Break Into Another World

Chapter 2005: The highest peak


Xu Ming directly ran the Qigong method "Breaking the World".

"Breaking the World" is a world-breaking technique.

Before, Xu Ming didn't know what the concept of "Breaking the World" was; now he knew that the World-breaking level meant the pinnacle of the entire universe - every great master in the universe, whether it was Gu Hanmo or Tianyu Da. Venerable, or the fallen devil... Every Great Venerable, the ultimate goal of cultivation, is "breaking the world level"!

However, none of the Great Venerables in the universe can cultivate to the ultimate realm "Breaking World".

However, the Great Venerables call those weapons that are far beyond the "Heavenly Supreme Divine Weapon" as the "Breaking World Divine Weapon"; Law.

Every thing that can be called "Breaking World" represents the peak of the universe.

For example, "Breakout".


Feeling the rising power in his body, although Xu Ming has not yet broken through from the "World Lord Realm" to the "Supreme Realm", his strength is already soaring.

boom! !

Finally, Xu Ming rushed out of the shackles and stepped into the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop!

"Continue to break through!"

Xu Ming's accumulation of hundreds of millions of epochs will not just stop him from "beginning to enter the lower ranks"!

Xu Ming's cultivation continued to improve non-stop.

The first entry into the next supreme!

Low-rank Supreme Beginner!

Low-rank Supreme Intermediate!

The next highest level!

The next highest peak!


Step into the median supreme!

Median Supreme Beginner…

Xu Ming's cultivation progressed all the way, until he reached the peak of the supreme supreme, and then stopped.

"My perception in the virtual universe can only make my cultivation level break through to the supreme, but not to the 'human supreme'!"

Xu Ming stopped to break through and felt his own strength.

"I don't know what the strength of the 'Earth Supreme' level is, but my current strength should be at least the strongest among the 'Middle-level Supreme', close to the 'High-level Supreme'; even, it may already be the 'High-level Supreme' Earth Supreme' level!"

In short, Xu Ming's strength, let alone in the small city of Qinghai; even if he looked at the entire real universe, he could be regarded as a powerhouse.

"I'll be in this Qinghai City first to learn about the power structure of the real universe! After I understand it clearly, I'll consider how to take further actions!" Xu Ming quickly made up his mind.

Then, Xu Ming took out the Feng Zhou Ding.

"First, disguise my cultivation as the ninth-order world master! In this way, no one will know that my cultivation has broken through!"

After doing this, Xu Ming walked out of the barracks.

However, when Xu Ming walked out of the barracks, he did not notice that the recruits under him were a little dejected.

The 100 recruits under Xu Ming saw Xu Ming leave, and they all started to talk:

"Zang Leng Supreme, it's really deceiving!"

Zang Leng Supreme is the most powerful one among the new centurions. The recruits under his command are all warriors among the recruits.

"The training resources issued by the army are distributed to every recruit on average! However, Zang Leng Zhizun took his subordinates and directly robbed our resources..."

"Isn't we joining the Qinghai Navy just to cultivate resources? Without the cultivation resources, wouldn't we have no meaning at all in the army! It's like giving our lives to the army for free!"

"But what can we do? If you want to blame... you can only blame Zang Leng Zhizun for bullying others!"

"No! It's Xu Ming's fault!"

"Yes! If Xu Ming hadn't offended General Shi, we, the weakest group of people, would not have been assigned together! - Why did Zang Leng only bully us, but not the other centurion recruits? It's not because it looks like we are the best to bully!"

"Yeah! What's even more annoying is that Xu Ming has been hiding for a long time in seclusion, causing us to take the blame for him - I don't know, whether Xu Ming really doesn't know that we are being bullied, or is he fake?"

"Then why don't you say it? You must be pretending you don't know!"

"Being assigned to Xu Ming's subordinates, we really lost blood mold!"

All of Xu Ming's recruits complained about Xu Ming.

And Xu Ming didn't know anything about this.

At this time, Xu Ming had quietly come to a secluded and uninhabited place; he transformed himself into a stern black-clothed powerhouse, and even his appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming manipulated Feng Zhou Ding and modified his causal line into chaos.

"Disguised as other powerhouses, the hardest to hide and the easiest to see through, is actually the causal line! Feng Zhouding can arbitrarily modify the causal line, so for me, disguising as other powerhouses, no matter how easy it is. However, it is almost impossible to be seen through!"

"It's time to disguise your cultivation base!" Xu Ming thought again, "You don't have to disguise too much, then disguise yourself as... the next Heavenly Supreme!"

In fact, if Xu Ming is willing, it is no problem to directly pretend to be the "Great Senior" cultivation base.

However, looking at the entire universe, there are only so many Great Seniors; if Xu Ming directly disguised as Great Senior, and others think about it with their toes, they all know that Xu Ming is a fake Great Senior!

"Besides, I just went out this time to inquire about the news in Qinghai City; after all, I don't know how many eyeliners Tianyu Dazun and others have laid in the real universe. Since it's just to inquire about news, there is no need to pretend to be too strong. 's cultivation!"

The next Heavenly Supreme, this cultivation base is absolutely enough to pretend to be X in Qinghai City!

"To inquire about news, of course, you need to find the person with the best information! Then in this Qinghai city, who has the best information?"


Xu Ming took a few steps, and the time and space under his feet changed, and he appeared at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who dares to trespass into the City Lord's Mansion!" The two superiors at the door saw a figure suddenly appear in front of them, and scolded.

However, Xu Ming ignored the two and shouted loudly: "Qinghai City Lord, don't let me out!"

The mighty momentum rolled towards the city lord's mansion. The two superiors guarding the door couldn't bear the pressure and fell to the ground directly.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

The Qinghai City Lord, who was in retreat, suddenly changed his face suddenly: "There is a super strong! Could it be... the super strong who used his spiritual sense to spy on the entire Qinghai City before?"

The Qinghai City Lord did not dare to neglect, and even got up and ran away.

As soon as he arrived near the gate of the city lord's mansion, the city lord of Qinghai saw a stern figure in black. On this black figure, the Qinghai City Lord felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

The Qinghai City Lord suddenly set off a storm in his heart.

"Super strong!"

"Far beyond my super power! It is definitely the existence of the Supreme Realm!"

"No!" Immediately afterwards, the Qinghai City Lord felt the mysterious aura on Xu Ming's body, "This kind of aura! This is..."

The Qinghai City Lord suddenly recalled that when he was fortunate enough to meet a Heavenly Sovereign... he felt the same aura!

"Heaven Supreme!!"


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