Break Into Another World

Chapter 1998: billions of years later

Time is like water.

In the long track of time, geniuses continue to rise, and powerhouses continue to fall; new forces continue to emerge, and old forces continue to perish.

Every creature in the eight dimensions of the virtual universe, powerful like the Supreme Being and the World Lord, and weak like the ants and the mayflies, are all living for their own meaning of life.

In an unknown small universe, in a dust world near a chaotic world.

On the second floor of a library, by the window, a man and a woman were sitting opposite each other.

Men and women are each holding a book and flipping through it.

The hot tea on the table rises with wisps of heat. Cherry blossoms fall outside the window, and the ground is like snow.

"Xu Ming." The woman suddenly raised her head, it was Yin Ran, she smiled, "We have been living in this dusty world for nearly a hundred years, and it's about time to leave!"

"Yeah! Another hundred years have passed!" Xu Ming said with a smile while drinking tea.

This Xu Ming is actually just an incarnation of Xu Ming in the virtual universe.

Since the real body went to the real universe, this incarnation of Xu Ming has accompanied Yin Ran to travel around the eight great boundaries of the virtual universe.

They have been to all kinds of different worlds, live as ordinary people, and go with the flow. In a world like God's Domain, they would live for ten thousand years; in a world of dust, they would live for a hundred years.

Xu Ming would also accept some named disciples at will, and teach them some exercises; as for whether they will live or die, and how high they can go in the future, Xu Ming will not ask at all.

Xu Ming and Yin Ran are like passers-by in the world, enjoying various lives freely.

"Xu Ming!" Yin Ran asked suddenly, "It's been so long, haven't you reached the real universe yet?"

Xu Ming was a little embarrassed: "No!"


Ever since Xu Ming's real body stepped into the vortex of time and space, it's been... Hundreds of millions of epochs!


Billion Era!

However, Xu Ming's real body has not yet reached the real universe!

For Xu Ming's real body, passing through the whirlpool of time and space is actually only a short period of time; but for Xu Ming's incarnation, it has already experienced hundreds of millions of epochs - between the real body and the incarnation, the flow of time is seriously unequal! If it wasn't for Xu Ming's strength, his incarnation would have collapsed long ago.

"I thought that I would reach the real universe soon; I didn't expect that the Era of Hundreds of Thousands of Years has passed, and it hasn't arrived yet..." Xu Ming was really speechless.

In these billions of epochs, many changes have taken place in the real universe.

Not long ago, Xu Ming got a piece of news: Xu Yin has become the Supreme Being!


Xu Ming's daughter, Xu Yin, has already cultivated in the real universe to the realm of heavenly supremacy!

At the beginning, Xu Ming also got this news by accident; after all, he has enemies in the real universe, but he can't expose his relationship with Xu Yin! And... Before Gu Hanmo left, she told Xu Ming that she blocked Xu Yin's memory to isolate cause and effect! In other words, although Xu Yin knew that she was from the virtual universe, she had no memory of living in the virtual universe, nor did she know that her father was called "Xu Ming".

"Xu Yin's cultivation is higher than that of her father and me?" Xu Mingzhen felt a little dumbfounded, "After I arrive in the real universe, I must improve my cultivation as soon as possible! Otherwise, when father and daughter meet each other in the future, my cultivation will still be the same. Not as tall as my daughter, where can I save my face?"

If when we met, Xu Yin was the supreme being of the sky, and Xu Ming was only the supreme cultivation of human beings... Then, Xu Ming would really feel that his face was a little out of place!

Yin Ran comforted: "It's okay, don't worry! When you arrive in the real universe, this is not something you can control; even Han Mo can't control it!"

In fact, Yin Ran's life is really satisfied.

She and Xu Ming have been together for hundreds of millions of years, and they have experienced all kinds of life together.

This kind of life, Yin Ran really hopes to continue forever.

"The owner of the library! Madam!" Suddenly, a white-haired old man ran up to the second floor of the library and shouted.

"Xiao Hai, what's the matter?" Xu Ming smiled lightly.

The white-haired old man "Xiao Hai" is just an ordinary martial artist.

When Xu Ming and Yin Ran first arrived in this dusty world, Xiaohai was less than twenty years old; because of the injustice, he was chased by the enemy, and finally was rescued by Xu Ming. From then on, Xiaohai stayed in this library as a servant, repaying Xu Ming and his wife for saving their lives.

In the blink of an eye, it has been nearly a hundred years.

Xiaohai is just an ordinary person in the "Acquired Realm" and is approaching his twilight years.

"The pavilion owner, the young master is back!" said the white-haired old man Xiaohai.

little master?

A few memories appeared in Xu Ming's mind.

In the past 100 years, Xu Ming has also adopted some orphans. The young master "Qin Lin" in Xiaohaikou was the last orphan adopted by Xu Ming.

Qin Lin's talent is good - of course, it's just "good" among mortals, not "good" in Xu Ming's eyes.

When Xu Ming had nothing to do, he taught him one or two marksmanship, and he didn't care anymore. As for the level of comprehension and the realm of cultivation, that is not what Xu Ming cares about.

However, Qin Lin's personality made Xu Ming not very fond of it. Later, when Qin Lin got older and went out on his own, Xu Ming never paid attention to it again.

"You're back?" Xu Ming's expression did not fluctuate - in fact, with Xu Ming's strength, as long as he wanted to know, he could know anything about the Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe with a single thought. Xu Ming and Yin Ran just deliberately blocked the spiritual sense to live the life of ordinary people, and deliberately did not pay attention to external things.

"Yes! But..." Xiaohai said hesitantly.

at this time-


The sound of horses' hoofs shook the ground. Looking around, I am afraid there are hundreds of horses.

These hundreds of people were aggressive, and Qin Lin rode his horse at the front, only half a step behind a burly master, looking high-spirited.

"Sigh..." Seeing Qin Lin's appearance, Xu Ming sighed softly, not sure if he was sighing about human nature.

"Master." Qin Lin said respectfully at the burly master beside him, "Here it is! My marksmanship was learned from this library!"

"Yeah!" The burly master nodded calmly and motioned Qin Lin to shout.

Qin Lin understood, he stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Brother Xu Ming! Since you know I'm here, why don't you come out and see me?"

Brother Xu Ming…

Hearing this, Yin Ran almost burst out laughing—when Qin Lin was adopted in the library, every time he saw Xu Ming, he always called Xu Ming "Godfather"; although at the time, Xu Ming did not recognize his name. Not long after leaving the library now, "Godfather" has become "Brother Xu Ming"...

In the billions of times that Xu Ming and Yin Ran lived together, they had never met someone as shameless as Qin Lin.

However, Xu Ming and Yin Ran only felt

:. :

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