Break Into Another World

Chapter 2004: Feng Zhou Ding

"Centurions, now assign new recruits to you."

An exceptionally burly high-ranking supreme powerhouse looked at Xu Ming and other hundred centurions and said, "And I am your ten thousand centurion - Supreme Lei Shuang!"

Then, Leishhuang Supreme waved his hand, and one hundred talismans flew to one hundred centurions: "This is your soldier talisman! By urging this soldier talisman, you can perceive your recruits!"

While speaking, 10,000 newly recruited recruits poured into the barracks.

The centurions present were urging soldiers to claim their subordinates.

Xu Ming also mobilized the talisman.

"Huh?" However, Xu Ming couldn't help frowning as soon as he activated the soldier talisman, "My soldiers seem to be..."

Xu Ming clearly saw that the vast majority of the ten thousand recruits were half-respected; only a very few were the ninth-rank realm masters. But... Xu Ming's 100 recruits are all in the ninth rank of the world master!

In other words, almost all of the 10,000 recruits in the ninth rank of the world master were brought down by Xu Ming.

If you think about it on your toes, it can't be a coincidence! Someone must have arranged it on purpose.

"Oh!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully.

In fact, for Xu Ming, it made no difference whether his subordinates were a hundred world masters or a hundred "people supreme". Because... Xu Ming doesn't need his subordinates!

Brother Ming alone is stronger than the entire Qinghai City!

The reason why he wants to be this centurion is purely to understand the real universe in a low-key manner.

"Looks like that General Shi is going to find death!" Xu Ming sneered in his heart - he was already used to killing! If General Shi insisted on courting death, Xu Ming would never show any mercy.

Xu Ming is naturally very calm, but... the 100 recruits under Xu Ming can't be calm!

As soon as these recruits saw that they were assigned to Xu Ming, and that their companions were all recruits with the lowest cultivation base, they were all desperate.


"It's over, it's over!"

"We must be the weakest team in the Qinghai Navy! And we are much weaker than other teams!"

"It's strong or weak, but it's secondary! The most important thing is..."

The recruits under Xu Ming didn't talk about it, but everyone knew what to do—the most important thing was that Xu Ming had offended General Shi!

At this time, Supreme Lei Shuang said again: "Everyone should go back to their own barracks! There are all kinds of cultivation resources in the Qinghai Navy. You can learn about them when you are there, and improve your strength as soon as possible!"

The reason why many strong people are willing to join the Qinghai Navy is actually for the cultivation resources in the army. If there is no temptation of cultivation resources, how free everyone is, why should they come to work for the Qinghai Navy?



The centurions led their men back to the barracks.

And Xu Ming also led the hundred weakest men back to their barracks.

After returning to the barracks, Xu Ming did not say anything to the group of recruits under his command. And this group of recruits hated Xu Ming for being too late, so naturally they wouldn't take the initiative to ask Xu Ming to say something.

Xu Ming came directly to his room.

"Huh... I'm finally alone!" Xu Ming said to himself, "I can finally take a look at the treasure I got in the 'Jiuzhongtian' back then!"

When Xu Ming was in the "Jiuzhongtian", he had obtained three important treasures - Kuntu, Feng Zhou Ding, and Boundary Breaking Gun!

The most precious of them is naturally the Boundary-breaking Spear; after all, this is a Boundary-breaking weapon!

The Kun-feeding map is not very useful. The group of "Kuns" kept in it are too weak; for the current Xu Ming, they are almost useless. On the contrary, the secret technique "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" recorded in the Kun-feeding map may be more valuable.

As for Feng Zhou Ding…

Xu Ming still does not know the use of "Feng Zhou Ding". Because at that time, when Xu Ming wanted to check the use of Feng Zhou Ding, he couldn't check it. He was only told that after arriving in the real universe, he could use it naturally.

Now that Xu Ming has arrived in the real universe, of course, we have to see what is so special about this "Feng Zhou Ding".

"Come out!"

Xu Ming stretched out his hand, and a small bronze-colored cauldron slowly appeared in his palm.

"Feng Zhou Ding... what's the use?" Xu Ming stared at the small cauldron.

at this time…


Feng Zhou Ding suddenly burst into bloom.

Hundreds of millions of rays of light instantly enveloped Xu Ming's body.

"This is...?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming was surprised to see that these hundreds of millions of rays of light actually merged with the hundreds of millions of causal lines on his body. Then... all of Xu Ming's causal lines gradually began to disappear!



"Hide the cause and effect!" Xu Ming understood instantly - the use of Feng Zhou Ding is to hide the cause and effect!

Immediately afterwards, a message was uploaded from Feng Zhou Ding and passed into Xu Ming's mind: "Feng Zhou Ding can forge causal lines and fake decorations!"

It is not to hide the cause and effect, but to directly forge the cause and effect line!

This is bull X!

Xu Ming tried it, and directly forged his own causal line into a completely different look.

"Even the Great Senior, if he didn't see me in person, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find me through causal means!" After Xu Ming came to the real universe, the only thing he worried about was being locked by the Great Senior using "causal" methods; now there is Feng Zhou Ding can forge his own causal line, so Xu Ming no longer has to worry about it!

"And... the cultivation base can also be disguised!" Xu Ming already felt the extraordinaryness of Feng Zhou What level of treasure could this be? - If you don't want to, let's improve your cultivation first! "

Xu Ming's cultivation is only the ninth rank of the world master.

Before, when Xu Ming was still in the virtual universe, it was not difficult to break through to the Supreme Realm. However, Xu Ming was not in a hurry to break through in the virtual universe, but planned to break through after arriving in the real universe.

In fact, this is to hide people's eyes and ears.

After all, the Great Venerables of the true universe probably never thought that Xu Ming could not even reach the supreme cultivation level. Therefore, when the great lords are investigating, when they come from the virtual universe to the real universe, they will at most only investigate the "supreme cultivation base", and will not investigate whether there is a world master coming to the real universe.

And now, since Xu Ming was already in the real universe, it was time to make a breakthrough.

"It took me hundreds of millions of epochs to come from the virtual universe to the real cosmos! During these billions of epochs, my avatar kept accumulating insights; this breakthrough, I'm afraid I can directly break through to the supreme cultivation base!" Xu Ming secretly said, " It is really an incarnation in the virtual universe, and at most, I can only perceive the level of the upper-level supreme, and I cannot perceive the level of 'human supreme'; otherwise, maybe I can directly break through from the world master to the human supreme!"

It is already exaggerated to break through from the world master to the supreme supreme in one fell swoop. However, Xu Ming has Feng Zhou Ding can pretend to be decorated, even if it is exaggerated, it will not be discovered by others.

"Start breaking through!"


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