Break Into Another World

Chapter 2079: face slap

"What!? The first thing Mandun did when he left the border was to open the gauntlet and answer my challenge!"

Long Sheng still wanted to hide in Jiaolongtan to avoid it, but he didn't expect that "Man Dun" would not give him a chance to dodge at all.

Jiaolong battle platform.

Xu Ming stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

On the opposite side of him stood Long Sheng and other more than ten elites of the Jiaolong Army.

"Man Dun!" Long Sheng had a humiliated look on his face, "Are you really going to fight against more than ten of us at the same time?"

Long Sheng originally thought that he was going to fight "Man Dun" one-on-one; but unexpectedly, after arriving at the Jiaolong battle stage, "Man Dun" shouted extremely arrogantly: "Let's all go up together!"

As a result, Long Sheng and other more than a dozen strong men who issued the battle letter set foot on the Jiaolong battle stage at the same time.

Around the battlefield, there was a lot of discussion.

"Too arrogant!"

"This man is the most arrogant person I have ever seen!"

"Yeah! Although, Man Dun has a record of killing Wu Dian in one move; moreover, he cultivated in Jiaolongtan, and his cultivation has also made a great breakthrough! But... Does Man Dun really think that our Jiaolong Army's 'Jiaolong battle formation' , is it a joke?"

The Jiaolong battle formation is definitely the top battle formation in the Three Realms Universe!

"Long Sheng and the others formed a Flood Dragon battle formation, and they even have the strength to rival the Heavenly Sovereign! - No matter how powerful Man Dun's breakthrough is, it's impossible to have the Heavenly Sovereign's strength, right?"

"Looking at the Flood Dragon Army, there is only one person who possesses the combat power of the Supreme Being, and that is... the holder of the 'First Token', Cangjiu!"

"Man Dun should have the strength of the 'high-level supreme supreme', but after all, it is still slightly worse than the threshold of 'lower heaven's supreme'!"

Cangjiu, the number one expert recognized by the Jiaolong Army! It is even said that Cangjiu already has the strength to challenge the "Qinglong Great Array", but he has never challenged it.

And Xu Ming disguised Man Dun—in the eyes of the powerhouses of the Qinglong Army, "Man Dun" should already have the top three strengths of the Jiaolong Army! However, there should still be a big gap between the "top three" and the first Cangjiu!

After all... the gap between "Earth Supreme" and "Heaven Supreme" is not so easy to bridge!

Listening to the discussions around, Xu Ming didn't argue for a while - there's nothing to argue about! When Brother Ming made his move, these doubtful voices would naturally turn into slaps in the face.

"My strength is actually comparable to that of the 'Middle Heaven Supreme'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But now, I don't need to show all my strength! - Just show the strength of the 'Lower Heaven Supreme' and win this battle. !"

After winning this battle, Xu Ming will have enough record to challenge the "First Token" directly! And with the "first token", you can challenge the "Qinglong Great Array"! - As long as he becomes a member of the Azure Dragon Array, Xu Ming should be able to know many secrets of the Three Realms Universe! For example... the treasure of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms!

"After this battle, the name 'Mandun' will definitely spread! I hope... it can attract more infiltrating Heavenly Supremes!" Xu Ming secretly said.

At that time, Xu Ming had to find an excuse and leave the Qinglong Army barracks!

After all, if Xu Ming had been hiding in the Qinglong Army barracks, then the Heavenly Supremes who had sneaked in would have no chance at all—Xu Ming must give them a chance!

Putting away his thoughts, Xu Ming looked at Long Sheng and the others again: "Can we start?"

"Humph!" Long Sheng snorted coldly, "Since you are eager to die, of course you can start!"

If it was "one-on-one", of course Long Sheng would not dare to be arrogant in front of Xu Ming!

But now, Long Sheng and the others are fighting one out of a dozen, so naturally they dare to be arrogant!


Long Sheng and other more than a dozen strong men instantly formed a flood dragon battle formation! Everyone's strength seems to be integrated; and, there is a faint bonus of the power of heaven and earth.


The Jiaolong battle formation was formed, Long Sheng and more than a dozen people directly attacked "Man Dun". More than a dozen strong men joined forces, and they really broke through the shackles and touched the threshold of the "Heavenly Supreme" level.


It's just touching the threshold!

"As expected of the Flood Dragon Battle Formation!"

"You said, how long can 'Man Dun' last?"

"Challenging the Flood Dragon battle formation with one enemy? - Really arrogant and ignorant!"

The Jiaolong battle formation was mighty and mighty, and the powerhouses watching the battle seemed to have seen the defeat of "Man Dun".

"Oh!" But at this time, Xu Ming smiled disdainfully.


In the eyes of everyone, Xu Ming did not retreat but advanced, directly facing Long Sheng! The power that was deliberately suppressed to the level of "Lower Heaven Supreme" also exploded in an instant!

"Come on!" Long Sheng was full of confidence at first, but at the moment when he and Xu Ming collided, his expression changed drastically.


Long Sheng was directly shot and flew out of the battlefield without any resistance! - If it wasn't for Xu Ming's intention to hide his strength, this shot would not be as simple as flying out of the battlefield, but a direct one-shot kill!

"What!?" The surroundings of the Jiaolong battle platform suddenly became quiet.

But the long spear in Xu Ming's hand didn't Boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Shot after shot!

No matter who it is, they are directly shot out of the battlefield!

After more than a dozen shots... on the Jiaolong battle stage, Xu Ming was the only one left!

And the powerhouses who watched the battle finally recovered from their shock.

"This... is Man Dun's strength?"

"Man Dun has broken through the shackles between 'Earth Supreme' and 'Heaven Supreme'?"

"It's no wonder that Man Dun dares to fight against the crowd! It turns out... he is not arrogant, but really has the strength of the supreme level!"

"Doesn't that mean... Man Dun is a genius at the same level as Cang Jiu?"

"Is Man Dun stronger? Or Cang Jiu stronger?"

As Xu Ming expected, once he made a move, the questioning voices around him would turn into "slaps" in the face in minutes.

However, Xu Ming had no interest in enjoying these face-slapping voices, and left the Jiaolong battle stage. In this battle, he was mainly here to "refresh the record", and he didn't even kill Long Sheng and the others! Now that the record is enough, Xu Ming left silently.

Next, as long as Xu Ming is willing, he can challenge the "First Token" and the members of the "Qinglong Great Array" at any time.

And this battle naturally caused a sensation again!

Last time, Xu Ming killed Wu Dian with one shot, although it caused some sensation; however, that sensation was limited to the Qinglong Army! This time, the sensation was obviously wider; the four major legions already knew that a super genius had appeared in the Qinglong Army! - With such a huge sensation, Xu Ming couldn't believe it. Who else would not pay attention to the name "Mandun" among those who sneaked in!

"Not bad! Everything is developing in the direction I expected!" Xu Ming planned the next step - how to lead the snake out of the hole?

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