Break Into Another World

Chapter 2009: The Sovereign Mansion

"Xu Yin?"

"The Holy Maiden of Eternal Temple?"

"Recruiting relatives?"

Looking at the floating bulletin in the sky, Xu Ming was a little surprised, but more displeased.

"Xu Yin himself, it is definitely impossible to take the initiative to announce this kind of marriage proposal! That's what the high-level officials of Eternal Palace released!" Xu Ming frowned and thought to himself, "But, why does Eternal Palace announce this kind of marriage proposal? Could it be that? ...Do you want to use the saintess to recruit relatives, so that you can marry other forces?"

All Xu Ming could think of was marriage.

Suddenly, Xu Ming became more and more unhappy.

Although Xu Yin is the saintess of the Eternal Temple, you must know that, first of all, she is Xu Ming's daughter!

The matter of marriage can be decided by Xu Yin himself or by Xu Ming's father, but... When will it be the Eternal Hall's turn to decide?

Even if the Eternal Palace is the largest force in the true universe, it is not qualified to recruit relatives for Xu Yin!

"It seems that I have to go to the Eternal Palace to have a look no matter what! If this marriage was voluntarily made by Xu Yin, that's fine; but if it was forced by the Eternal Palace..." Xu Ming's eyes gradually turned cold. , "Humph! Even if it is the largest force in the true universe, I will turn you upside down!"

However, before going to the Eternal Hall, Xu Ming has to improve his strength!

And it is urgent to improve the strength!

After all, once Xu Ming goes to the Eternal Hall, his identity may be revealed; in that case, Xu Ming will face the existence of the Great Venerable!

These are all things that Xu Ming needs to be prepared for!

"Fortunately, the recruiting is not going to happen immediately!" Xu Ming secretly said, "There is still a lot of time, let me improve my strength!"



Xu Ming urgently needs to improve his strength!

However, such a thing as strength is useless! And after arriving in the real universe, Xu Ming couldn't use many plug-in functions, so he had to calm down and practice meditation.

Years are like a river.

In the blink of an eye, another thousand years.

"It's been more than 20,000 years since my cultivation broke through to the peak of the Supreme Being, and I still haven't improved in the slightest!" Xu Ming sighed.

But it's normal!

If Xu Ming made another breakthrough, it would be from an ordinary high-ranking supreme to a "human supreme"! This shackle is not so easy to break through!

Besides, at the level of Xu Ming, 20,000 years is really just a matter of closing and opening one's eyes! Generally speaking, if you want to break through from the ordinary high-ranking supreme to the human supreme, let alone 20,000 years, even two trillion epochs are far from enough!

"Not urgent!"

Xu Ming was not in a hurry.

After all, the time he came to the real universe was very short.

Xu Ming's own cultivation has not improved much, but the recruits under him have improved a lot in the past 20,000 years. The weakest ones are already the fourth-order half-respects; the strong ones have even reached the sixth-order half-respects!

These recruits are naturally aware that their own cultivation cannot be improved without Xu Ming's help - after all, if Xu Ming hadn't helped them rob so many cultivation resources, their cultivation would not have improved so quickly!

The 100 recruits under Xu Ming are equivalent to enjoying the training resources of 10,000 recruits! Can the cultivation base improve quickly?

As for the recruits under the other centurions, their strength has hardly improved in the past 20,000 years. Without the supply of resources, in just over 20,000 years, there is no way to cultivate anything.




boom! !

The rapid and tense bell rang directly in the entire Qinghai Navy.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, "This is... the assembly bell!"

Then, a majestic voice resounded directly!

"All the Qinghai Navy assembled, set off!"

Immediately, the entire Qinghai Navy moved.

Up to the generals, down to every soldier, all assembled.

Xu Ming and his recruits were no exception.

"What happened? All of a sudden the whole army assembled and went straight to the expedition?" Xu Ming was also a little puzzled.

Immediately, Xu Ming explained to his recruits and said, "When the time comes, you should follow me carefully and don't run around!"

Soon, the Qing Navy assembled.

The figure of Qinghai City Lord stalwart appeared in the sky: "Everyone, follow me!"



The strong men in Qinghai City, the commanders and generals of the Qinghai Navy, all responded, and immediately followed behind the city lord.

The commander-in-chief of the Qinghai Navy followed closely with their respective generals. The centurion followed behind the ten thousand.

An army of one million smashed out in a mighty manner.

Xu Ming's spiritual thoughts quietly enveloped the entire Qinghai City: "Almost all the powerhouses in Qinghai City have come out of their nests! There are not even a few powerhouses left behind!"

Xu Ming secretly exclaimed: "It seems that it doesn't look like he is going to attack some force, but it looks like something big has been discovered!"

As for what the big discovery was, the Qinghai City Lord didn't tell anyone, and Xu Ming couldn't spy on it for the time being.


Xu Ming was not really interested in the so-called great discovery. After all, it may be a big discovery for the Qinghai City Lord, but it may not be anything to Xu Ming—Xu Ming and Qinghai City Lord are at two completely different levels.


Under the leadership of the Qinghai City Lord, the army of one million smashed through time and space in a mighty manner, smashed out of Qinghai City, and went south. After a while, he arrived at a time and space shrouded in mist.

"This is...?" Xu Ming's spiritual sense quietly extended, and probed into the depths of the mist.

The fog obscured time and space, blocking the exploration of Qinghai City Lord and other powerhouses, but it couldn't stop Xu Ming's spiritual sense.

"It seems to be the nest of a strong man!" Xu Ming quickly came to a judgment, "It was originally hidden in the depths of time and Now it seems to be exposed because the formation is damaged!"

Xu Ming felt the mystery of the formation in the fog: "If it's not unexpected, it should be the home of a certain Earth Supreme! And that Earth Supreme may have fallen long ago!"

Xu Ming let go of his fears - he himself is the supreme power! Moreover, among the Supreme Beings, there should be no weak existences; how could they be afraid of an Earth Supreme who has fallen?

Sure enough, the Qinghai City Lord said: "Here, it should be the mansion of the 'Earth Deficient Supreme' that fell before the endless years! - The mansion of the Supreme Deficient Land has never been found, and now it is finally here! This is us. The opportunity of Qinghai City lies!"

Qinghai City Lord's eyes are frantic - after all, this is the mansion of a supreme man! It is very likely that there is a supreme treasure inside!

"However..." Qinghai City Lord said again, "Earth Supreme is Earth Supreme after all! Even after countless years, the formation left in this mansion is still powerful! I have tried many times, but I still can't find the entrance to the mansion! "

It was precisely because he couldn't find it that the Qinghai City Lord mobilized the entire Qinghai Navy to prepare to enter the fog and conduct a carpet investigation.

"If anyone can help me find the entrance to the mansion, I promise him the position of the deputy city lord and the treasures that match it!" The Qinghai city lord said loudly, "Others, as long as they go into the fog to find them, they will all be rewarded!"


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