Break Into Another World

Chapter 2051: pig mate

"This is...?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

This is a female Great Venerable, but not Gu Hanmo.

However, what made Xu Ming stunned was the voice transmission of the female Great Venerable: "Xu Ming? I remember that among the Yuezhi, there seems to be a key to the treasure of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms! With your strength, It shouldn't be difficult to get that treasure key; even if you forcibly break the seal formation in the Yue Clan's land, it shouldn't be difficult!"

The Treasure Key of the Great Master of the Three Realms?

All the Great Venerables only knew that Xu Ming used the World Breaker Spear to kill the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian; but they did not know that before that, the Moon Demon beside Xu Ming had already obtained the Treasure Key of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

The mysterious female Great Venerable continued his voice transmission: "If you can get the treasure key, you can go to the universe opened up by the Great Venerable of the Three Realms! Other Great Venerables cannot enter that universe; if you can enter the Great Venerable of the Three Realms Zun's universe, then, the spiritual thoughts of other Da Zun can no longer lock you in!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but light up.

"However..." the mysterious female Great Venerable continued, "Other Heavenly Supremes can also rely on the treasure key to enter the universe of the Three Realms Great Venerable! But...the higher the cultivation base and the stronger the strength, the more dangerous it is to enter it! Therefore, the Supreme Heavenly Venerate almost dare not enter!"

Listening to the meaning of this mysterious female Great Senior, the number of "treasure keys" of the Three Realms Great Senior seems to be quite large! But because it is more dangerous, no Heavenly Supreme is willing to activate the treasure key and enter the universe of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

But it's okay to think about it!

After all, like Yuezhi, in the real universe, it can only be regarded as a small force; however, there is no Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse who came to Yuezhi to capture the treasure key. It can be seen that the treasure key of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms is not a very rare thing in the real universe; otherwise, it would have been taken away by the Heavenly Sovereign powerhouse long ago, so where would it be Xu Ming's turn?

"The Great Venerable can't enter? The Supreme Heavenly Venerate hardly dares to enter?" Xu Ming's eyes brightened - doesn't that mean that as long as he activates the Treasure Key and enters the universe of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, he will be able to take refuge?

Of course, it would be better not to expose the "infinite resurrection"!

As for leaving the universe of the Three Realms Great Venerable, what should I do? - This is not something Xu Ming needs to worry about now!

Xu Ming now, as long as he gets rid of the locks of the spiritual sense of the great respects first!

"There is one more thing to remind you!" The mysterious female Great Senior said again, "After entering the universe of the Three Realms Great Senior, try not to use the Breaker Spear, otherwise it will also cause trouble!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming remembered this sentence.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why did you tell me so much?" Xu Ming asked the female Great Venerable's spiritual sense through voice transmission.

"Who am I... You don't need to ask any more!" said the mysterious woman, "Hurry up and go to Yuezhi to grab that treasure key! Whether you can escape this disaster depends on your own good fortune! "

After speaking, the mysterious female Great Venerable stopped talking.

Xu Ming thought about it and decided to believe the other party - after all, whether the other party said it was true or not, wouldn't you know if you tried it yourself? If you deceive yourself, then after you activate the treasure key and enter the universe of the Great Master of the Three Realms, it is not too late to commit suicide!

Moreover, for some unknown reason, Xu Ming could feel that this mysterious female grandmaster would not deceive himself.

"The key to the treasure..." Xu Ming couldn't help but look at the Moon Demon—the key to the treasure was in the Moon Demon's hands!

"Moon Demon!" Xu Ming suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong, Xu Ming?" The Moon Demon, who was about to turn away with a determined face, stopped immediately.

"The treasure key of the Great Master of the Three Realms is in your hands, right?" Xu Ming asked.

"Yes!" Moon Demon was taken aback for a moment, "That key can allow us to escape the minds of the great lords?—Yes! In any case, you can try it!"

Having said that, the Moon Demon directly took out the treasure key of the Great Senior of the Three Realms.

On the treasure key, there is an aura that transcends time and space.

The spiritual thoughts of the great lords have been locked in the space and time around Xu Ming. When the Moon Demon took out the treasure key of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, the expressions of the Great Venerables suddenly changed.

"This is…"

"How could they have the treasure key of the Great Senior of the Three Realms?"

"I remember... it seems that in Yuezhi, there is a treasure key!"

"That's right! Xu Ming was in the Yue Clan's land just now, right? Could it be that... he went to the Yue Clan's land for the treasure key of the Great Senior of the Three Realms?"

"not good!"

As soon as they saw the treasure key of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, all the Great Venerables shouted "not good".

"Let's go!" Xu Ming said, looking at the Moon Demon.

"Okay!" The Moon Demon directly motivated the treasure key!

A treasure key can carry two people at the same time and enter the universe of the Great Master of the Three Realms!


Suddenly, an aura that transcended time and space enveloped Xu Ming and the Moon Demon. A time-space tunnel leading to the universe of the Three Realms Dazun is being established!

If the Great Senior was by his side, it would be possible to interrupt this time-space tunnel; but now, all the Great Seniors are infinitely far away from Xu Ming, so it is impossible to interrupt the time-space tunnel, and they can only watch.

Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, and said in his heart, "I and the Great Master are really destined! I killed the Great Master of the Three Realms in the virtual universe, but the relics left by the Great Master of the Three Realms in the real universe actually saved me once! "

Although, even without the treasure key of the Great Senior of the Three Realms, Xu Ming should be able to escape this catastrophe! However, it would be great to not expose the "infinite resurrection" link!

boom! !

A time-space tunnel suddenly formed.

Xu Ming has even sensed the time and space of the universe of the Great Master of the Three Realms through the time-space tunnel.

"Everyone, I'll let you all work in vain!" Xu Ming smiled, and together with the Moon Demon, following the gravitational force of the time-space tunnel, they were sucked into the universe of the Three Realms Great Venerable.

As for the great respect, they could only watch, but could not stop them at all.


"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect that this would make Xu Ming run away!"

In the eyes of the great masters, when Xu Ming arrived in the real universe, he was as weak as an ant!

The great lords seemed to be giants, squatting on the ground and watching around Xu Ming, the ant! Who would have thought that Xu Ming, the ant, could escape!

"That idiot of the Great Senior of the Three Realms!"

"That's right! That idiot of the Great Senior of the Three Realms! Even if he dies, he can't die cleanly, and he will cause us trouble!"

Immediately, the Great Senior couldn't help but curse.

In their opinion, the Great Senior of the Three Realms is simply a "pig teammate"! Even after his death, he helped Xu Ming—this is not a pig What else could it be?

"Everyone, don't be impatient!" At this time, another Great Venerable said, "At our Great Venerable level, in our eyes, the entire universe is just that big! The universe of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms is only a special independence of the universe. Time and space are all; even if Xu Ming can escape, where can he escape to? - Killing Xu Ming is only a matter of time, why should you care too much?"

"That's right! This time, let Xu Ming escape into the universe of the Great Master of the Three Realms first! Could it be that he never comes out? And... at least we already know that Xu Ming has now come to the real universe!"

"Humph! When Xu Ming leaves the universe of the Three Realms Great Venerable, it will be his death!"

"Haha! Why wait until then? Could it be that we can't send someone into the universe of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms?"

All the Great Venerables began to plan, preparing to send some Heavenly Supremes into the universe of the Three Realms Great Venerables. On the one hand, it is to capture Xu Ming, or to kill Xu Ming, to capture the divine weapon of the world-breaking warrior; on the other hand, it is also to try to see if he can take the opportunity to obtain some treasures left by the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

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