Break Into Another World

Chapter 2003: 0 Commander Xu Ming

"Stop me!!"

This voice, in fact, did not have much anger, but it had a coercion that could not be disobeyed.

When General Shi heard the words, his face changed suddenly, and the whole person shuddered violently; he stopped his hand without thinking about it.

"City...City Lord?" General Shi never thought that he would be stopped by the City Lord if he only started to do something to Xu Ming, who was not even at the highest level of cultivation.

General Shi couldn't help but said: "City lord, this person has a revenge with me for killing his son, and I also ask the city lord..."

The voice of the Qinghai City Lord sounded faintly: "This person is still talented, don't kill him!"

After speaking, the Qinghai City Lord's will receded directly, ignoring the reaction of General Shi at all.

"This..." General Shi looked at Xu Ming and gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to attack. After all, the words of the Qinghai City Lord have already been put here, and General Shi does not dare to disobey.


General Shi snorted bitterly, turned his head and left.

"Xu Ming!" General Shi's eyes were cold, and he secretly said in his heart, "The enmity of killing your son will never end! Although the city lord cherishes your talent, he will not allow me to kill you; long as you are in the Qinghai Navy, I have a way to deal with you! Humph! Just wait..."

General Stone is gone.

But the powerhouses present looked at Xu Ming as if they were looking at the dead.

After all... Although General Shi was under the coercion of the city lord, he did not dare to do anything to Xu Ming; but when he thought about it, he knew that as long as Xu Ming was in the Qinghai Navy, General Shi would definitely find a way to deal with Xu Ming.

And if Xu Ming leaves the Qinghai Navy... that's even better! General Shi didn't even need to think of any way to kill Xu Ming!

So... in the eyes of the powerhouses around the battlefield, Xu Ming is a word for "death" both vertically and horizontally.

"Can someone challenge Xu Ming?" asked Qing Haijun, who presided over the battle stage.

The scene was silent, and no one took the stage to challenge.

After all, Xu Ming's ability to kill Shi Heng in the Supreme Realm in one move is enough to prove Xu Ming's strength. Among the powerhouses vying for the position of centurion, few dare to say that they can beat Xu Ming.

Moreover, Xu Ming had already made an enmity with General Shi. In case General Shi didn't want Xu Ming to die on the battlefield so easily, wouldn't he offend General Shi by killing Xu Ming instead?

So... whether it was because of Xu Ming's strength or because of General Shi, no one was willing to challenge Xu Ming on stage.

After confirming again and again that no one wanted to challenge, Xu Ming logically obtained the position of the centurion.

"Xu Ming," said a veteran of the Qinghai Navy, "please come with me, I'll take you to the barracks."

When you become a centurion, you will go to the military camp first.

When the recruits are recruited, they will be assigned to the centurions.

"Okay!" Xu Ming stepped off the stage and followed him to the Qinghai Navy.

As for that General Shi, Xu Ming had long since left behind him - he was just an ordinary high-ranking Supreme. If he was in the virtual universe, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to talk to Xu Ming!

Xu Ming's only worry is that if he kills General Shi himself, he will definitely reveal his identity; in that case, I am afraid that he will not be able to live quietly in Qinghai City.

"I first came to the real universe, and there are powerful people in the real universe who are eyeing it... It's better to keep a low profile!" Xu Ming didn't want to be noticed by the powerhouses in the real universe too early.

While thinking about it, Xu Ming has arrived at the military camp.

The veteran didn't say anything, put down Xu Ming and left directly; as if he was afraid that if he said a word, he would bring disaster to himself.

There are dozens of Supreme Beings around Xu Ming, all of them are powerhouses who have just become the centurions of the Qinghai Navy.

These centurions, because they were not on the battlefield, did not know that Xu Ming had killed Shi Heng and offended General Shi, so they came forward one after another.

"What do you call this brother? You are not in the Supreme Realm, but you can become a centurion? It seems to be a little capable!" The voice was contemptuous and provocative.

You know, the centurions are all in a competitive relationship. Everyone wants to be the captain of a thousand or a thousand, so that they can get more resources and improve their strength faster.

When everyone saw that Xu Ming was not in the Supreme Realm, in addition to being a little unconvinced, he was actually more afraid - after all, if he was not in the Supreme Realm, he could become a centurion; after he became the Supreme Realm, it would be amazing ?

"Xu Ming!" Xu Ming announced his name lightly.

"Who did you defeat to become the centurion?" Someone asked.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Shi Heng!"

Shi Heng! ?

Hearing this name, all the centurions were stunned; immediately, everyone looked at Xu Ming as if they were looking at an idiot.

"Shi Heng?"

"You said you defeated Shi Heng!?"

"Do you know who Shi Heng is? You actually went to challenge him?"

"It's over! It's definitely going to be a tough time for you in the Qinghai Navy!"

The centurions were very hostile to Xu Ming at first, but after hearing that Xu Ming became the centurion after defeating Shi Heng, there was no hostility at all. , Can Xu Ming live in the Qinghai Navy in the future?

At this time, Xu Ming said indifferently: "To be precise, it's not defeat!"

"Not defeated?"

"What's the meaning?"

"You didn't defeat Shi Heng, how did you become a centurion?"

The centurions wondered.

Xu Ming continued with a smile: "To be precise, it's not defeating, but...killing!"


As soon as these two words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell into incomparable silence.

After a long time, the centurions asked in disbelief, "You said you... killed Shi Heng?"

"That's right." This is no Xu Ming has nothing to hide.


The centurions were so frightened that they took a sharp breath, and they couldn't help but retreat a few steps, and subconsciously opened a distance from Xu Ming; it seemed that if they got close to Xu Ming, they would catch fire.

" killed Shi Heng, yet you are still standing here alive!?" A black-robed centurion dared not believe, "Didn't General Shi ask you to settle accounts!?"

"General Shi? He's here!" Xu Ming laughed. "However, when he first came, he was reprimanded by the city owner and went back!"

After Xu Ming, new centurions arrived one after another.

The arrival of these new centurions also brought Xu Ming's detailed defeat to kill Shi Heng, as well as the circumstances of General Shi's revenge.

"I see..." The centurions finally understood why Xu Ming was still alive, "It turns out that the city lord cherished his talent! But... the city lord should only cherish Xu Ming and not pay too much attention to it; When Ming died, the city owner probably won't know!"

Of course, the centurions were only secretly saying these words in private and would not let Xu Ming hear them.

a few days later.

One hundred new centurions were all in place.

The 10,000 recruits of the Qinghai Navy have also all been recruited.

"Centurions, now assign new recruits to you."

:. :

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