Break Into Another World

Chapter 1997: to the real universe

Where can there be "the origin of the universe, virtual"?

The first thing Xu Ming thought of was - the fallen devil!

The fallen devil, but the existence of the Great Venerable level! The good things on him are probably more than the sum of the eight elephants in the virtual universe!

Who is Xu Ming looking for if he doesn't look for him?


With a single thought, Xu Ming appeared outside the residence of the fallen devil.

"Huh? Xu Ming?" Seeing Xu Ming's sudden appearance, the Fallen Demon Lord couldn't help but be slightly surprised, "Your method is really incomprehensible to me! I didn't expect it to appear so suddenly!"

The fallen demon sighed with emotion.

You must know that even other Great Seniors can't suddenly appear near the fallen devil like this. This means alone makes the fallen devil feel jealous.

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled.

What is the sudden appearance?

You must know... the life of the fallen devil is actually completely in Xu Ming's hands. If Xu Ming wanted to kill him, it was really just a matter of one thought, he would kill him with a casual "seckill".

Just like killing the "Three Realms Great Venerable" in seconds.

However, the fallen devil does not think that it was Xu Ming who killed the Great Venerable of the Three Realms. The Great Venerables in the universe all thought that the Great Venerable of the Three Realms was killed by the will of the universe.

Therefore, although the fallen demon master was somewhat afraid of Xu Ming, he was only "a little afraid", far from the level of "awe".

"Xu Ming, why did you come to me...?" The Fallen Demon Lord asked with a smile—the relationship between him and Xu Ming should be regarded as "friends rather than enemies".

Xu Ming came here because he actually wanted to ask the Fallen Demon Lord for treasures, so his attitude couldn't be bad, and he said with a smile, "I'm here this time to ask you to borrow some treasures..."

Xu Ming got straight to the point.

"Oh? What treasure do you want to borrow?" The Fallen Demon Lord smiled.

In fact, at the level of the fallen demon master, most of the treasures are really just outside things! Even if it is an ordinary world-shattering magic weapon, the fallen demon master may not take it to heart.

Therefore, when Xu Ming said that he was here to "borrow treasures", the fallen demon master had already made a decision in his heart - as long as the treasures that Xu Ming borrowed were not too outrageous, he should have agreed.

Xu Ming said: "What I want to borrow is... the origin of the universe, virtual!"

"Ah?" The Fallen Demon Lord was taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "The origin of the universe, virtual, is it precious?"

Looking at Xu Ming, to the fallen demon master, "The Origin of the Universe · Void" should not be regarded as a very precious treasure! After all, the Fallen Demon Lord is the Great Venerable standing at the peak of the entire universe!

"It's not that it's very precious, it's just that things like the origin of the universe are difficult to preserve within the scope of the virtual universe!" The Fallen Demon Lord explained, "Whether it's 'the origin of the universe, true' or 'the origin of the universe, the virtual', in the true Within the scope of the universe, it's not really a very precious thing! Ordinary Heaven Supreme and Earth Supreme are not difficult to obtain! But... once the origin of the universe reaches the virtual universe, it will soon escape, and it is almost impossible to save it!"

"What about that ray of 'Cosmic Origin: Void' in the abyss battlefield?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking. It was in the abyss battlefield that he saw "the origin of the universe, virtual" for the first time.

The Fallen Demon Lord smiled and said, "Actually, I refined that strand of 'Cosmic Origin, Void' into a 'Dragon', so I can save it! After you got it, didn't you discover 'Cosmic Origin, Void'? Is it constantly escaping? Oh, no, the time you get is too short, and you may not be aware of the escape; however, the origin of the universe is within the scope of the virtual universe, and it will all escape in an era!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a moment - after he obtained "Origin of the Universe: Void", he directly exchanged it for a level 23 hanging point, naturally he would not notice the escape.

"The origin of the universe, once it appears in the virtual universe, will dissipate; and the virtual universe will grow after absorbing the origin of the universe..." The fallen devil explained, "By the way, Xu Ming, you want the origin of the universe. Dummy, what is it for?"

Xu Ming made a random excuse and said, "For cultivation!"

The Fallen Demon Lord has no doubts. After all, in the true universe, the main function of the origin of the universe is to cultivate.

The fallen devil continued: "I used different means to save a total of ten 'cosmic origin, virtual'. One of them, you have taken away; the remaining nine, if you need it, just take it directly Go!"

For the fallen demon master, the origin of the universe has long been useless; and it is not a very precious thing, so it is directly given to Xu Ming.

"Thank you so much!" Xu Ming said.

Although it is a little less, it is better than nothing!

Ten "Origin of the Universe · Void", after Xu Ming arrives in the real universe, he will have ten chances to be resurrected! In this way, even if Xu Ming encounters any danger in the real universe, he still has the trump card to save his life.

Leaving from the Fallen Demon Lord, Xu Ming returned directly to the "independent space".

After all, according to the meaning of the fallen devil, it is almost impossible for "cosmos origin, virtual" to exist elsewhere in the virtual universe. That being the case, Xu Ming was too lazy to waste time.

"Han Mo, get ready, disrupt time and space, and send me to the real universe!" Xu Ming left behind an avatar and said.

For Xu Ming, as long as there is one incarnation in the virtual universe, he can completely control the eight big boundaries of the virtual universe.

Moreover, leaving an avatar in the virtual universe can also hide people's eyes and ears. In this way, those great masters of the real universe will think that Xu Ming is still in the virtual universe; they will not think that Xu Ming has actually gone to the real universe.

"Xu Ming!" Gu Hanmo said, "The great masters of the real universe have many means beyond your imagination! Therefore, after you arrive in the real universe, if you have enough strength, you must keep a low profile!"

"I understand!" Xu Ming said - he was a very low-key person!

"If you're all I'm going to disrupt time and space!" Gu Hanmo said.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.


Gu Hanmo waved his hand, and an incomparably deep vortex appeared in the space-time in front of him.

The center of the vortex is the ultimate darkness. All time and space are disturbed.

Gu Hanmo said: "After entering this time and space vortex, you will definitely be able to reach the true universe! It's just... when will it arrive and where in the true universe will it appear, even me, there is no way to know!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded, and then said solemnly, "Han Mo, wait for me in the real universe!"

Gu Hanmo's cold expression suddenly warmed a lot: "Okay! I'll wait for you!"

Gu Hanmo knew that Xu Ming came to the real universe to fight against the great lords for her!

Gu Hanmo didn't say it, but thought to himself: "Don't worry Xu Ming, no matter what, I will not put you in danger!"

Gu Hanmo wanted Xu Ming to go to the real universe because only in the real universe can he reach the pinnacle of cultivation! However, if Xu Ming is in danger because of her, Gu Hanmo will send Xu Ming back to the virtual universe at all costs; in that case, Xu Ming will be safe.

"Han Mo, see you in the real universe!" Xu Ming said with a smile, and then took a step and directly entered the vortex of time and space.

Gu Hanmo watched Xu Ming's leaving back, and watched the time and space vortex gradually disappear; then, her avatar also dissipated directly.

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