Break Into Another World

Chapter 2078: eat!


The Taoist Temple is the core of the Taoist world.

Near the Taoist Temple, the rules of the universe's operation are almost materialized. Countless strong people will watch and comprehend the avenues around the Taoist temple.

However, inside the Taoist temple, it is sparsely populated. Only when you reach the realm of Heavenly Sovereign are you qualified to enter the Taoist Temple.




The roar of the universe also resounded in the Taoist temple.

An almighty in a purple star robe walked out of the closed room in vain, stood in the center of the Taoist temple, and looked up at the sky - this almighty is the master of the Taoist temple, "Zihe Dazun"!

Zihe Da Zun stood here, as if he could hear the thoughts of the universe.

The elephant is invisible.

The road is silent.

The Great Master Zihe listened to the silent will of the universe and nodded from time to time. He also talks to himself from time to time, as if he is talking to the universe.

"A vision was born?"


"I see!"

"Must be killed?"

"But the location of the vision cannot be determined?"

"Okay! I will immediately arrange an inspector to inspect the entire real universe!"

The voice of Zihe Dazun fell.


In the Taoist temple, the almost materialized will of the universe began to condense; a total of eighteen "swords of will" were condensed.


Great Master Zihe waved his hand and put away all the eighteen swords of will: "Don't worry! I will immediately arrange eighteen inspectors to carry these eighteen swords of will to slay the vision!"

After speaking, Zihe Da Zun hurriedly left the place and went to dispatch troops.

The sword of will has no lethal power in itself; however, as long as the sword of will appears near the "vision", it can perceive who is the vision - as long as it is perceived, there is a natural way to eradicate the vision by means of the will of the universe .

And Xu Ming didn't even know that his breakthrough had caused such a big movement! Even the Daoist Zihe Dazun once again acted "on behalf of the will of the universe"!

To know…

The strength of the Great Senior Zihe is only average at the Great Senior level.

However, once the Great Senior Zihe acts on behalf of the will of the universe, then he is the strongest Great Senior in the universe! Even beheading other Great Venerables is not difficult! - Because of this, in the real universe, other Great Venerables hardly dare to offend Great Venerable Zihe!

Three universes. Qinglong Army. Jiaolongtan.

"Huh..." Xu Ming opened his eyes again, "Cultivation is over!"

Fortunately, there is an infinite supply of energy in this Flood Dragon Pool. Otherwise, even if Xu Ming used up the "Origin of the Universe·True" and "Origin of the Universe·Void" in his body, it would not be enough to open up the eight great limits of the virtual universe.

"The third level of "I Am for the Universe" is even more difficult to cultivate than in my quadrant!" Xu Ming secretly said, "However, fortunately, it has successfully broken through to Earth Supreme!"

Now, Xu Ming's "self-universe" and the outside world's "real universe" have exactly the same structure; it's just that Xu Ming's "self-universe" is still too weak. Therefore, the next practice, for Xu Ming, is very simple, that is - continue to expand "self-universe"!

And if you want to grow your "own universe", the only way is to eat!



Of course, it's not simply eating, but... swallowing all kinds of energy and treasures into the "self-universe", and digesting them, so as to strengthen the "self-universe"!

"In this Jiaolongtan, you can just 'feast'!"

Of course, Xu Ming was not polite, he directly devoured it frantically, eating the massive power of "Cosmic Origin·True" and "Cosmic Origin·Void" into his "self-universe".

After a meal, Xu Ming consumed more energy in Jiaolongtan than when he opened the eight-elephant limit before.

"No! It's a bit too much!" Suddenly, Xu Ming stopped swallowing energy.

Too full to eat!

After all, the energy that has just been swallowed into the "self-universe" is foreign energy, and does not really belong to Xu Ming's "self-universe". Therefore, after "eat" comes in, it is necessary to "digest" all the external energy first.

"My 'self-universe' is still too small, I can't eat much, so I will eat it!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Also, the speed of digestion seems to be a little slow!"

There is no other way, no hurry, Xu Ming can only "digest" slowly.

"Go out first!"

For Xu Ming, there is nothing to do if he continues to stay in Jiaolongtan; he should go out first and go back to Jiaolongjun to do something.

"No! Wait!"

Xu Ming suddenly thought.

"Before I entered Jiaolongtan, the cultivation base I revealed to the outside world was 'low-level supreme'; now that I'm leaving Jiaolongtan, I can show my exposed cultivation base to a higher level!"

With Feng Zhou Ding present, Xu Ming can modify the revealed cultivation base at will.

"Let's show it directly as 'Supreme Supreme'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "After all, next, I am bound to show the strength of 'Heavenly Supreme' in the Flood Dragon Army! - The cultivation of 'Supreme Supreme' , showing the strength of the 'Lower Heavenly Supreme', although it is a monster, it is still reasonable!"

To be honest... Xu Ming's current leapfrog combat ability is no longer "reasonable"!

The real cultivation base: the subordinate to the supreme!

Real combat power: the median sky is supreme!

It has surpassed four or five realms!

And Among them, there is still a gap between "Earth Supreme" and "Heaven Supreme"! - If the great powers of the real universe knew that Xu Ming had such a terrifying leapfrog combat ability, it would inevitably cause unnecessary trouble!

For example... If the great master of the "Dao Temple" knows, he will definitely hold the "Sword of Will" and come to investigate Xu Ming!

With the help of Feng Zhou Ding, Xu Ming modified the revealed cultivation base, and he could easily hide from the eyes and ears.

"go out!"

As soon as Xu Ming left the Flood Dragon Pool, the entire Flood Dragon Army was boiling!

"It's out of the gate!"

Xu Ming's disguised identity now is "Man Dun".

"Going out so soon!"

"What!? Man Dun's cultivation base has reached the 'superior position'!"

"It took him such a short time to enter Jiaolongtan, but he actually made a breakthrough from 'low-level supreme' to 'high-level supreme'? It can be seen that Mandun's accumulation of information before is very deep; "

Naturally, Long Sheng also got the news of "Man Dun's exit".

"Man Dun is out?" Long Sheng's body was shocked, "No way! I have to hurry and hide in the Jiaolong Pond, and hide in it for tens of thousands of epochs! In this way, Man Dun will even dismantle my gauntlet, I answered my challenge, but I can avoid fighting with him in the Jiaolong Pond! As for the tens of thousands of epochs... with Mandun's talent, I am afraid that he will already be a member of the Azure Dragon Great Array! By then, I will apologize again, as he is, it is definitely not good to hold on to the challenge!"

It can be said that Long Sheng's abacus is very good.

But at this moment, Long Sheng's eyes suddenly widened: "What!? The first thing Mandun did to get out of the customs was to tear down the gauntlet and answer my challenge!"

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