Break Into Another World

Chapter 2039: Do you believe what a man says?

"Am I like that?"

When Yue Qun spoke, his face was upright! Even Xu Ming on the side almost believed his words!

"Ha!" The Moon Demon smiled disdainfully, "Are you that kind of person, don't you have any points in your heart?"

As he spoke, Moon Demon didn't wait for Yue Qun to speak, got up and walked towards the big formation that sealed the keys.

Seeing this, Yue Qun's eyes lit up, and he didn't say anything else - the purpose of what he said so much, didn't he just want the Moon Demon to take out the key that was sealed in the great formation?

Now the Moon Demon directly got up and went to the Great Sealing Formation, which was exactly what the Moon Group meant!

"Little brother Xu Ming!" Yue Qun looked at Xu Ming and said with a smile, "My niece's temper is like this, don't take offense!"

"No." Xu Ming smiled lightly, and didn't say much - what more is there to say? After a while, it is estimated that it will be killed directly. What is there to be close to now?

And Yue Qun's thoughts at this time are the same as Xu Ming, and he is too lazy to say anything - anyway, he will kill him later! There's really nothing close to it!

"Lower Supreme?" Yue Qun felt Xu Ming's cultivation, and the corners of his mouth raised a trace of disdain, and said in his heart, "The cultivation is too low! I really don't understand, why did my good niece of the Moon Demon bring back such a waste? "

Yue Qun's current real cultivation base is "Lower-level Supreme". In his eyes, a mere "ordinary lower-level Supreme", what else can it be if it is not a waste?


It didn't take long for Yue Qun's expression to change - he had already found out Xu Ming's identity!

After all, at this time, the name "Xu Ming" was in the ascendant in Shenyu City; it was not difficult to find out about Xu Ming!

"What!?" When Yue Qun knew Xu Ming's identity, his eyes changed suddenly, "Shenyu Battle Stage 100 Victory Genius? With a 'half-honor' cultivation level, he has a 'superior position'. The strength of the Supreme Being? It is even more likely to become a disciple of the Eternal Hall!?"

Three messages about Xu Ming!

The genius of Shenyu battle platform 100 victories!

The "Half-Prince" cultivation base overcomes the strength of the "High-ranking Supreme" level!

May become a disciple of the Eternal Hall!

Each of these three messages can shock the moon group! He did not expect that Xu Ming would be so powerful!

At this time, Yue Qun looked at Xu Ming, no longer disdainful and playful, but extremely solemn - after all, when the Moon Demon takes out the treasure key, he will definitely do it to Xu Ming!

"When Xu Ming was in the semi-exalted cultivation base, he had the strength of the 'superior supreme'! Now, Xu Ming's cultivation has broken through to the supreme level. I am afraid... he can have the strength of the 'subordinate supreme'. Right?" Yue Qun was horrified to find that Xu Ming's strength is probably not weaker than him, "It is also the strength of the 'low-level supreme', which is stronger or weaker, I haven't done it, I really don't know! is Yuezhi! This is where my old nest is! I am here, with the blessing of numerous formations and the help of experts in the clan... Hmph! Unless his strength reaches the 'median supreme', otherwise, don't even think about it or leave the moon shi!"

Thinking of this, Yue Qun's eyes couldn't help but flash a ruthless look: "The genius of Shenyu's 100 victories! Originally... He has an unlimited future, and he is even expected to become the 'Supreme of Heaven' in the future! But now... this A peerless genius, I am afraid that he will fall into my hands!"

The feeling of personally killing a peerless genius with a promising future, just thinking about it, makes Yue Qun excitedly look forward to it!

After all, killing a peerless genius is probably equivalent to killing a future Heavenly Supreme!

I haven't killed Tian Zhizun, but I have killed a "future Tian Zhizun", this feeling is still very cool!

"Fortunately, Xu Ming is not a disciple of the Eternal Palace yet, otherwise, killing a disciple of the Eternal Palace would be a big trouble!" Yue Qun thought again, "If he is not a disciple of the Eternal Palace, he is dead, and the Eternal Palace will be dead. It's impossible to stand up for him! Killing it will kill you for nothing! Now... just wait for my good niece, the Moon Demon, to take out the treasure key from the sealing formation!"

It is not difficult to get the treasure key.

After just a cup of tea, the Moon Demon returned.

And Yue Qun has also felt that the seal formation has changed - there are no treasure keys in the seal formation! Obviously, the treasure key was really taken out by the Moon Demon!

"My good niece of the Moon Demon, you took it out so quickly!" Yue Qun looked at the Moon Demon with a smile on his face. In the smile, there is insidiousness, greed, and even... **** thoughts.

Although it is an uncle and nephew relationship, but... Yue Qun has coveted the Moon Demon for a long time.

And now, in the eyes of Yue Qun, it is just time to collect the keys together!

"The only trouble is..." Yue Qun glanced at Xu Ming quietly, secretly already mobilizing the powerhouses in the clan.

The Moon Demon walked over with an indifferent expression, ignoring the Yue Qun, but said directly, "Xu Ming, let's go!"

Xu Ming put down the teacup and stood up calmly.

"Moon Demon Niece!" Yue Qun laughed, "It's rare to go home once, why are you leaving in such a hurry! What's more... I have already set up a banquet for you, even if you are in a hurry to leave, anyway, I will eat and drink first, see you. See my compatriots in the clan!"

"No need!" How could the Moon Demon give this fake enemy a good look? After all, she clearly knew that her parents were killed by Yue Qun!

If it weren't for the fact that Xu Ming's current strength is not strong enough, the Moon Demon would probably want to ask Xu Ming to kill the Yue Qun!

Now, from the Moon Demon's point of view, although Xu Ming can protect her from the Yuezhi, it should be a lot worse to kill the Yue Qun!

"I have something urgent to do in Shenyu City, so I'll go first!" Moon Demon said indifferently.

"Moon Demon's just came and left, this is your fault!" Yue Qun's face sank slightly, and said, "Besides... my compatriots in the clan miss you very much!"

boom! boom! boom! …

As soon as Yue Qun's voice fell, suddenly, a series of imposing figures rushed towards the sky from all directions, and the water surrounding Xu Ming and Yue Demon couldn't be drained.

"What do you mean?" The Moon Demon turned cold and looked at Yue Qun, "Want to force us to stay?"

The moon group smiled without saying a word.

"Hey!" Xu Ming couldn't help shouting, "Yue Qun, right? - Your posture is too obvious, right? It's clear that you want to rob the treasure key in the hands of the Moon Demon!"

"Hahahahaha..." Since Xu Ming pierced the window paper, Yue Qun simply tore his face and laughed loudly, "That's right! You are right! I just made it clear that the robbery! How about it? Ha? Ha ha ha ha…"

"So shameless?"

Xu Ming was slightly startled - with such a thick-skinned person, Xu Ming really didn't see much!

The Moon Demon even sneered disdainfully: "It's a shame that you still had the face to say, 'Am I that kind of person'!"

"Hahahaha!" Yuequn laughed even harder, "That's right! I said it! But... Moon Demon's good niece, I have to teach you well—you believe what a man says?"


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