Break Into Another World

Chapter 1992: bring me a word

The Great Venerable of the Three Realms, die!


In this way, the Great Venerable of the Three Realms fell silently into a space-time somewhere in the second quadrant. However, the Great Venerable of the entire universe witnessed this scene.



"how is this possible!?"

In fact, the great masters such as Tianyu Dazun and the fallen demon master, when they saw the Three Realms Dazun again, they all guessed that the Sanjie Dazun would probably fall. However, no one guessed that the Sanjie Dazun actually died of Xu Mingzhi. hand!

No one even guessed that it would be a spike!



Xu Ming was just an understatement and a very random blow, and the Great Senior of the Three Realms fell instantly!

"This is impossible!"

"Why is this!?"

All the Great Venerables can't even be shocked! On the face of every Great Senior, in addition to being stunned, he is still stunned!

"How is that possible? How did Xu Ming do it to kill a great master!? And he still killed a great master within the virtual universe!"

"Within the scope of the virtual universe, the peak powerhouses of the Three Realms of Shackles are almost invincible; even at the Great Senior level, it is almost impossible to kill the powerhouses of the Three Realms of Shackles! And Xu Ming, how did he kill them? What about your majesty?"

"Xu Ming can kill the Great Senior of the Three Realms, then...will he come to the real universe to kill us?" Great Senior Tianyu couldn't help but said.

The other Great Seniors couldn't help but panic!

yes! If Xu Ming can kill the Great Venerable of the Three Realms in seconds, will he also be able to kill them in seconds?

"Could it be... Xu Ming has already taken that last step and reached that level!?"

That level is the pursuit of all Great Venerables!

However, none of the Great Venerables in the universe today can reach that level!


not a single one!

"Xu Ming has reached that level?" All the Great Seniors thought, this is impossible!


However, if Xu Ming did not reach that level, how did he kill the Great Master of the Three Realms in one move in the virtual universe?

"Xu Ming, you..." The Fallen Demon Lord couldn't help but asked directly through voice transmission, "How did you kill the Great Venerable of the Three Realms?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "I don't know either!"

To be precise, Xu Ming really didn't know - after all, killing the Great Senior of the Three Realms was a "second kill"; and Xu Ming's own strength made it impossible to kill the Great Senior of the Three Realms! As for how the "seckill" link killed the Great Senior of the Three Realms in one second, Xu Ming really didn't know!

Therefore, Xu Ming does not count as deceiving the fallen demon master.

However, the fallen demon master was not surprised by Xu Ming's answer. On the contrary, if Xu Ming answered "know", it would surprise the fallen demon master.

"It seems... the Great Venerable of the Three Realms was not killed by Xu Ming, but by the will of the universe!" After thinking for a long time, the Great Venerables finally came to this conclusion.

However, what the great lords do not know is that the great lords of the Three Realms were actually killed by Xu Ming!

Xu Ming ignored the shock of the Great Venerables, and did not intend to tell them the truth, so he just let them guess.

"If only a few more Great Seniors entered the virtual universe!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

If anyone of Gu Hanmo's enemies dared to enter the virtual universe, Xu Ming would be able to kill a few more great masters. After all, Xu Ming's "seckill" link can only be used within the virtual universe, and it will have no effect in the real universe; in the future, Xu Ming goes to the real universe and wants to kill a great master, but it is not so easy!

"Ignore these for now! Go ahead and clean up all the remaining minions in the seven abnormal quadrants!"

When Xu Ming swept through the seven abnormal quadrants, although he had cleaned up all the minions in the seven abnormal quadrants, it was inevitable that some fish would slip through the net. Xu Ming intends to strike while the iron is hot, and now he will directly clean up all the minions in the virtual universe.

Just do it!

"Endless Avatar" hangs, "Everywhere" hangs, and turns on again. In an instant, Xu Ming's endless incarnations spread across the seven abnormal quadrants.

Every inch of space in the seven abnormal quadrants is under Xu Ming's control.

Soon, Xu Ming investigated all the minions in the seven abnormal quadrants.

"Huh? How come there are so many!?"

After the investigation was clear, Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He thought that even if there were fish that slipped through the net, there should not be many. But now, Xu Ming discovered that the minions in each quadrant actually exceeded five trillion!

Each quadrant is more than five trillion, and there are more than 40 trillion minions in the seven quadrants!

Compared with the minions that Xu Ming cleaned up for the first time, it was not much less!

"How come there are so many fish that slip through the net?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - the number of fish that slipped through the net far exceeded Xu Ming's expectations. Moreover, in some areas, Xu Ming had clearly cleaned up the minions before, but now a new minion has appeared!

"Could it be..." Xu Ming quickly thought of a possibility, "The long river of time in the seven abnormal quadrants has been tampered with again?"

Xu Ming guessed right!

After he returned to the second quadrant, another great master came to the virtual universe, and tampered with the past of the seven abnormal quadrants again, and cultivated a new batch of minions.

"Sinking Demon Lord." Xu Ming asked in a voice transmission, "After I returned to the second quadrant, did the Great Venerable descend to the virtual universe?"

"Yes!" The fallen demon master naturally knew what Xu Ming wanted to They have cultivated a group of forces again! The forces you cleaned up before have all been cleaned up for nothing! "

"Cleaned up in vain?" Xu Ming sneered and shook his head, "No! They cultivated in vain!"

"Eh?" The Fallen Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted - that's really the case!

The Great Venerables paid the price to come to the virtual universe, and spent their time cultivating hundreds of millions of forces; but Xu Ming was able to uproot them all without any effort—it was indeed a waste of cultivation!

"Sinking Demon Lord, I have something to trouble you!" Xu Ming said.

"You said it!" The Fallen Demon Lord said directly.

Today, Xu Ming and the fallen devil's communication posture are relatively equal.

After all, Xu Ming is an invincible existence in the virtual universe. If he can instantly kill the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, he can naturally also kill the fallen devil. Of course, only Xu Ming knows this, but the fallen devil does not.

However, the fallen demon master can feel the horror of Xu Ming and the potential of Xu Ming, so when facing Xu Ming, he also communicates with an equal attitude.

"Help me bring a sentence to those great masters in the real universe!" Xu Ming said, "I still can't transmit voice to the real universe."

"Yes!" The Fallen Demon Lord naturally understood which "those great masters" Xu Ming was referring to.

"Tell them..." Xu Ming pondered for a while and said, "I am in the virtual universe, they are welcome to come anytime!"

The Fallen Demon Lord immediately understood - Xu Ming was warning!

Warn the great masters of the real universe!

The powerhouse of the virtual universe, dare to warn the great master of the real universe? - Xu Ming is really the first!

"Haha! Good!" The Fallen Demon Lord readily agreed, "I'll help you pass the word to them!"


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