Break Into Another World

Chapter 2011: speed up the tempo

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly shuttled through the mist formation. Even if there is any danger, they will hit it directly.

After all, with the strength of the Supreme Being, he should be weaker than Xu Ming now; what's more, he has fallen into the Endless Era, and the remaining formation is naturally impossible to pose any threat to Xu Ming.

If Xu Ming was willing, it would not be difficult to break through this foggy formation directly.




Xu Ming constantly forcibly pushed through many dangers.

Outside the foggy formation, Qinghai City Lord, General Shi, and other great powers all felt that the direction Xu Ming entered, the formation fluctuations were the most intense.

The Qinghai City Lord couldn't help but ask: "Who entered from this direction? How dare you fight so hard? After he comes out, I will definitely reward him!"

General Shi couldn't help but think: Fight? I'm afraid it's not fighting, but accidentally touching some danger! With their strength alone, I'm afraid they won't be able to come out!

Qinghai City Lord, General Shi and other great masters naturally would not have thought that Xu Ming had already rushed all the way to the entrance of the Supreme Mansion.


The formation at the entrance of the mansion had been damaged, and Xu Ming easily knocked off the formation's membrane wall and entered the mansion.

Immediately, Xu Ming's spiritual sense swept the entire mansion in an instant domineering.

"The treasure is..." Xu Ming quickly locked a room, "It's here!"


Xu Ming instantly broke through the obstacles of the formation in the mansion and appeared directly in the treasure house.

"I'll take it!"

"I'll take it!"

Xu Ming unceremoniously collected all the treasures in the mansion.

One by one, the supreme divine weapon flew into Xu Ming's pocket.

"Huh? This is... a spear and a battle armor of the Heavenly Supreme Divine Soldier level?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, "This should be the weapon used by the Earth-Deficit Supreme himself! It seems... The Earth-Deficit Supreme also uses a long spear, What a coincidence! I can just use this spear of the Heavenly Supreme Divine Soldier level!"

Although Xu Ming has a Boundary-Breaking Spear in his hand, you must know that under normal circumstances, it is not convenient for Xu Ming to use the Boundary-Breaking Spear. Xu Ming's current strength was used.

Putting away the two Heavenly Supreme Divine Weapons, Xu Ming noticed another treasure.

"This seems to be...?" Xu Ming felt a special breath on a crystal jade bottle, and couldn't help being slightly surprised, "The breath of the origin of the universe!"

Xu Ming opened the bottle and took a look.

Sure enough, in the jade bottle, there are hundreds of white flames that contain the breath of endless life, beating happily - it is the "Origin of the Universe, Void"!

Xu Ming's eyes brightened: "So many origins of the universe!"

You must know that for Xu Ming, "Origin of the Universe · Void" is a level 23 hanging point! And a 23-level hanging point means a chance to resurrect! - In other words, Xu Ming's harvest here is enough for him to be resurrected hundreds of times!

"I originally thought that there were only some Divine Weapons of the Earth, but I didn't expect that I not only harvested the Supreme Divine Weapons of Heaven, but also got so many 'Cosmic Origin, Void'!"

On his first treasure hunt in the real universe, Xu Ming gained a lot.

"Let's go!" After confirming that the mansion had been swept away by himself, Xu Ming walked straight away, as if he had never been here before.

Back to the edge of the foggy formation.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, you are back alive!"

The recruits under Xu Ming couldn't help shouting excitedly when they saw Xu Ming coming back.

Xu Ming's face darkened: "Who told you that I can't come back alive?"

"Cough!" The recruits were suddenly embarrassed and changed the subject, "Brother Ming, what should we do now?"

"Now..." Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Come with me, I have already explored the front, there is no danger!"

With that said, Xu Ming took his recruits and pretended to explore the past.

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "If we continue to explore like this, I don't know when they will be able to explore the entrance to the mansion! Moreover, Qing Haijun will probably be killed and injured a lot! Why don't I help them and put This fog formation is broken!"

Anyway, there were no treasures left in the mansion, so Xu Ming helped them to speed up the pace, don't waste time.


Xu Ming's spiritual sense instantly enveloped the formation, impacting several key points of the formation.


Under the impact of Xu Ming, the entire fog formation trembled.

The Qinghai City Lord, who was outside the formation, naturally noticed this situation immediately: "What's going on? Did someone touch the key point of the formation? The formation is about to collapse!?"

The Qinghai City Lord was overjoyed and said, "Everyone, follow me to bombard the fog formation!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The Qinghai City Lord and other great powers all bombarded the formation together.

And the Great Mist Formation also collapsed in a very "cooperative" way!

"The Great Mist Formation... Broken!" The Qinghai City Lord was stunned, his spiritual sense immediately swept across, and he quickly found the entrance to the Supreme Mansion.

"Finally found!" The Qinghai City Lord immediately shot towards the entrance.

The strong men under him also followed closely.

"I don't know... What treasures will there be in the mansion that lacks the Supreme Being?" The Qinghai City Lord looked forward to it. It's a huge treasure for me!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Just as the Qinghai City Lord was full of anticipation and was about to rush into the mansion...


Suddenly a strong space-time fluctuation spread without warning; the space-time at the entrance of the mansion was instantly disturbed.

You must know that this mansion with lack of land is originally hidden in the depths of time and space; the entrance to the mansion is actually a time and space passage. Now that the time and space are disturbed, this time and space passage does not know where it will lead, and it is almost impossible to lead to the interior of the Supreme Mansion.

In this way, Qinghai City Lord and other strong people would not dare to enter easily.

"Who is it!?" The Qinghai City Lord was furious—seeing that he was about to enter the supreme mansion, but was destroyed at this time, how could the Qinghai City Lord not be angry?

Xu Ming is not surprised - he has long noticed that there are other forces hiding nearby, but he is just too lazy to pay attention! Anyway... Now that the interior of the Supreme Mansion has been swept away by Xu Ming, let the power hidden in the dark toss there.

"Hahahaha..." A malicious laugh came from far away in time and space, "Qinghai City Lord, there is such a good thing, why don't you call me brother? Is it because you want to take this opportunity for yourself, don't you be afraid Choked to death?"

The Qinghai City Lord looked ugly: "Duye City Lord!"


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