Break Into Another World

Chapter 2006: Eternal Domain!

"Heaven Supreme!!"

Every Heavenly Supreme is a character who suppresses one side!

Such a strong man, not to mention in a small city like Qinghai City; even in those big cities, it is rare to see a dragon in sight!

Like the Qinghai City Lord, under normal circumstances, he is not even qualified to meet the Supreme Being. And now, there is a Heavenly Supreme standing in front of him, how can the Qinghai City Lord not be shocked and terrified?

"I don't know who the senior is..." Qinghai City Lord asked in panic.

Xu Ming casually edited: "I just awakened my past life memory and regained my strength... The past is too far away, you don't need to ask more; just tell me, what is the situation in the real universe now! This Qinghai city is located in the real universe again. what territory!"

"Yes!" The Qinghai City Lord did not doubt, nor did he dare to doubt it.

Heavenly Supreme, has the supernatural power of reincarnation.

Although, the risk of reincarnation is extremely high, and it is very likely that he will fall directly after reincarnation, and there is no chance to awaken any past life memories. However, there are still some Heavenly Supremes who will take risks and reincarnate in order to avoid their enemies or to climb to a higher cultivation realm.

After reincarnation, it is normal to refuse to reveal the identity of the previous life. Therefore, the Qinghai City Lord did not dare to ask more.

"Also invite senior to come with me and have a good talk at my mansion!" The Qinghai City Lord bowed slightly and said.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

At this moment, the two high-ranking Supremes guarding the gate of the city lord's mansion fell silently and instantly lost their vitality.

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but glanced at the Qinghai City Lord with a slightly surprised look - that's really cruel! In order to keep secrets for himself, without even thinking about it, he directly beheaded the subordinates who knew it.

But Xu Ming didn't care about that either. This identity of his is a disguise; when he leaves the City Lord's Mansion, this identity will cease to exist.

The Qinghai City Lord carefully invited Xu Ming into the mansion: "Senior, please take your seat!"

Xu Ming unceremoniously sat down on the throne of the city lord.

The Qinghai City Lord personally served tea respectfully: "I don't know what seniors want to ask?"

Xu Ming said lightly, "Tell me first, which of the eight major territories is this one!"

The Qinghai City Lord replied, "This is the Eternal Realm!"

Eternal Domain! ?

Xu Ming was shocked.

"That's right! Eternal Domain!" The Qinghai City Lord said again with certainty.

At the same time, the Qinghai City Lord couldn't help but guess in his heart: "When this senior was in his previous life, was he the Supreme Being of the Eternal Realm? Why did he have such a big reaction after hearing the Eternal Realm?"

"Eternal Domain..." Xu Ming was lost in thought.

In terms of the eight realms of the real universe, which one would Xu Ming want to appear in the most; it was undoubtedly the eternal realm. After all, Xu Ming wanted to go to the Eternal Palace to find Xu Yin.

Now that he has just appeared in the Eternal Domain, for Xu Ming, it is a lot less troublesome.

"Then..." Xu Ming asked again, "How far are you from the Eternal Palace?"

"The Eternal Palace is the core of the Eternal Domain, and our Qinghai City is just a small border town in the Eternal Domain!" Qinghai City Lord said.

"Oh!" Xu Ming understood.

However, as long as it is in the Eternal Domain, it is more convenient than in other domains.

Xu Ming thought for a while, and then asked, "Then there are bigger business alliances, auctions, etc. near Qinghai City?"

Xu Ming urgently needs level 23 and level 24 hanging points.

For level 23 hanging points, you need "Universe Origin·Void" to exchange.

Level 24 hanging points, you need "Universe Origin · True" to exchange.

And the origin of the universe, in the small city of Qinghai, obviously cannot exist.

The Qinghai City Lord continued: "There is a large-scale auction that will be held in Shenyu City recently! I heard that many Heavenly Supremes will participate. When that time comes, I will also join in the fun!"

The Qinghai City Lord explained again: "Shenyu City is the largest city nearby! The Lord of Shenyu City is also a Heavenly Supreme!"

The city where Tian Zhizun serves as the city lord, and the city where Ren Zhizun serves as the city lord, naturally judges.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

After that, he casually learned about other information in the Eternal Domain, and got up and left.

"Senior!" The Qinghai City Lord shouted, "Why don't you just stay in my mansion, senior? I will never leak any news about the senior!"

"No need!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Then... Senior, do you want to go to Shenyu City together to participate in the auction?" The Qinghai City Lord asked again.

"Let's talk about it! If you want to go together, I will come to find you!" Xu Ming said, and disappeared in an instant.

"Hey..." The Qinghai City Lord could only sigh with regret—what a rare opportunity to befriend a Heavenly Sovereign-level power! Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be able to hug this thigh.

"It will be long in Japan! It will be long in Japan! There will be opportunities!" The Qinghai City Lord could only comfort himself like this.

Xu Ming walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, changed his body, and returned to his original appearance.

"Qinghai City is too small, obviously there is no chance! Go back!" Xu Ming secretly said, "It's time to go back and see how the group of recruits under my command is doing now!"

Now that he has become the centurion, Xu Ming must of course act well.

Everyone thought that the recruits assigned to Xu Ming were the most unlucky ones! But in fact... the 100 recruits under Xu Ming are probably the luckiest 100 people in Qinghai City!

You know, even the city lord of Qinghai wanted to hug Xu Ming's thigh but couldn't; but Xu Ming's 100 had already successfully hugged Xu Ming's thigh. It's just that they don't know it.

Back to barracks.

Xu Mingcai suddenly found out: "Hey—why don't you cultivate? Isn't there a cultivation resource in the Qinghai Navy? It shouldn't be difficult for you to break through to the half-respected realm by relying on these cultivation resources! Why doesn't everyone cultivate?"

When Xu Ming spoke, he was still slightly angry.

In a place like the army, once you go to war, it's a life-and-death battle! What is the difference between the hundred recruits under oneself, if they don't cultivate well to improve their strength, and wait to die?

However, at this time, the recruits under Xu Ming's team were complaining:

"Cultivation resources? Where did you get the cultivation resources?"

"Yeah! We only joined the Qinghai Navy because we had reached a bottleneck in our cultivation! If we have the resources for cultivation, of course we must cultivate well; but without the resources for cultivation, our cultivation will be meaningless!"

"Who doesn't want to practice!"

"Yes! We also want to practice!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming listened, frowning more and more, "What's going on? Where are your cultivation resources?"

The recruits said aggrieved: "Our cultivation resources have been taken away by Zang Leng Supreme's people! There is nothing left!"

"What!?" When Xu Ming heard this, he almost exploded, "Someone dares to **** the cultivation resources under my command!?"

:. :

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