Break Into Another World

Chapter 1996: The 8 realms of the real universe

"The real universe is divided into eight territories!"

Gu Hanmo spoke up.

"They are: Eternal Realm, Ancient God Realm, Void Tribulation Realm, Thunder Extermination Realm, Dao Realm, Chaos Ridge, Flame Demon Sea, Ice and Snow Realm! Among them, the 'Eternal Realm' is the strongest!"

Eternal domain?

Xu Ming remembered.

"That's right!" Gu Hanmo continued, "The Eternal Palace where Xu Yin went is the largest force in the Eternal Domain; at the same time, it is also the largest force in the entire true universe! - For some reason, the Eternal Palace has an incomparable status. Aloof; even the other great masters of the real universe don't dare to provoke the Eternal Palace! When I sent Xu Yin to the Eternal Palace, I also entrusted a friend of mine to take care of her, so there is no need to worry about her safety! "

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly - he knew that if the Eternal Palace was not safe enough, then Gu Hanmo would not be able to take Xu Yin to the Eternal Palace.

However, although Xu Ming is not worried about Xu Yin's safety, he is still worried about other aspects - for example, those suitors of Xu Yin have bad intentions! Xu Ming didn't want his daughter to be deceived by those unscrupulous suitors.

Therefore, after Xu Ming went to the real universe, he must go to the Eternal Hall as soon as possible to see it.

"The Ancient God Territory is the gathering place of the oldest group of Great Venerables in the true universe! Those Great Venerables appeared when the universe first opened, and they were born at the 'Great Venerable' level! But... the Great Venerables of the Ancient God Territory are very Xenophobia! If you can come into contact with it in the future, you will understand!"

"The Void Tribulation Domain is a territory controlled by the powerhouses from the virtual universe! However, the Void Tribulation Domain has the fewest great masters, only two! - You are also from the virtual universe, and you can consider going to the Void Tribulation Domain in the future. !"

"Lei Mieyu... Not to mention, it is a gathering place for a group of lunatics!"

"Daojie, I'd like to remind you - remember! Try not to offend the powerhouses in the Daojie! Because... the great masters in the Daojie can sometimes act on behalf of the will of the universe!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming couldn't help being a little surprised and puzzled: "Act on behalf of the will of the universe!?"

"It's good that you have a number! Under normal circumstances, you should not encounter a strong person in the Dao world!" Gu Hanmo said, "Now... I want to say Chaos Ridge! In my previous life, I was a member of Chaos Ridge. Your Majesty!"

Xu Ming suddenly became serious.

Gu Hanmo continued: "In the beginning, when the treasure came, the universe fell into chaos... Our great masters of Chaos Ridge, united and participated in the battle for the treasure! At that time, we agreed that no matter who got the treasure in the end, everyone else would To cover his escape! In the end, it was I who got the treasure! But... the Great Venerable of the Three Realms of Chaos Ridge, not only did not abide by the agreement to cover my escape, but also tried to stop me; otherwise, I would not be forced by the Great Venerable To the point of reincarnation! So…”

Gu Hanmo paused and said: "In the real universe, which Great Senior has the deepest hatred between me and me, it is undoubtedly the Great Senior of the Three Realms! Similarly, the Great Senior of the Three Realms will definitely try his best to prevent my revenge. Come and deal with me and the people around me! So Xu Ming, after you go to the real universe, the most important thing you need to beware of is the Great Venerable of the Three Realms..."

"Wait!" At this moment, Xu Ming interrupted Gu Hanmo's words.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hanmo was a little puzzled.

"That..." Xu Ming said, "There is no such person as the Great Master of the Three Realms anymore!"

"There is no Great Venerable of the Three Realms anymore?" Gu Hanmo was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive, "Where did you go?"

"It has fallen!" Xu Ming said.

"Ah?" Gu Hanmo was stunned for a second—you know, at the level of the Great Senior, it's hard to fall! If Gu Hanmo hadn't been besieged by many great elders, he wouldn't have been reincarnated!

"How did you fall?" Gu Hanmo couldn't help but ask.

Xu Ming smiled, but said, "I killed it!"

"What!?" Gu Hanmo's eyes widened suddenly, incredulous - if Gu Hanmo didn't know, Xu Ming couldn't be joking with herself at this time, she would even think that Xu Ming was lying to herself!

