Break Into Another World

Chapter 2025: Are you going to stand up for him?

? "Qinghai City Lord!"

Xu Ming looked at the Qinghai City Lord who was being escorted up, and his emotions did not fluctuate.

In his eyes, the Qinghai City Lord was just an ant, how could it arouse Xu Ming's anger?

"Xu Ming, tell me, what should I do with the Qinghai City Lord?" The Vengeful Land Supreme said directly.

Qinghai City Lord, in a small border town like Qinghai City, although he is the owner of a city, but in the final analysis, Qinghai City Lord is just an ordinary person supreme! In Shenyu City, the mere people are supreme, and it is nothing at all. If you kill it, you will kill it.

Xu Ming glanced at the Qinghai City Lord, waved his hand casually, and said, "Kill it!"

To deal with the Qinghai City Lord, Xu Ming was not even interested in taking action himself.

"Yeah!" Killing Enemy Supreme nodded casually, and planned to order someone to deal with it.

"Wait! Wait!" Qinghai City Lord pleaded, "Someone will come forward to protect me!"

The Qinghai City Lord knew that with his strength and identity, he was not even qualified to beg for mercy; he could only hope that the supreme powerhouse he had asked for help would come forward to protect him.

"Someone protects you?" Killing Enemy Supreme smiled disdainfully, "Then you say, who came forward to protect you? And... even if someone came forward to protect you, we Shenyu Battle Stage must give him face?"

In the current situation of the Qinghai City Lord, even if the high-ranking Supreme came to intercede, the Shenyu Battle Stage would not necessarily give face.

"When he arrives, you will know!" said Qinghai City Lord.

At this moment, the Supreme Being who killed the enemy received a message, saying that there was a powerful person outside who wanted to see Xu Ming.

"Earth Supreme?" Killing Enemy Earth Supreme glanced at the Qinghai City Lord, "Could it be that the person who is interceding for you has arrived?"

Immediately, the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy sent a voice transmission to his subordinates: "Let him come in!"

The Qinghai City Lord was overjoyed when he heard that there was a supreme powerhouse coming, and thought it was the powerhouse he asked for help. However, when the visitor walked in, the Qinghai City Lord found out that it was a strange powerhouse.

The Qinghai City Lord felt unfamiliar, but the Supremacy of Killing Enemy was not unfamiliar—the one who came was the Sect Master of the “Yanhong Sect”, a major force in Shenyu City, the Supremacy of Yanhong!

It is a "superior place"!

"I've seen Senior Yanhong!" The Supreme Being who killed revenge continued - he was just a lower-ranking Supreme Being, and he naturally had to bow his head when facing the upper-ranking Supreme.

Moreover, when the Supreme Lord of Yan Hongdi shook Shenyu City, the Supreme Lord of Killing Vengeance had not yet been born!

"Senior Yanhong, could it be that... you are here for the Qinghai City Lord?" Killing Enemy Supreme couldn't help but say unexpectedly—if it was Yanhong who came forward to intercede for Qinghai City Lord, Killing Enemy Supreme really wanted to ask the Shenyu Battle Stage for instructions. of leaders. Of course, the result of the request should not give Yan Hongdi the face.

"Qinghai City Lord? Who is it?" The Supreme Yan Hongdi looked puzzled and said, "I'm here for Xu Ming! I heard that our Shenyu City has produced a peerless genius with a hundred victories. I'm here to pay a visit! "

Even the Supreme Yan Hongdi used the word "visit".

"This should be Xu Ming, right?" Immediately, the Supreme Yan Hongdi set his eyes on Xu Ming, "It's really extraordinary! I'm lucky to meet!"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Xu Ming also cupped his hands and smiled: "It's a pleasure to meet!"

The Qinghai City Lord on the side, after knowing the identity of Yanhongdi Supreme, saw the Yanhongdi Supreme posing as an equal fellow with Xu Ming, and couldn't help but feel a shudder-you know, the Earthly Supreme powerhouse he asked for help. , the strength and prestige are not as good as Yanhongdi Supreme!

The Qinghai City Lord faintly felt that he might be doomed today!

At this time, the Supreme Being of the Killing Enemy received another message, and another powerful person came.

"And the Supreme Being?" This time, the Supreme Being who killed the enemy didn't know whether the other party came to visit Xu Ming, or to come forward for the Qinghai City Lord, "Quickly, please come in!"

The Sovereign of Killing Enemy ordered.

The Qinghai City Lord rekindled hope: "Is it the great master I asked for help?"

But soon, the hope of the Qinghai City Lord turned into disappointment - the second person who came to visit the Supreme Being also came to visit Xu Ming! Moreover, it is also a high-ranking supreme, and it is also an equal relationship with Xu Ming!

Immediately after…

Third place supreme...

Fourth place supreme...

Fifth place supreme...

In less than half an hour, more than a dozen Earth Supremes came in a row. Most of them are high-ranking Supreme Beings, and a few are middle-ranking Supreme Beings; however, all of them have one thing in common - they all came to visit Xu Ming with an equal attitude!

At the back, Xu Ming couldn't help but ask the Qinghai City Lord, "Hi, where's the person you're calling?"

The Qinghai City Lord kept saying "call someone" and said that someone would come to protect him! But in the end... no one came to the Qinghai City Lord!

On the contrary, Xu Ming, who was not called to anyone, came to visit one after another, and each of them was a prominent figure in Shenyu City!

"I..." Qinghai City Lord was speechless.

at this time…

"Supremacy of drunkards?" The Supreme Being of Killing Vengeance received the news of another strong man coming.

But this time, the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy frowned slightly, and secretly said in his heart: "The Supreme Being of the drunkard, although he is the 'Supreme of the Middle', but among the Supremes of the Middle, his strength is relatively weak! Moreover, he also Not the leader of some major power... With his strength and identity, it seems that he is not qualified to visit with the great masters such as the Supreme Yan Hongdi at this time, right?"

Of course, these words, the Supreme Being who killed the enemy was thinking about it in his heart, and it was impossible to say it on this occasion.

And this time...

The Qinghai City Lord suddenly showed a look of excitement: "It's here! It's finally here!"

The Sovereign, the drunkard, is exactly the Sovereign Powerhouse that the Qinghai City Lord asked for help!

Seeing this, the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy understands what's going on!

"It turned out to be a drunkard!" While the revenge-killing Supreme was sending a message, he asked the drunken Supreme to come in; while he thought disdainfully, "If the previous Supreme Beings came forward for the Qinghai City Lord, I would have to weigh them carefully; but if it is The word of an alcoholic...I don't even need to weigh it, I just don't give him face!"

The Qinghai City Lord thought that had finally found a backer; but he didn't know that his backer was not in the eyes of the Supreme Being.

When the drunkard Di Supreme came in, he was also stunned: "So many powerful people?"

Luckily, the alcoholics had better information and better brains, and immediately understood what was going on—these high-ranking supreme and middle-ranking supreme beings probably came to visit Xu Ming!

Thinking of this, the Supreme Being of the Drinker couldn't help but be more amazed, Xu Ming, a genius of hundred victories!

"Supreme drunkards!" Qinghai City Lord shouted excitedly, "Please come forward for me!"

At this time, the Supreme Being of the Killer looked at the Supreme Being of the drunkard with a half-smiling smile: "You want to come forward for him?"


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