Break Into Another World

Chapter 2008: recruit relatives

Ten thousand years later.

Thousands of years, like a flick of a finger in the real universe.

For almost every powerhouse in the real universe, ten thousand years have passed as soon as their eyes are closed or opened.

However, for the 100 recruits under Xu Ming, this short 10,000 years is actually 10,000 years when their strength has grown by leaps and bounds. With the supply of a large number of cultivation resources, the 100 realm masters, almost every one of them. They have all broken through to the half-respect realm!

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

At this time, the hundred recruits had already convinced Xu Ming.

When Xu Ming walked past the barracks, every soldier under his command bowed slightly and looked at Xu Ming respectfully and enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly at the recruits, then suddenly stopped and asked, "Have those new centurions and their recruits handed over the training resources this time?"

The Qinghai Navy, every five thousand years, will send out cultivation resources.

Since Xu Ming led his subordinates to loot the cultivation resources of all other recruits twice, the other centurions and their recruits have learned to behave well—this time, without Xu Ming going to the field in person, the other recruits will take the initiative to turn in the training resources. resource.

"It's all handed in!" the subordinates said in succession.

"That's good!" Xu Ming said lightly, "If anyone dares not to pay, just tell me, and I'll come and talk to them!"

Brother Ming came to chat, not just for fun!

Instead, we talk with slaps!

boom! !

General Stone's Mansion.

A valuable stone table was directly smashed into pieces by General Shi.

"Damn Xu Ming!"

General Shi listened to the report from his subordinates, and his veins protruded with anger.

"Because of the warning from the Lord of the City, I can't do anything to Xu Ming in Qinghai City..." General Shi was angry, "I didn't expect Xu Ming to be so arrogant in the military camp!"

"General Shi, we have to find a way to get rid of Xu Ming as soon as possible!"

"Yeah! General Shi! There are already people in the barracks gossiping, saying that you can't do anything about Xu Ming - if this continues, it will be detrimental to your reputation as General!"

"General Stone..."

General Shi waved his hand and interrupted his subordinates: "Humph! Don't worry! There will be a chance to get rid of Xu Ming! - Now Xu Ming is nothing more than arrogance before death!"

At this moment, General Shi suddenly froze slightly.

"Huh? Summoned by the city lord?" General Shi looked puzzled, "I don't know what the city lord has summoned me..."

However, General Shi did not dare to hesitate, and continued: "You go back first! The city lord summoned me, and I have to rush to the city lord's mansion immediately!"

While speaking, General Shi rushed out.

call out-

Qinghai City is just that big. In a blink of an eye, General Shi rushed to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Huh?" What made General Shi puzzled was that besides him, almost all the other high-level officials of Qinghai City came, "So many people? What happened?"

"Everyone!" At this time, the voice of the Qinghai City Lord solemnly sounded, "I just got the news that the emissary of the Eternal Palace is about to come to our Qinghai City, and we are ready to pick it up immediately!"

As soon as the Qinghai City Lord's voice fell, all the high-level officials of Qinghai City became quiet.


"The messenger of the Eternal Hall is coming!?"

"Why did the Eternal Hall messenger come to a small place like our Qinghai City?"

You must know that the emissaries of the Eternal Hall are all powerful people in the realm of "Earth Supreme"!

Moreover, the Eternal Hall is the largest force in the true universe; the powerhouses in the Eternal Hall are generally stronger than those of the same level, and their status is also higher! After all... Generally speaking, walking in the real universe, as long as the three words "Eternal Palace" are reported, no one dares to deceive! Even the Supreme Being of Heaven would not dare to bully the Supreme Being of the Eternal Hall casually.

"City Lord, do you know what's going on?" General Shi couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either!" said Qinghai City Lord.

However, the Qinghai City Lord had some guesses in his heart: "Could it be... for that mysterious powerhouse?"

The Qinghai City Lord couldn't help but think of the "Supreme Heaven" that Xu Ming had disguised as before.

Although the Qinghai City Lord did not reveal any news about "Xu Ming", in his opinion, the Eternal Palace may have learned about it from other sources. Besides, in the small Qinghai City, apart from the mysterious powerhouse, there seems to be nothing that can attract the emissaries of the Eternal Hall.


Just as the Qinghai City Lord was guessing, a high-spirited aura suddenly descended.

Qinghai City Lord and other powerhouses couldn't help but look up. I saw that in the middle of the sky, a golden figure was slowly descending - it was the messenger of the Eternal Hall.

"Meet the messenger!" The Qinghai City Lord continued.

"Meet the messenger!" Other senior officials of Qinghai City also bowed.

"All are exempted from the ceremony!" The Eternal Hall messenger said lightly, "I am here this time just to read a list!"


The City Lord of Qinghai wondered in his heart - what was the text, and the emissary from the Eternal Hall came to read it in person?

The emissary of the Eternal Hall did not continue to pay attention to the Qinghai City Lord and others, but directly covered the entire Qinghai City with the domain, and read the list:

"Today, my saintess of the Eternal Hall, 'Xu Yin', invites relatives to the entire real universe! Anyone who has cultivated to the realm of Heavenly Supreme, or who has a predestined relationship with the 'Eternal Saintess Token' can go to my Eternal Hall, Participate in recruiting!"

The voice of the emissary of the Eternal Hall covered the entire Qinghai City and entered the ears of every strong person in the city. Even the powerhouses who are in retreat can hear it clearly.

at the same time…

In the high sky of Qinghai City, a floating billboard appeared. Every time the emissary of the Eternal Hall said a word, a word appeared on the list.

I don't know when, the messenger of the Eternal Hall has left; but the floating text in the sky is still hanging high for a long time.

"Recruiting relatives?"

"And it's the Holy Maiden of the Eternal Temple recruiting a relative!?"

Qinghai City Lord and other great experts are a little shocked.

This is the saintess of the most powerful force in the universe! —It is no exaggeration to say that she is the most eye-catching female cultivator in the entire real universe!

And now, Xu Yin, the saintess of the Eternal Temple, has publicly recruited relatives to the entire real universe?

Even the Qinghai City Lord felt a little excited when he thought about it.

But soon, the Qinghai City Lord laughed at himself: "How can I be qualified to covet such a saint? If you don't say anything else, just say 'cultivation'. !"

The Qinghai City Lord still has self-knowledge, knowing that he is not even qualified to peep at all!

" can get the Eternal Saint Maiden Token!" The Qinghai City Lord thought again, "But what if you get it? It's just to be able to participate in the recruitment! With my strength and background, even if I can enter the recruitment process, I am afraid it will take a few minutes. Get crushed to death!"

The Qinghai City Lord no longer thought about it.

" mysterious existence in Qinghai City, if you are interested in participating in the recruitment, maybe there is still a chance to win!"

The mysterious existence that the Qinghai City Lord thought of was naturally Xu Ming.


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