"How did you do it?" Gu Hanmo couldn't help asking.

"This..." Xu Ming also didn't know how to explain, "Anyway, as long as you know, the Great Senior of the Three Realms has completely fallen! There is no chance of reincarnation!"

"Okay..." Gu Hanmo didn't ask too much, "If that's the case, wouldn't those great masters in the real universe have noticed you?"

"Definitely!" Xu Ming said, "This is exactly what worries me - if I go to the real universe, I will definitely be targeted by the Great Venerable Tianyu and others..."

"It's a bit troublesome!" Gu Hanmo also said.

The normal way to go to the real universe is to cross the intersection of the real universe and the virtual universe.

At such an intersection, there are only eight in the entire universe—one of the eight great quanta.

If Xu Ming went to the real universe in a normal way, I am afraid that he has just arrived in the real universe, and the great masters such as Tianyu Dazun will already be waiting in line for him.

You must know that in the real universe, the Great Venerables can exert their full strength! After Xu Ming arrived in the real universe, many plug-in functions such as "Seckill" and "Invincible" were unavailable!

If Xu Ming met the Great Senior as soon as he arrived in the real universe, it would really be... very painful!

Before, Xu Ming had never thought about this problem. Now I can't help but feel depressed - how to go to the real universe?

"If you want to go to the real universe, there is only one way left!" Gu Hanmo sighed and said.

"What way?" Xu Ming asked.

Gu Hanmo spit out four words: "Disturb time and space!"

"After disturbing time and space, there is a way to pass through the 'true virtual barrier' and let you enter the true universe! But... this method has a big drawback!" Gu Hanmo added, "After you enter the true universe, you cannot be sure. At which point in space and time will it appear!"

That is to say...

Using this method, Xu Ming has no idea when he will reach the true universe in the future - if it is fast, it may be in the blink of an eye; if it is slow, it may be hundreds of millions of epochs before reaching the true universe!

Moreover, after arriving in the real universe, Xu Ming has no way of knowing where he will appear in the real universe! If you are unlucky, you might end up in an extremely dangerous place somewhere! Even, directly at the door of a certain Great Senior...

"Time, it's not a problem!" Gu Hanmo said, "For our existence at this level, time has no meaning for a long time! The fear is that you will appear in an extremely dangerous place somewhere! But... extremely dangerous After all, there are very few places, and the probability of appearing in such a place must be extremely low! Don’t worry too much!”

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

Most of the real universe is still safe.

Xu Ming couldn't believe that he would be so unlucky to appear in an extremely dangerous place.

Besides... Even if it does appear in some extremely dangerous place, Xu Ming has nothing to worry about. Don't forget, even in the real universe, Xu Ming still has "infinite resurrection" hanging on.

"However, to use the 'Infinite Resurrection' hang in the real universe, you need to consume one level 23 hang point each time!" Xu Ming secretly said I only have 1 level 23 hang point on my body now, before going to the real universe. , you must first get some more level 23 hanging points! "

Xu Ming gradually had a plan in his mind.

"Xu Ming, this incarnation of mine won't exist for long!" Gu Hanmo said, "You'd better go to the real universe early, I can help you disrupt time and space and open the barrier to the real void! If you wait for my incarnation to dissipate, you want to disrupt time and space again. , Go to the real universe, but it will be difficult!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly, "Give me a little time, and I can go to the real universe!"

Xu Ming didn't need to explain anything in the virtual universe. After all, even if Xu Ming went to the real universe, he would still stay in the virtual universe; within the virtual universe, it was still Xu Ming's absolute territory!

The only thing Xu Ming needs to do is to find a way to get more "Cosmic Origin·Void" before going to the real universe!

After all, only the "Origin of the Universe·Void" can be exchanged for level 23 hanging points.

[Correction of a typo: The previous article said that "Infinite Resurrection" requires a level 24 hanging point to be used in the real universe, which is actually a typo; "Infinite Resurrection" requires a level 23 hanging point. The previous text has been unable to modify, hereby explain.

To explain again, the functions of the 23rd, 24th and 25th level hanging points are as follows:

Level 23 hanging point: infinite resurrection;

Level 24 Hanging Point: Time Reverse Flow;

Level 25 Suspension: Seize the Universe! 】

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