Break Into Another World

Chapter 2010: Pray for Ming

"The entrance to the mansion?"

The fog could stop the Qinghai City Lord's spiritual thoughts, but it couldn't stop Xu Ming.

Xu Ming had already seen the entrance to the mansion, but he didn't want to tell the Qinghai City Lord. Because... Xu Ming himself also wanted to enter the mansion to have a look and see if there would be anything to gain.

"It is worth looking forward to a mansion of the Supreme Being, maybe there will be 'Origin of the Universe: Void'!" Xu Ming secretly said.

The origin of the universe, Void, is difficult for the Supreme Being to obtain; but it is not difficult for the Supreme Earth to obtain!

And "the origin of the universe, truth", is generally in the hands of the Supreme Being.

"I'm hiding in Qinghai City, I just want to get acquainted with the real universe, and I'll leave here after a while! I didn't expect that I also encountered a supreme mansion... This is an unexpected gain!"

Now that such a good thing happened, Xu Ming certainly wouldn't be polite!

It's just that I pity the Qinghai City Lord, busy with anticipation, but in the end, it's cheaper for Xu Ming.

At this time, the Qinghai City Lord had already told some of the information he had learned before to the powerhouses in Qinghai City. For example, which areas are more dangerous, and which direction is the most likely to find the entrance... As for the specific army deployment, that is the matter of the commanders and generals of the Qinghai Navy.

"Go!" The Qinghai City Lord ordered, "It's not too late! If it is known by other forces, it will inevitably cause some twists and turns!"

The Sovereign Mansion is enough to arouse the jealousy of the other Sovereign! If it is known by other forces, it is entirely possible that they will come to **** it!

Immediately, the commanders and generals of the Qinghai Navy all began to deploy their generals and rushed into the fog.

Supreme Lei Shuang, also known as Xu Ming's commander-in-chief, was assigned to a relatively safe area. After all, Supreme Lei Shuang is a newly promoted captain, and his subordinates are also some recruits; they will naturally not be assigned too difficult tasks for their first expedition.

"You, one hundred centurions, lead your subordinates in turn and enter from different positions!" Supreme Lei Shuang said, "After entering the fog, the time and space are distorted; even if you enter from a nearby place, you may be very far apart when you enter! So...every centurion must lead his subordinates!"

Immediately, the centurions under Supreme Lei Frost began to enter the fog with their respective men and horses.

Xu Ming was also about to enter.

But at this moment...

"Xu Ming, wait a minute!" Supreme Lei Shuang said suddenly in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Xu Ming looked over in confusion.

Supreme Thunder Frost pointed to the other direction of the mist and said, "Take your subordinates to that area!"

Xu Ming looked at the area pointed by Lei Shuang Supreme, and his face became slightly gloomy - the area pointed by Lei Shuang Supreme was in charge of another commander, and it was also the most dangerous area in the fog.

"Leishuang Supreme!" Xu Ming said angrily, "That place doesn't seem to be your area of ​​responsibility, right?"

Although this fog did not pose any threat to Xu Ming in the slightest; however, the Supreme Lei Shuang had now made it clear that he was tricking him, which made Xu Ming a little unhappy. At the same time, Xu Ming thought about it with his toes, and he knew that behind this, General Shi was definitely making trouble!

"This is an order!" Supreme Lei Shuang said coldly, "Do you want to disobey?"

"Huh!" Xu Ming suddenly laughed.

However, Xu Ming didn't want to reveal his strength and identity for the time being, so he could only look at Supreme Lei Shuang with a profound meaning, and then took his men directly towards the area pointed by Supreme Lei Shuang.

Lei Frost Supreme was expressionless.

"Ha!" General Shi in the distance smiled disdainfully, "No matter how arrogant you are, do you still dare to disobey the military order?"

Assigning tasks to his subordinates is an internal matter of the Qinghai Navy; the Qinghai City Lord would not pay attention to such trivial matters, nor did he notice that Xu Ming was assigned to the most dangerous area. And... even if the city lord of Qinghai noticed it, he wouldn't say anything - in his eyes, Xu Ming was just a genius with some potential; the city lord of Qinghai didn't protect Xu Ming everywhere.

General Shi also saw the attitude of the Qinghai City Lord, so he dealt with Xu Ming at this time.

"Xu Ming!" General Shi's voice transmission sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind, "I hope you can come back alive... I have prepared a lot of programs for you!"

Xu Ming turned his gaze to General Shi and said nothing, but a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For some unknown reason, General Shi felt a little chill when he saw Xu Ming's smile.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming led his men into the mist.

"Everyone!" In the fog, Xu Ming looked at the hundred recruits under his command and said, "Because of me, you have also fallen into this most dangerous area! But... now we have just entered the fog, and we are still in the fog. There will be no danger on the edge of it! Well, you are all waiting for me here, and I will go deep into the fog and explore!"

However, what Xu Ming didn't expect was that just after he said these words, the 100 recruits under his command suddenly became excited.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, what are you talking about? If you want to go in together, how can you let you go in alone and take risks?"

"Brother Ming! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have achieved what we are today; I'm afraid we are still at the bottom of the Qinghai Navy and being bullied! Now, Brother Ming, you are being targeted and assigned to this most dangerous area. We Of course there will be difficulties!"

"Yes! It's difficult to be the same!"

One hundred subordinates said without hesitation.

Xu Ming couldn't help but be moved a little - adversity sees true love!

Xu Ming did not expect that in the face of adversity, these 100 subordinates would not hesitate to share adversity with him!

"When I leave Qinghai City, I must settle them first!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

But right now... Xu Ming said that he wanted to go in and explore alone. It wasn't a polite remark, and it wasn't all for his subordinates' consideration, but because—Xu Ming planned to take advantage of this moment to enter the supreme mansion and search it first! Of course, this kind of thing has to be done secretly; how do you do it with a group of subordinates

Therefore, this group of subordinates, of course, it is best to stay here!

However, Xu Ming just proposed to "go deep alone", and all of his subordinates were obliged to share weal and woe with Xu Ming... This made Xu Ming very embarrassed!

Xu Ming can't tell them the truth: I'm strong and I don't need you!

After thinking about it, Xu Ming said, "This is an order, you must not disobey!"

call out-

Saying that, Xu Ming dodged directly and entered the depths of the mist.

In the fog, time and space were chaotic; Xu Ming's 100 recruits couldn't keep up with Xu Ming's pace, so they had to stay where they were.

Every recruit was moved.

"Brother Ming..."

"Brother Ming chose to take risks alone in order to protect us..."

"Brother Ming's kindness to us is too heavy!"

"From today, this life of mine belongs to Brother Ming!"

"That's right! As long as Brother Ming can come back alive, no matter what I do, I will never frown!"

"Let's pray for Brother Ming together! Pray for Brother Ming to return safely!"


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