Break Into Another World

Chapter 2040: 1 out again

"Do you believe what a man says?"

The moon group said with a smile.

"Hahahaha..." The surrounding Yuezhi powerhouses burst into laughter, apparently mocking the Moon Demon for being too naive.

The Moon Demon's expression did not change at all, and said indifferently: "Yuequn, I have never believed your words!"

The Moon Demon even called out the name of "Yue Qun" - it stands to reason that Yue Qun is her uncle anyway; shouting like this is equivalent to directly tearing his face.

"Oh?" Yue Qun no longer kept his secrets, he tore his face and sneered, "Listen to what you mean, what means do you have?"

"Ha!" The Moon Demon snorted coldly, "I don't have any means, you think I dare to step into the Yuezhi?"

"Yeah!" Yue Qun nodded and looked at Xu Ming, "You're relying on him, isn't he?"

"That's right!" Moon Demon said directly, "I'll introduce Xu Ming solemnly! The genius of Shenyu's 100 victories at the Battle of Shenyu! If nothing else, he will soon become a disciple of the Eternal Palace, or even an official disciple of the Eternal Palace!"

what! ?

Many experts in Yuezhi obviously do not know this message.

Hearing that Xu Ming is a genius of the 100 victory over the Shenyu Battle Stage, and more importantly, he is about to become a disciple of the Eternal Palace, and they all have shocked expressions on their faces!

Eternal Hall! - Anyone who hears these three words will be shocked!

"Also..." The Moon Demon said again, "Although Xu Ming's cultivation level is only 'ordinary low-ranking supreme', his strength is comparable to that of 'low-ranking supreme'; otherwise, there is no hope of becoming a member of the Eternal Hall. Official disciple! - We Yuezhi, can we keep a lower-ranking Supreme?"

Speaking of this, the Moon Demon couldn't help sneering twice, and then looked at Yue Qun: "If I remember correctly, Yue Qun, as the strongest person in the clan, you only have the strength of 'the supreme person'!"

Human beings are supreme and earth is supreme. Although they are only one word apart, they are worlds apart.

Within the clan, many powerhouses are showing their fears - this is the Yuezhi's lair, although the low-ranking Supreme may not be able to spread wild here, but it is almost impossible for them to keep a Supreme!

Moreover, once it is done, it means that Yuezhi and an earthly supreme have formed a deadly feud!

Therefore, after the Moon Demon said these words, the masters of the Yuezhi couldn't help but hesitate, and they really didn't dare to do anything at will!

"Hahahaha..." However, at this moment, Yue Qun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "My good niece of the Moon Demon, you still don't know me well enough! - Do you think, with my character, whether or not to inquire about Xu Ming? The identity of Xu Ming? Do you know Xu Ming's strength? And if I don't have full confidence, will I dare to do it?"

Yue Qun laughed loudly and said, "Since I dare to do it, it means that I have decided on you!"

The moon group is full of confidence!

Eat you!

"Oh?" The Moon Demon was slightly startled. She didn't know where the other party got such a strong self-confidence.

And this time-

boom! !

A tyrannical aura suddenly erupted from Yue Qun!

"This is..." The Moon Demon was shocked, "The aura of the Supreme Earth!"

The Moon Demon really didn't expect that the Moon Group had already broken through to the Earth Supreme level at some point!

"That's right!" Yue Qun looked at the Moon Demon playfully, and sneered, "I'm really sorry, just not long ago, my cultivation level just broke through to the lower rank Supreme! Now... You still think that you can get out of the Yuezhi alive. ?"

If the cultivation base reaches the lower-ranking supreme, if the strength is... no matter how weak, there will be a lower-ranking supreme level!

In addition, this is Yuezhi's old nest, and Yuequn has been operating for many years; for Yuequn, it is not difficult to leave a "low-level supreme" existence!

"Miscalculation!" The Moon Demon's expression changed several times—if she had known that Yue Qun had already broken through to the next level, she would never have dared to come to the clan so early; she would have to endure until Xu Ming's repair In order to take it to the next level, I beg Xu Ming to accompany her to the clan!


How does the Moon Demon know that Xu Ming has been hiding his cultivation and strength. Moreover, Xu Ming knew for a long time that Yue Qun was a low-ranking supreme; it was just that Xu Ming never took Yue Qun in his eyes.

"Xu Ming..." The Moon Demon couldn't help but transmit his voice, "When there is a chance, just run for your own life, don't worry about me!"

The Moon Demon didn't think he could escape. Even, even Xu Ming, the possibility of escaping his life is very small.

From the Moon Demon's point of view, he has pitted Xu Ming!

Xu Ming ignored the Moon Demon, but couldn't help but cast his eyes in another direction.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes; in that direction, he felt an extremely strong momentum approaching, "High-ranking supreme?"

That momentum is exactly the momentum of a "superior place"!

The lower-ranking supreme, Xu Ming did not take it seriously; however, the upper-ranking supreme, Xu Ming had to pay attention!

After all, Xu Ming's own strength is only "superiority"!

This is a strong man who has reached the same level as Xu Ming!

"How can there be a high-ranking supreme?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be... for the treasure key?"

Earlier, Yue Qun had said that some high-ranking Supremes had noticed Yuezhi's secrets. However, Xu Ming didn't care much, and thought that Yue Qun said that on purpose, in order to deceive the Moon Demon to take out the treasure key as soon as possible.

Regardless of Xu Ming, don't panic, just wait and see what happens.

"Good niece of the Moon Demon!" Yue Qun said with a wicked smile, "Look... Did you hand over the treasure key yourself, or did I get it myself? Hahahaha..."

Feeling that everything is under Yue Qun couldn't help laughing complacently - he seemed to have seen that after he got the treasure key, he opened the treasure of the Three Realms Great Venerable, and from then on, he jumped over the dragon gate and flew all the way. Step on, become the top powerhouse in the real universe!

However at this moment...

"Hahahahaha..." A louder laughter, more arrogant and imposing, overshadowed Yue Qun's laughter.

Yue Qun's face suddenly changed: "Fu Baodi Supreme! He... how could he come so soon!"

The Supreme Being Fu Baodi was exactly the "Supreme Landlord" that Yue Qun had mentioned earlier.

Of course, Yue Qun also thought about it. After he got the treasure key, Supreme Fu Baodi would get the news soon. However, Yue Qun has already figured out a way back for himself. As soon as he gets the treasure key, he will leave Yuezhi immediately; the real universe is vast, and Yue Qun believes that as long as he finds a place to hide, Supreme Fu Baodi will never be forgotten. won't find yourself!

But what Yue Qun didn't expect was... Before the treasure key was in hand, Fu Baodi Supreme arrived first!

"Could it be..." Yue Qun couldn't help thinking, "Fu Baodi Supreme has always been hiding near me, Yuezhi? That's why he was able to arrive so quickly? Otherwise, even if someone tipped him off, he would never have arrived so quickly. of!"

There is no doubt that it is another "mantis catching cicada oriole behind"!


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