Break Into Another World

Chapter 1995: 1 left!

Because he obtained a treasure, Gu Hanmo was chased and killed by the great venerables; even after reincarnation, the pursuit and killing still did not stop.

However... It is precisely because of that treasure that Gu Hanmo was able to meet, get to know each other, and become partners with Xu Ming.

Therefore, Xu Ming both hates and appreciates the "first treasure in the universe" that Gu Hanmo got - after all, if it wasn't for this treasure, Xu Ming would never have met Gu Hanmo.

"Han Mo, how is your current situation?" Xu Ming asked.

"The situation..." Gu Hanmo shook his head, "It's not optimistic!"

"Huh!?" Xu Ming looked solemn.

However, Xu Ming was already a little mentally prepared. After all, if Gu Hanmo's situation was optimistic, she would not be incarnated into hundreds of millions, distributed in the real universe and the eight big boundaries of the virtual universe; it must be that the situation is not optimistic enough, so she will do this.

"You also know that my real body is in the real universe." Gu Hanmo continued, "Even if I hide it well, it is not difficult to determine my position by means of the Great Senior level and through causal investigation. So... I am incarnated in billions and scattered all over the real universe to disrupt cause and effect; in this way, it will be difficult for Tianyu Dazun and others to track me with cause and effect investigation!"

"However..." Gu Hanmo said again, "If they can find my avatar, there is still a way to use my avatar to determine the location of my true body! However, once my avatar is discovered, it will immediately explode, and will not give Any chance they have!"

"My incarnations are all over the real universe and the virtual universe! They have extended their minions to every corner of the real and virtual universes - if things go on like this, my incarnation will be discovered by those minions sooner or later; after all, I created The speed of the incarnation cannot keep up with the speed at which they discovered the incarnation!"

"Especially in the virtual universe, the situation is particularly not optimistic! After all, the existence of the Great Senior level can tamper with the long river of time in the virtual universe as long as you pay a certain price; therefore, I am afraid that within a few epochs, those minions and forces will be able to Find out all the incarnations of my virtual universe..."

When Gu Hanmo said this, Xu Ming suddenly interrupted: "Wait! Void Universe, you don't have to worry!"

"Oh?" Gu Hanmo couldn't help but wonder - what she was most worried about was her incarnation in the virtual universe; Xu Ming actually said, don't worry about the virtual universe?

"Because..." Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little proud, "Those Great Seniors, all the minions and powers spread over the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe, have all been cleaned up by me!"

"What?" Gu Hanmo couldn't believe it.

Even if she knew that Xu Ming's strength had already reached the absolute limit of the virtual universe; however, it was not so easy to clean up all the minions and forces of the eight major boundaries of the virtual universe!

Even the strength and power of the peak of the shackles of the three realms cannot do it!

After all, the peak powerhouses of the three realms of shackles are only invincible in one quadrant, and they cannot go to the abnormal quadrant.

"Eight big limits in the virtual universe, all the minions and forces, not a single one is left!" Xu Ming emphasized again.

This time, Gu Hanmo finally asked seriously, "Really?"

"Don't worry! In the virtual universe, there is absolutely no minion force!" Xu Ming has cleaned it up twice, and he is naturally very sure, "Your incarnation in the virtual universe is absolutely safe!"

"Xu Ming, how did you do it?" Even Gu Hanmo couldn't imagine how Xu Ming did it.

"I'll talk to you later!" Xu Ming said, "Han Mo, I have a little doubt - why don't you just stay in the virtual universe for your real body?"

The virtual universe has absolute limits.

Gu Hanmo has the strength of the Great Senior. As long as she stays in the virtual universe and doesn't go to the real universe, no one can do anything about her! Even if you pay some price and stay in the virtual universe forever like the fallen devil, it seems to be okay?

"It's not that I don't want to stay in the virtual universe, it's just that I can't stay!" Gu Hanmo sighed, "When I just woke up from the memory of my past life, I also considered staying in the virtual universe forever! Always urging me to go to the real universe!"

"It's so?" Xu Ming was also depressed - the treasure that Gu Hanmo got was not only useless at all, but also attracted a lot of enemies, and forced Gu Hanmo to go to the real universe...

"So, even at that time, when God's Domain was in crisis, I chose not to take action; but, it won't be long before I will be forced to go to the real universe - when I go to the real universe, I will definitely need to use the power of my previous life, It will still be detected by the enemy!"

Xu Ming understood - Gu Hanmo had to go to the real universe.

Gu Hanmo smiled again: "Actually, what I was most worried about before was these incarnations of me in the virtual universe; if all my billions of incarnations in the virtual universe are found, then my real body in the real universe~www. I won't be able to hide for a long time! Now, since my incarnation in the virtual universe is absolutely safe, I don't have to worry too much; even if I give them billions of epochs, they may not be able to find me. real body!"

"That's good!" Xu Ming had a smile on his face - he finally really helped Gu Hanmo!

"By the way, Xu Ming!" Gu Hanmo said again, "Are you planning to go to the real universe?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming nodded.

"The real universe, it's time to go!" Gu Hanmo said, "After all, the limit of the virtual universe is too low! Only in the real universe can one truly climb the pinnacle of cultivation!"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said, "And... I can't let you in the real universe alone!"

Gu Hanmo didn't say anything - she and Xu Ming could understand each other's feelings even with just one look.

Gu Hanmo knew that even if Xu Ming was not to climb the pinnacle of cultivation, but just for her, he would go to the real universe without hesitation!

"The real universe...the strong are like clouds!" Gu Hanmo said, "Xu Ming, even if you are in the virtual universe, you have already reached the peak; but in the real universe, you can only be regarded as one of the strong! It's a long way off!"

"I know that!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

The limit of cultivation in the virtual universe is ordinary supreme.

And above the ordinary supreme, there are people supreme, earth supreme, heaven supreme! Only the top-level Heavenly Supreme is the "Great Venerable" standing at the peak of the true universe!

Xu Ming's own strength is indeed far from the level of the Great Senior.

"I'll tell you first about the power structure in the real universe!" Gu Hanmo said again, "In this way, when you go to the real universe in the future, you will be able to know in your heart! Know which side is the enemy and which side is the friend!"


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