Break Into Another World

Chapter 1991: 3 The Death of the Great Master

The will of the universe cannot be challenged directly!

Once the will of the universe is provoked head-on, even the existence of the Great Senior will have to pay the price.

For a time, the Great Venerables of the True Universe who stood in the same camp as the Great Venerables of the Three Realms, all looked at each other; you look at me, I see you—who will pay this price?

"The Great Senior of the Three Realms must be reminded immediately, otherwise, he won't even know how he died!"

"Who will remind? Who will pay the price for confronting the will of the universe?"

No Great Senior is willing to pay this price.

But if no one reminds him, the Great Senior of the Three Realms will be dead!

"Or... Let's ask the Fallen Demon Lord to take action?"

"This is a way! The fallen devil himself is in the virtual universe. Let him transmit his voice to the Great Senior of the Three Realms, and the price must be lower than us!"

"It's just... Is the fallen devil willing to help?"

"Try it! As long as we pay some treasures, maybe the Fallen Demon Lord will be willing to help?"

"Master Tianyu, you have a better relationship with the Fallen Demon Lord, come and get in touch!"

"Okay!" The divine body of the Great Venerable Tianyu looked a little ethereal and illusory, as if between the real and the illusory. As he said that, his will extended infinitely far, from the real universe to the virtual universe, and found the fallen demon master.

"Sinking Demon Lord, can you help to inform the Great Senior of the Three Realms, so that he will not continue to travel through the long river of time, and do not leave the virtual universe!" The Great Senior Tianyu said directly.

"Tianyu Dazun, it's useless, I advise you not to waste your efforts!" The Fallen Demon Lord smiled, "At that time, we all saw that the Three Realms Dazun fell into the future area of ​​the long river of time! Actually...Three Realms Dazun It has already fallen! It is almost impossible to tamper with the fact that a Great Senior has fallen! Even if I can transmit a voice to remind the Great Senior of the Three Realms, it will not help or change anything!"

Why don't the great masters such as Tianyu Dazun know what the fallen devil said?

Whether it is in the past or in the future... if it is down, it is down!

It is extremely difficult to change the fact that a Great Senior has fallen!

"I know..." The Great Venerable Tianyu sighed, "but... please help! You are in the virtual universe, and the cost of passing the news to the Great Venerable Three Realms is relatively low!"

"Ha!" The Fallen Demon Lord smiled, "But...why should I help?"


Why should the fallen devil help? After all, no matter how low the price is, it will still collide with the rules of the universe!

The Great Venerable Tianyu said directly: "A low-grade world-shattering divine weapon!"

The Fallen Demon Lord then said: "Okay! However, I'm only responsible for passing the news to the Great Senior of the Three Realms, and I don't care about other things!"

"Yes!" Tianyu Dazun replied.

The fallen demon master got the promise, so he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't ask Tianyu Dazun to make any guarantees. After all, in the entire universe, there are only a few people whose strength has reached the level of the Great Senior, and they still know each other relatively well; it is not enough to lose their credibility for a mere low-grade divine weapon.

Immediately, the Fallen Demon Lord immediately transmitted his voice to the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

Although the will of the universe also oppresses the fallen devil, this kind of oppression is still within the tolerance of the fallen devil.

"Three Realms Great Venerable!"

The voice of the fallen devil rang in the ears of the Great Senior of the Three Realms.

"Huh?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms was a little puzzled - he still didn't know why the Fallen Demon Lord was looking for him.

"Great Master of the Three Realms, what I'm going to say next is not a joke, listen carefully!" The Fallen Demon Lord said in a serious tone, "I solemnly tell you now that at that time, when you entered the river of time in the first quadrant, All the great masters of the entire universe have seen that you have fallen in the future region of the long river of time!"

"What!!?" When the Great Venerable of the Three Realms heard the words, his face suddenly showed infinite horror, and he couldn't even care about Xu Ming who was standing in front of him for the time being.

The Great Venerable of the Three Realms is an existence at the Great Venerable level, so he naturally understands what it means to "fall into the future"!

"Sinking Demon Lord, you didn't play me?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms couldn't help saying.

"Is it any good for me to play with you?" The Fallen Demon Lord sneered, "If you don't believe it, you can try to contact other Great Venerables. However, you also know that under the suppression of the will of the universe , it is almost impossible for you to contact other Great Venerables! I am just entrusted by Great Venerable Tianyu to remind you - remember, don't enter the long river of time again, and don't leave the virtual universe!"

"Okay!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms naturally knew the seriousness of the matter. Moreover, he has just tried to contact the great masters such as Tianyu Dazun in the real universe; the result, no surprise, can't be contacted at all!

Can't get in touch, that is to say... what the fallen devil said is true!

"I... died?" The Great Senior of the Three Realms couldn't accept it, "How could I die in the long river of time..."

Traveling through time is risky! Especially if you travel to the future, you are likely to fall!

It is a fortune that the Great Senior of the Three Realms can get this information now!

"At least... I'm ready!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms secretly said, "I don't believe it, I would die so easily!"

At this time, Xu Ming, who was in front of the Great Senior of the Three Realms, naturally noticed the change in the expression of the Great Senior of the Three Realms.

"You know?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

"Huh? You also know that I have fallen into the long river of time?" The Great Master of the Three Realms looked cold and said, "Xu Ming, don't be complacent, it's not your turn to come to see my jokes! Since I already know about it, Naturally, I will be careful; I don't believe that there is anything in this virtual universe that can make me fall!"

Xu Ming looked at the Great Senior of the Three Realms and suddenly felt... The Great Senior of the Three Realms was making a will!

That's right!

It really is this feeling!

Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "Could it be that... the Great Senior of the Three Realms was really killed by me with a 'Spike'?"

Regardless of whether he is really like this, try it first and then talk about it!

Anyway, try it without money!

"Seckill" hangs...Open!

call out-

Xu Ming's attack directly slayed the Great Master of the Three Realms—this attack did not have much momentum, but it already had the effect of "seckill" hanging.

"Heh!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms watched Xu Ming's attack and couldn't help laughing, "Xu Ming, are you serious about this level of attack? I'm afraid this blow has not touched the absoluteness of the virtual universe. Boundaries? You don't even have the qualifications to tickle me? Hahahaha..."

The Great Master of the Three Realms was talking, and even couldn't help laughing - in his opinion, Xu Ming was just joking!


When Xu Ming's attack arrived, the eyes of the Great Senior of the Three Realms suddenly became infinitely frightened!




At this moment, the Great Senior of the Three Realms smelled a strong breath of death.

At this moment, the Great Senior of the Three Realms seemed to suddenly understand-why did he die in the future area of ​​the long river of time!


It's too late!


When Xu Ming appeared in front of him... oh, no, to be precise, when the Great Senior of the Three Realms came out of the river of time, it was already too late! - No matter who reminded him through voice transmission, he could not rewrite the fate of the death of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms!

When the Great Senior of the Three Realms walked out of the river of time, it was doomed that he had walked into his own grave!


The moment Xu Ming's attack landed on the Great Senior of the Three Realms, the effect of "seckill" was also effective!

Instant kill: Within the scope of the virtual universe, you can kill everything in seconds, and ignore the suppression of the "absolute boundary of the virtual universe"! This function is free, without any hanging point!

The Great Venerable of the Three Realms, die!


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