Break Into Another World

Chapter 2052: sad father-in-law

? Virtual universe.

Nine Heavens World.

A squat old man was walking in a small town.

Although this old man is not very good-looking, it is clear that the masters in the small town respect him very much. As he walked, from time to time a master bowed slightly to him to show respect.


The eyes of the old man burst into flames!


The entire body of the old man exploded with a bang, turning into a streamer and flying towards the sky.

Above the sky, several incomparably mighty voices resounded.

"Master Taihao!"

"Master Taihao, don't run away!"

The hunched old man just now was exactly what Gong Taihao disguised.

Grandpa Taihao, when he was in the real universe in his previous life, he was a "superior **** of heaven"! Even in the real universe, he is a top powerhouse!

However, Mrs. Hao has big ambitions! In order to get the Boundary-Breaking Spear, he even gave up the cultivation of the "High Heaven Supreme", reincarnated into the virtual universe, entered the Jiuzhongtian, and captured the Boundary-Breaking Spear.

In the eyes of Gong Taihao, his plan has been successful, and the boundary-breaking gun is already in his hands! Next, all he needs to do is how to keep the Boundary Breaker Spear.


Grandpa Taihao didn't know that the boundary-breaking gun in his hand was actually a "fake".

And he, because of a fake product, has been hunted down by many powerful people for a long time! Even Gong Taihao didn't dare to leave the Jiuzhongtian world, because as soon as he arrived in the virtual universe, I am afraid that top-level supreme powerhouses would come to deal with him; with Gong Taihao's current strength, he couldn't handle it!

"Master Taihao, stop! Don't run away!"

A mighty voice resounded through the sky.

"Hahahaha..." Gong Taihao turned into a streamer and fled quickly, while laughing up to the sky, "Want me not to run away? Don't think about it! Hehehehe! Want to get the boundary-breaking gun in my hand? - Go back and tell your masters, impossible!"

"Master Taihao, we are not here this time for the Boundary Breaker Spear!" said the mighty voice again.

"Isn't it for the Boundary Spear?" Grandpa Taihao laughed even harder, "Are you coaxing a three-year-old child? - You are not for the Boundary Spear, are you here to have a romantic relationship with me?"

"Master Taihao, stop! We want to tell you something!" The mighty voice continued, "The boundary-breaking gun in your hand is actually a fake, a counterfeit!"

"Haha... Another trick to trick me?" Grandpa Taihao didn't believe it, of course, he laughed, "Is it a fake, don't I have any points in my heart?"

"We really don't need to lie to you! If it's unsurprising, the boundary-breaking gun in your hand should be a fake at the level of 'Heavenly Supreme Divine Weapon'; it's just that your cultivation base is too low to judge!" The mighty voice Said, "Because... the real Boundary Breaking Gun has already appeared in the real universe!"

Grandpa Taihao still didn't believe it, turned into a streamer and flew away: "Let's lie to the ghost!"

call out-

Gong Taihao was a "superior heavenly supreme" powerhouse in his previous life, so he naturally had many means. After using a few secret skills, he disappeared directly into the sky.

Above the sky, those mighty voices were speechless.

"Sure enough, Mrs. Hao thought we lied to him!"

"Speechless... We just came to tell him that we won't be chasing him in the future! By the way, let him know that he can go back to the real universe, and no one will deal with him! Unexpectedly, he didn't believe it at all, and directly used his secret skills. Ran…"

"What about trust between people?"

"Forget it! Since the father-in-law doesn't believe it, no matter how much we say, it's useless, let's go! Let him continue to live a life of hiding!"

A few expansive voices, they ignored the grandfather Taihao—they had no friendship with the grandfather, and this time they just kindly came to remind the grandfather. Since the father-in-law doesn't believe it, they are naturally too lazy to say more.

Anyway, it's not them who are hiding in the east!

call out-

beyond time and space.

When Gong Taihao landed again, he had already turned into a handsome white-faced little boy—the reason why he was able to hide until now without being caught has a lot to do with his secret art of change and disguise.

After all, it's not easy for other powerhouses to find Gong Taihao once! And usually, once the father-in-law is discovered, he will not give the enemy a chance to form a siege at all, and he will just run away first.

"Ha! Those idiots just wanted to fool me!" Grandpa Taihao sneered, "It's just that their tricks are a little too clumsy! They actually said that my Boundary Breaker Spear was a fake! - Ha! If my The Boundary Breaker Spear is a fake, so why did the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield disappear immediately after I got the Boundary Breaker Spear? You know, that main continent is just a small part of the Boundary Breaker Spear!"

Grandpa Taihao believed that the boundary-breaking gun in his hand was absolutely "authentic"!

"Want to lie to me? Ha! A bunch of idiots, still too young!"

Grandpa Taihao couldn't help but conjured up a folding fan and fanned it proudly; with his current image, he appeared graceful.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Gong Taihao received a summons.

This message came from his friend who was in the real universe in his previous life, and he was also a heavenly supreme: "Master Taihao, don't hide, you can return to the real universe!"

"What do you mean?" Gong Taihao couldn't help but startled.

"The Boundary-Breaking Spear has already appeared in the real universe!" said the friend, "The Boundary-Breaking Spear in your hand is a fake!"

"What!?" Eunuch Taihao's eyes were suddenly straightened - this friend of his, who was able to support each other in life and death, naturally wouldn't lie to him.

But Grandpa Taihao still couldn't believe it! After all, for hundreds of millions of epochs, he has even walked on the edge of life and death many times in order to defend the Boundary-Breaking Spear; now he is told that the Boundary-Breaking Spear in his hand is a fake, how can he be willing to believe it?

"Impossible! Impossible!" Grandpa Taihao shouted.

"It's true!" Friends can naturally understand Gong Taihao's almost berserk mood now, "Almost all the Great Seniors have seen that, Xu Ming used the Boundary Breaker Spear to instantly kill Lang Yatian in the Eternal Hall with the strength of a 'high-ranking supreme'. Supreme!"

"Langya Heaven Supreme?" Grandpa Taihao knew that Langya Heaven Supreme was just a "Lower Heaven Supreme". But Gong Taihao also knew that if he wanted to cross the gap between "high-ranking supreme beings" and "lower-ranking heavenly supreme beings", he would have to have a world-breaking magic weapon!

In other words... the boundary-breaking gun in Xu Ming's hand should be real!

Boundary-breaking gun, only one! Since the boundary-breaking gun in Xu Ming's hand is real, then the one in his hand is fake!

"I..." Gong Taihao almost had the urge to vomit blood - after doing it for a long time, he took the blame for Xu Ming for hundreds of millions of years! All the great powers sent people to hunt him down, but the real world-breaking gun was actually in Xu Ming's hands.

"And..." the friend said again, "Kuntu and Feng Zhou Ding are also very likely in Xu Ming's hands! So... you can return to the real No one will chase and kill them. yours!"


boom! !

Gong Taihao exploded directly!

He is eager to rush back to the real universe immediately and hack Xu Ming to death.

"Tell me, where is Xu Ming now!" Father-in-law Taihao gritted his teeth.

"Xu Ming...he was hunted down by the great masters, and he has entered the universe of the great masters of the Three Realms!" The friend said, and then told Gong Taihao about Xu Ming's deeds.

The name "Xu Ming" was originally only famous at the level of the Great Venerable, but the Heavenly Supremes of the true universe hardly knew Xu Ming's name. However, after such a fuss, Xu Ming's reputation and deeds have also spread at the "upper Heaven Supreme" level; even some well-informed median Heaven Supreme and Lower Heaven Supreme already know about "Xu Ming". name.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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