Ming's eyes, Jian Yi was just a joke!

"Brother Xu Ming, do you see...?" Gejiu Zhizun asked, "Do I need to contact the power of the real universe and teach that Jianyi a lesson?"

Gejiu Zhizun only said "Let's teach you a lesson", but did not dare to say that he could kill Jianyi. After all... Eternal Hall is almost the number one force in the true universe! Even if Jian Yi's status in the Eternal Hall is not very high, it is not easy to kill him!

"No need!" Xu Ming said lightly.

After Xu Ming goes to the real universe, he will naturally find Jianyi to settle accounts.

boom! !

Suddenly, a huge power burst out - it turned out that after Dao Shi said the message of Jian Yi, the Black Tribulation Hall Master unceremoniously killed him!

After finishing, the Black Tribulation Hall Master flew to Xu Ming's side carefully, and said respectfully, "The Dao Killer has no I have already executed you if you dared to offend Senior Xu Ming! - Besides, I have no intention of offending Xu. Senior Ming, I am deeply terrified now, and I offer an apology, and I also ask Senior Xu Ming to laugh at him!"

Having said that, the Lord of the Black Tribulation Palace respectfully presented a world ring filled with all kinds of treasures; the treasures in it, I am afraid that even the king-level forces will be jealous.

However, Xu Ming didn't even look at it.


To Xu Ming today, treasures are meaningless! Xu Ming has no shortage of hanging points below level 22.

What Xu Ming lacks is the hanging point of level 23 or above. However, the 23-level hanging point requires "Cosmic Origin·Void" to exchange it, and it is not something that can be exchanged for treasures.

"Ha!" Xu Ming glanced at the Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall, but he ignored it, and did not reach out to pick it up. He just had some grudges with the branch halls of the Black Tribulation Hall. As for the main hall, he had no grudges with Xu Ming.

However, Xu Ming can see that because of his own reasons, there are probably many forces that plan to attack the Hall of Black Tribulation, but... what does this have to do with Xu Ming?

Whether the Black Tribulation Hall was born or destroyed, Xu Ming would not care.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Black Tribulation Hall did not dare to say anything, so he had to step back in embarrassment - he knew that Xu Ming had done this very kindly; otherwise, with Xu Ming's strength, wanting to destroy his Black Tribulation Hall is really just Just a little effort!

At this time, Xu Ming looked at Yuan Zun's small universe again.

The matter of the Black Tribulation Hall has already come to an end; what Xu Ming has to solve here is Yuan Zun!

At this time, Yuan Zun was naturally shocked to the point of being stunned. He just wanted to say—this is not the Xu Ming I know!


When Yuan Zun met Xu Ming for the first time, how weak Xu Ming was! In a blink of an eye, it became an existence that he was not even qualified to look up to! ?

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