Break Into Another World

Chapter 2053: 3 universes

? The real universe.

Eternal Temple.

Jian Yi was shocked: "The Great Master of the Three Realms... was actually killed by Xu Ming!"

Although Jian Yi was not the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, he was in the Eternal Palace, and he was a super genius trained by the Eternal Palace, so he was well informed; therefore, he learned about Xu Ming's deeds immediately.

And... the reason why Xu Ming was exposed in the real universe this time is because of Jian Yi!

If it wasn't for Jian Yi, Xu Ming would never reveal his identity, nor would he be targeted by the great lords.

"I really don't know, what means does Xu Ming have!" After learning about Xu Ming's deeds, even Jian Yi was shocked—you must know that as a super genius in the Eternal Hall, Jian Yi almost represents the entire universe. The "peak talent"! However, Xu Ming's talent gave Jian Yi a feeling of looking up!

"Humph!" Jian Yi sneered disdainfully, "It's just some luck, it's not a talent! Otherwise, how could he fail to break through the Heavenly Sovereign level for hundreds of millions of epochs?"

How could Jian Yi know that Xu Ming's cultivation time was actually very short, and there was no billions of eras at all - at that time, Xu Ming stepped into the vortex of time and space in the virtual universe, it was only a moment, and when he appeared in the real universe, it was already there. Billions of years have passed.

For Jian Yi, it is true that he has practiced for hundreds of millions of eras; but for Xu Ming, it is only a blink of an eye.

Of course, Xu Ming's incarnation has gone through billions of years. However, the incarnation is in the virtual universe. Due to the limitations of the operation rules of the virtual universe, at most, it can only comprehend the mysteries of the "ordinary supreme" level, and even the "human supreme" level cannot be comprehended; therefore, the billions of times the incarnation experienced , in fact, mainly playing...

As for Xu Ming's deity, the real cultivation time is not even an epoch, it is simply unimaginably short! If it is known by the great powers in the real universe, it will almost doubt life.

"Jian Yi!"

Suddenly, a sound came into Jian Yi's mind.

"The Great Senior has an order to let you enter the 'Three Realms Universe' and hunt down Xu Ming!"

The universe of the Three Realms is the universe of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

The higher the cultivation base, the more dangerous it is to enter the Three Realms universe. For example, if the "High Heaven Supreme" enters the universe of the Three Realms, it is almost certain to die; therefore, the highest one can only enter with the cultivation base of "Middle Heaven Supreme".

Of course, even if it is the middle-ranked Heavenly Sovereign, or even the lower-ranked Heavenly Sovereign, once it enters the Three Realms Universe, there is still a lot of danger! Instead, "Earth Supreme" enters, and the danger is relatively small.

However, the Supreme Earth entered the universe of the Three Realms and could not deal with Xu Ming at all.

"Me?" Jian Yi's expression suddenly changed, "The Three Realms Universe is very dangerous!"

Jian Yi was obviously a little reluctant to go. After all, even if he enters the Three Realms universe, he is in danger of falling.

"This is the order of the Great Venerable! But don't worry, you are only the 'Lower Heavenly Supreme' cultivation base. If you fall into the Three Realms Universe, the Great Venerable will resurrect you no matter what!" Jian Yi, after all, is the super genius of the Eternal Hall. ;Even if he accidentally falls, the Eternal Palace will resurrect him at all costs, "And...Xu Ming, this matter is because of you, and it should be solved by you!"

"This..." Jian Yi hesitated for a moment before taking the command, "Yes!"

Jian Yi did not dare to disobey the order of the Great Senior!

Moreover, Jian Yi also knows that with his talent, if he really falls into the Three Realms Universe, the Eternal Palace will really resurrect him at all costs!

Besides, Jian Yi actually wanted to kill Xu Ming himself.

"Humph! Xu Ming, I hope you can see me alive! It is your honor to die in my hands!" Although Jian Yi knew that Xu Ming had killed the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian, he was not afraid at all. Xu Ming; because... Jian Yi is one of the very few super geniuses who can leapfrog at the "Heavenly Supreme" level!

It is only the cultivation of "Lower Heavenly Supreme", but among the "Middle Heavenly Supreme", almost no one is an opponent of Jianyi!

The cultivation base is low, but the strength is strong - this is also the reason why the Eternal Temple sent Jian Yi into the Three Realms Universe.

Three Realms Mountain.

It used to be the domain of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

Today, the Great Master of the Three Realms has fallen, and the Three Realms Mountain is controlled by a group of "superior Heavenly Sovereigns". Among these high-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns, there is the "Xunjian Heavenly Sovereign" who was once ravaged by Xu Ming in the virtual universe.

"Damn it!" Xun Jiantian scolded angrily.

When the news of Xu Ming's appearance in the real universe spread, the Xunjian Tianzun immediately rushed over to Xu Ming's direction; however, not long after he went out, he got the news that Xu Ming was scattered in the real universe with the help of the three realms. Treasure keys from everywhere have entered the "Three Realms Universe".

Even the Xunjian Tianzun couldn't help but want to scold the Three Realms Dazun - what a pig teammate! They were all dead, and they helped Xu Ming!

"Come here!" Xunjiantian Supreme shouted, "Immediately arrange for people to enter the universe of the Three Realms!"

Sanjieshan, naturally there is no treasure key. However, even if a strong person from the Three Realms Mountain enters the "Three Realms Universe", they will be treated the same as other forces and will not be treated preferentially; therefore, Xunjian Tian Zhizun himself does not dare to enter the Three Realms Universe, and can only send a few middle-ranking heavens. The Supreme, the next Heavenly Supreme will go.

In addition to the Eternal Palace and the Three Realms Mountain, many top forces in the true universe have also sent strong men into the "Three Realms Universe".

The forces of all parties have a tacit understanding. One is to capture or kill Xu Ming, and to seize the Boundary-Breaking Spear;

Three universes.

You know, the real universe is different from the virtual universe.

In the real universe, it is extremely difficult to open up a small universe! Only at the Great Senior level can one have the strength to open up a small universe.

Of course, the small universe opened up by the Great Senior is naturally completely different from the small universe opened up by the ordinary supreme and world masters in the virtual universe!

Like some of the operating rules in the Three Realms universe, they are completely different from the operating rules of the real universe! Moreover... the strength of the powerhouses in the Three Realms universe is also extremely terrifying! Even if it's just a newborn baby, it's the power of a "world master"!

Birth is the realm!

How terrifying!

You must know that in the virtual universe's eight major boundaries, the controllers of many small universes are only at the "world master" level!

Of course, it is only in the small universe opened up by the Great Senior that such a heaven-defying situation can occur - the means of the Great Senior are unimaginable! Moreover, when the Great Master of the Three Realms opened up the "Three Realms Universe", the treasures consumed were worth the value of a world-breaking divine weapon!

However, being strong at birth does not mean that you are talented! In the Three Realms universe, the vast majority of the world masters will never be able to break through to the supreme realm.

Swish! Swish!

The two figures descended on the Three Realms Universe without causing any time and space fluctuations.

It was Xu Ming and the Moon Demon.

"Is this the Three Realms Universe?" Xu Ming observed secretly, "What a powerful time-space suppression!"

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