Break Into Another World

Chapter 2041: what will

There is no doubt that it is another "mantis catching cicada oriole behind"!

At this time, Yue Qun's face, not to mention how ugly it was - it was about to rise to the top, and a high-ranking Supreme who had been squatting for a long time appeared!

In the face of Fu Baodi Supreme, Yue Qunsheng couldn't bear the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

How to resist?

"Supremacy of the lower position" against the "Supreme of the upper position"?

The mantis arm is the car! ?

"The Patriarch of the Moon Group!" Supreme Venerable Fu Baodi sneered, "You can't do this kindly! - Back then, when I left you Yuezhi, you swore and promised me that once the treasure key of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms was once If it appears, you will report to me immediately! Now that the key appears, you didn't tell me the first time! It's not kind!"

Not being kind?

Yue Qun's face was ugly - at that time, he said that, of course, to coax Fu Baodi Supreme. He thought that nothing would happen if he coaxed Fu Baodi Supreme, but he didn't expect that the old fox never left, and was always lurking nearby.

Now, just as the Moon Demon took out the treasure key, Supreme Fu Baodi came immediately.

"It's over!" Yue Qun's face was ashen, "Years of hard work have all been in vain!"

Yue Qun didn't hesitate to kill the Moon Demon's parents, that is, his brother and sister-in-law, wasn't it just to get the treasure key? But now, just in the last step of success, someone has taken away the fruit of success.

Years of painstaking management, the organization is exhausted, all in vain!

"Humph!" Fu Baodi looked at Yue Qun with a playful look—of course he could see how angry and unwilling Yue Qun was at this time! But so what?

If Yue Qun is honest, Fu Baodi Supreme may not be able to spare his life; however, if Yue Qun dares to struggle, Fu Baodi Supreme will definitely send him on his way unceremoniously!

"Hahahaha..." Supreme Fu Baodi laughed loudly, walked past Yue Qun, and went straight to the direction of the Moon Demon.

At this time, Moon Demon of course understood the situation in front of him: "Fu Baodi Supreme?"

The Moon Demon has also heard the prestige of Fu Baodi Supreme, and knows that he is the "Superior Supreme"!

"Hey..." In the face of the absolute strength gap, the Moon Demon can only give up resistance; after all, no matter how much she resists, Fu Baodi Supreme can easily kill people and win treasures, "But no the hands of Fu Baodi Supreme It’s better than falling into the hands of Yue Qun!”

Yue Qun comforted himself.

The last thing she wants to see is that the treasure key falls into the hands of Yue Qun! Now, it was taken away by Fu Baodi Supreme, and the Moon Demon might be able to take the opportunity to leave the Yuezhi safely, which is already a better ending!

The Moon Demon closed his eyes and sighed, ready to accept his fate.

"Haha!" Fu Baodi Supreme couldn't help but feel more and more proud - this is the feeling of being crushed by strength! Cool!

But at this moment, Yue Qun suddenly shouted: "Fu Baodi Supreme!"

"What's the matter?" Fu Baodi Supreme was enjoying the feeling of being crushed by strength, and was suddenly interrupted by the moon group, which was naturally a little uncomfortable.

"Fu Baodi Supreme, I have something to remind you!" Yue Qun said seemingly kindly.


"This Xu Ming..." Yue Qun pointed at Xu Ming and said coldly, "Maybe he will soon become a disciple of the Eternal Palace! You have taken the treasure key from his friend now, will there be trouble in the future? , or think twice before doing it?"

Yue Qun seems to be reminding Fu Baodi Supreme to think twice and not to steal treasures casually, otherwise he may offend a future disciple of the Eternal Palace; but in fact... he is reminding Fu Baodi Supreme that there is a potential future here Strong enemy!

"Huh?" Sure enough, when Supreme Fu Baodi heard it, his expression changed slightly—even if he was a "high-ranking Supreme", he had to be terrified of the identity of "Eternal Hall Disciple"!

However, let Fu Baodi Supreme just give up the treasure key that has almost been obtained? - This is impossible again!

"You said..." Fu Baodi said solemnly, "He may soon become a disciple of the Eternal Palace? What do you mean? That is to say...not yet a disciple of the Eternal Palace?"

"Yes!" Yue Qun continued, "This Xu Ming is the genius of Shenyu's 100-beat victory! However, he has not yet been beckoned as a disciple by the Eternal Hall!"

"Not yet a disciple of the Eternal Palace..." A fierce light flashed in Fu Baodi's eyes.

The disciple of the Eternal Hall, Fu Baodi Supreme naturally dare not kill!

If you kill the disciples of the Eternal Palace, you will be hunted down by the Eternal Palace! Even if he is a high-ranking supreme, under the pursuit of the Eternal Hall, there is absolutely no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth!

Because of this, no matter who it is, when they hear the words "Eternal Palace disciple", they must be a little bit afraid first!


Haven't really become a disciple of the Eternal Hall yet, this is another matter! - Eternal Palace, I won't be idle enough to do anything to avenge a disciple who hasn't been absorbed in!

That is to say... At least now, if Fu Baodi Supreme kills Xu Ming, he will not offend the Eternal Hall!

Therefore, thinking of this, Fu Baodi Supreme has already made a decision in his heart.

"Xu Ming?" Fu Baodi Supreme looked at Xu Ming and sneered, "I'm sorry! I don't want to be missed by a future disciple of the Eternal Palace! - Originally, you had the opportunity to join the Eternal Palace, and you may even hope to become Heavenly Supreme in the future. If you want to blame, blame yourself, you dare to interfere in other people's affairs before you become a disciple of the Eternal Palace!"

Xu Ming also looked at Fu Baodi Supreme, but did not speak.

"Xu Ming!" The Moon Demon said anxiously, "I killed you! Run away!"

However, when the Moon Demon transmits voices, he feels powerless—escape? Easy to say! In the face of "superior status", how to escape?

At this moment, the Moon Demon only had deep self-blame in his heart - if it was just a miscalculation of the strength of the Moon Group, then although Xu Ming was also pitted, it was not too much! But now, from the Moon Demon's point of view, she completely killed Xu Ming!

"Escape?" Xu Ming said in a rhetorical tone.

Actually, Xu Ming is asking the Moon Demon - with my do I still need to escape?

However, when the Moon Demon heard it, it felt like Xu Ming was asking her back—how to escape? Can you escape?

"Xu Ming!" This is, Fu Baodi Supreme said again, "I respect your extraordinary talent, you can tell me what your last wish is! Maybe, I can help you do it!"

Last wish?

Hearing these two words, Yue Qun's heart suddenly rose - he was most afraid of Xu Ming saying that his last wish was to let him die!

That Yue Qun really wanted to cry without tears!

"Last Wish..." Xu Ming pondered, "No!"

"Huh..." Yue Qun sighed.

"But..." Xu Ming said again, "There is something I want to tell you!"

"You say it!" Fu Baodi said proudly, and did not take Xu Ming in his eyes - after all, in his opinion, no matter how talented Xu Ming was, he was only a genius, not a real powerhouse! Not to be afraid!

"What I want to say is..." Xu Ming pondered.


boom! !

Xu Ming shot directly without warning, killing Fu Baodi Supreme!

With one shot, the unsuspecting Fu Baodi Supreme was blown away!


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