Break Into Another World

Chapter 2007: plunder

"Someone dares to **** the cultivation resources under my command!?"

Is this a question of cultivation resources?


To be honest, even if the treasures of the entire Qinghai City were handed over to Xu Ming, Xu Ming would not take it seriously.

But what's the problem?

It's a face problem!

To **** the resources of Xu Ming's subordinates, isn't this hitting Xu Ming in the face?

All along, only Brother Ming has slapped others in the face, so why has it been someone else's turn to slap Brother Ming in the face?

"Go!" Xu Ming said directly.


The recruits under Xu Ming were a little confused: "Where are you going?"

"Look for Zang Leng Supreme!" Xu Ming said directly.

The recruits continued: "Zang Leng Supreme's strength is among the top of the lower-ranking Supremes! Moreover, all the recruits under him are also powerful..."

"If you want to cultivate resources, just follow me!" Xu Ming said coldly.

The recruits looked at each other in dismay, and finally gritted their teeth and followed Xu Ming—after all, they joined the Qinghai Navy for the purpose of training resources; if they didn’t have the training resources, they would definitely not be able to keep up with their strength if they stayed in the army. Sooner or later die in the mission. And now, since they have the opportunity to get training resources, these recruits can't control too much!

First take the cultivation resources and improve the strength. As for whether this will offend anyone or not, it will be a matter of the future.


Xu Ming led his new recruits, rushed out of the barracks, and headed straight for Zang Lengzhi's barracks.

Such a high-profile momentum naturally alarmed many barracks along the way.

Many recruits are watching and discussing:

"What are they going to do?"

"Are you going to seek revenge for Zang Leng Zhizun and the others?"

"Haha... Just relying on this group of rabble, still want to seek revenge for the most powerful Zang Leng Zhizun?"

"That's right! Although Xu Ming can kill Shi Heng in an instant, his strength is not weak; however, Zang Leng Zhizun is also not a vegetarian! Besides, Zang Leng Zhizun's subordinates are full of excellent generals - what does Xu Ming do to fight him?"

"Looking at their appearance, they should be going for revenge! But... don't talk about revenge! Don't be repaired again, it's already very good!"

"Haha... let's go! Watch their jokes!"

Zang Leng Supreme, of course, also heard the news that Xu Ming brought people to seek revenge.

"Is it finally here?" Zang Leng Zhizun had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "General Shi has long entrusted me to teach Xu Ming a good lesson in the barracks, and it's 'just teach not to kill'! Now I finally have a chance!"

As for Xu Ming's strength, Zang Leng Zhizun did not pay much attention to it. In his opinion, Xu Ming's cultivation has not yet reached the Supreme Realm. No matter how strong he is, where can he be strong?

"Although my cultivation level is still a low-ranking supreme, my strength is comparable to that of a middle-ranking supreme!" Zang Leng supreme thought to himself, "Although Xu Ming has killed Shi Heng in an instant, his strength will never reach the level of a median-ranking supreme! As long as he dares to stand in front of me, I can harass as much as I want! Hahahahaha..."

Zang Leng Zhizun was thinking...

boom! !

Suddenly, a huge slap slammed open the gate of his barracks without warning, and in a flash, it was printed on his face.


Zang Leng Zhizun hadn't even realized what was going on before he was blasted out of the barracks by this slap.


Zang Leng fell to the ground with respect.

At this time, the recruits who came to watch the fun also recognized the figure who fell to the ground in a woeful manner.

"This is…?"

"It seems to be Zang Leng Supreme?"

"Zang Leng Supreme, was slapped by Xu Ming?!"

"How is this possible!? Xu Ming's strength is much stronger than Zang Leng Zhizun!?"

"It must be Zang Leng Zun's carelessness, that's why he was attacked by Xu Ming!"

Sure enough, Zang Leng Zhizun was furious: "You dare to attack me!? You are courting death!!"

sneak attack?


Xu Ming raised his palms and slapped them again, knocking Zang Leng Zhizun to the ground again.

"You..." Zang Leng Zhizun's eyes were red with anger, "You still dare to attack!?"

"What!?" Xu Ming was stunned when he heard this - this is also called a sneak attack! ?

The other centurion recruits who came to watch were also stunned - everyone else beat you in front of you, how can you call it a sneak attack?


Xu Ming raised his hand and slapped again: "Sneak attack? What's wrong with me just sneaking up on you! What's wrong with me just sneaking on you!?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Slap one after another.

The continuous slaps directly caused Zang Leng Supreme to doubt life, and at the same time, he was completely convinced.

After a bunch of slaps, Zang Leng Zhizun finally realized the reality - his strength is far inferior to Xu Ming!

Zang Leng Zhizun was pulled into a corner, so pitiful: "You... what are you trying to do!?"

"Hand over all of your cultivation resources!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Including the ones you robbed from my subordinates, and also your own shares—please note, it's 'all'!"

"You... you are deceiving people too much!" Zang Leng Zhizun gritted his teeth.


At the same time, the demigods under Zang Leng Supreme also formed a large formation in an instant, and they wanted to fight Xu Ming to the death.

"Oh?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up, "How dare you resist!?"

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

A few minutes later, Zang Leng Zhizun and his recruits were all honest. However, everyone's face is covered with palm prints.

"Go! Search!" Xu Ming gave an order, and the recruits under his command scoured the cultivation resources like wolves pounced on little sheep.

The hundred recruits under Xu no matter what opinions they had on Xu Ming before; but at this moment, they all obeyed Xu Ming!

"Haha! Not only did I get all my cultivation resources back, but I also gained a lot more!"

"With these cultivation resources, I will be able to break through to half-respect!"

"I really want to go back to practice right away!"

Go back to practice immediately?

Xu Ming smiled: "Don't worry, there's more!"

"Anything else?" Xu Ming's subordinates were startled, "Didn't you search all of them?"

Xu Ming smiled strangely: "And... this group of people watching the fun!"

Brother Ming's liveliness, are you just watching it casually?

Besides, among this group of people watching the fun, how many have never mocked Xu Ming and the others? Search these people again, there is absolutely no injustice!

Xu Ming slowly raised his slap: "Look... do you want me to do it? Or are you conscious?"

"Xu Ming, don't be too arrogant!"

"We have nearly a hundred Supremes and thousands of Half-Respects here! You have not even reached the Supreme Realm, no matter how strong you are, where can you be strong?"

"Alas!" Xu Ming sighed, "It seems... I still have to do it myself!"

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

After the palm shadows all over the sky, all the people watching the fun also became honest.

:. :

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