Break Into Another World

Chapter 2024: forces to join

? "Feel the breath of death!"

As soon as the Mist Demon Supreme came up, he showed all his strength and arrived in front of Xu Ming in a flash.

"Not good!" Killing Enemy Supreme couldn't help but feel a little anxious - however, Shenyu Battle Stage has the rules of Shenyu Battle Stage, and he absolutely cannot interfere with the "Hundred Victory" challenge, he can only watch the Wu Demon People's Supreme Killing Xu Ming.

And just then...

"Ha!" Xu Ming let out a disdainful chuckle.

At the moment when Wu Demon Ren Supreme made his move, Xu Ming had already accurately seen the opponent's strength: the superior level of the Supreme Being!

And it is still a relatively strong existence among the "superior people".

However, this strength is far from enough to threaten Xu Ming.


Xu Ming directly brought out the strength of "the supreme peak of the superior person"!


The Mist Demon Supreme, who was aggressively killed, was directly sent back by Xu Ming with a shot.


The fog demon fell on the battlefield with the utmost respect.



"What!?" The Supreme Being of Killing Enemy was shocked - he was worried about Xu Ming, but saw that Xu Ming shot the Supreme Being of the Mist Demon!

What he needs to worry about is not Xu Ming, but the Supreme Being of the Fog Demon!

"What!?" The Qinghai City Lord widened his eyes.

"What!?" The Moon Demon was also dumbfounded.

"The 'Half-Prince' cultivation level has the strength of the 'Highest Supreme Peak'! This Xu Ming... is much more heaven-defying than the ordinary genius of 100 Victory!"


Everyone's evaluation of Xu Ming has reached a new level!

"With such strength, it is possible to become an official disciple of the Eternal Hall!"

The "official disciple" and "registered disciple" of the Eternal Hall are two completely different concepts!

You must know that the Eternal Palace is the undisputed "number one force" in the real universe, and the conditions for recruiting formal disciples are naturally extremely strict; every formal disciple of the Eternal Palace has the potential to become "Heavenly Supreme"!

"If Xu Ming can really become an official disciple of the Eternal Hall, then his future achievements will probably be even more terrifying than City Lord Shenyu!"

Shenyu City Lord, to put it bluntly, is just a very ordinary "Lower Heaven Supreme"!

For a time, the name "Xu Ming" exploded directly in Shenyu City! !

The major forces in Shenyu City, no one knows the word "Xu Ming"!

Of course, this kind of shock is only limited to "Shenyu City", it is not enough to shock the Eternal Realm! The top forces in the Eternal Domain are actually only interested in recruiting such a genius as Xu Ming.

In the real universe, the "density" of geniuses is extremely large; the top forces of all parties have seen too many geniuses!

Only in a barren frontier land like Shenyu City would be shocked by Xu Ming's birth.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming shot after shot, crushing the Mist Demon Sovereign, giving him no chance to even admit defeat.

"Want to kill me?" Xu Ming sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Hundred Victories" challenge, ninety-nine battles have been won, and Xu Ming has never killed him; and now, this mist demon supreme has murderous intentions to Xu Ming, and Xu Ming will naturally not show mercy!



With the last shot fired, the fog demon is supreme, die!

Challenge the "hundred victories", success!

"Xu Ming, congratulations!" The Supreme Being of the Killing Enemy put away his shock and said with a smile, "Please move on and talk about it!"

The Battle Arena of Shenyu is also one of the forces in Shenyu City. In addition to this "battle platform", there are naturally other palaces and other buildings.

Xu Ming successfully challenged the "hundred victories", and the Shenyu Battle Stage naturally wants to protect Xu Ming, the super genius!

Shenyu Battle Stage Headquarters.

Xu Ming walked side by side with the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy.

As for the Qinghai City Lord, he has already been controlled by someone sent by the Supreme Being.

"Xu Ming!" The Supreme Being of Killing Enemy looked at Xu Ming, and it was completely an attitude of equal discussion - although Xu Ming's displayed strength was only "the peak of the Supreme Being of Humanity", which was inferior to the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy; The Supreme Earth knew that when Xu Ming joined those top forces, his strength might soon surpass him! When dealing with Xu Ming, the Supreme Being of the Killing Enemy would naturally not make a fuss.

"Xu Ming, do you know what kind of power our 'Shenyu Battle Stage' is?" Killing Enemy Sovereign said.

"I don't know!" Xu Ming said directly.

"Our Shenyu Battle Stage is actually a force under the City Lord's Mansion; and in the Eternal Domain, in every city controlled by the Heavenly Sovereign, there will be a force similar to our Shenyu Battle Stage!" Killing Enemy Di Sovereign said, "Our Shenyu Battle Stage, of course, is also to earn the primordial core of chaos, and even the origin of the universe, but there is a more important task, and that is... to select top talents for the top forces in the Eternal Domain!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming understood somewhat.

The Supreme Being of Killing Enemy continued: "Only geniuses who have successfully challenged the 'hundred victories' can gain access to the eyes of those top forces! A little ordinary genius, those top forces don't even need it!"

"I'm ashamed to say it..." The Vengeful Land Supreme said again, "We Shenyu City, for a long time, we haven't seen a hundred victorious genius! Moreover, Xu Ming, your talent, even among the hundred victorious geniuses, is the same. The best!"

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

Top 100 geniuses?

This is that Brother Ming has not really shown his strength yet! - If Xu Ming showed all his strength, I am afraid that it would not only shock Shenyucheng, but directly shock the entire real universe!

Of course, Xu Ming didn't dare to shock the real universe casually... After all, Xu Ming has a great enemy! If his Great Senior Enemy hears the word "Xu Ming", I am afraid there will be trouble soon!

"Xu Ming, what I want to talk to you about now is... Do you have any top forces you want to join?" asked the Vengeful Land Supreme.

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Eternal Palace!"

"Xu Ming, with your talent, if you join any other forces in the Eternal Domain, you should be able to become an official disciple! However, if you only join the Eternal Palace, you may not be able to become an official disciple, you can only be a named disciple!" Qiu Di Supreme reminded, "You really don't consider joining other forces?"

"I don't think about it for the time being!" Xu Ming said. UU reading

Xu Ming's daughter Xu Yin was in the Eternal Palace.

Now, what Xu Ming wants to do most in the real universe is naturally to go to the Eternal Palace and find his daughter; then, he will find a way to restore his daughter's memory, and the father and daughter will recognize each other.

Therefore, if you want to ask Xu Ming if there is any force he wants to join, it must be the Eternal Palace! As for whether it is a named disciple or an official disciple, Xu Ming doesn't care about it - with Xu Ming's strength, even if he is a named disciple for the time being, he will soon become a full-fledged disciple!

"If you think about it, I will help you contact the Eternal Palace!" Killing Vengeance Supreme said.

"Okay! It's work!" Xu Ming nodded.

"But before that, you still have a personal grievance, do you want to settle it first?" The Venom-killing Supreme smiled and clapped his hands. Immediately, the Qinghai City Lord was brought up.


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