Break Into Another World

Chapter 2098: You come to kill me!

"I don't choose either!"

"None of them?" Jian Yi sneered, "Then I will help you choose!"


Jian Yi's figure immediately burst into flames, and he quickly attacked Xu Ming.

Xu Ming laughed.


"too weak!"

Yes! In Xu Ming's eyes, Jian Yi is too weak!

Jianyi, although at the level of "Middle Heavenly Supreme", is almost an invincible existence; however, it is only at the level of Median Heavenly Supreme. However, Xu Ming is already at the level of "High Heaven Supreme"!

The levels are completely different!

The Median Heavenly Sovereign and the upper Heavenly Sovereign are like a gap, like a moat! Two levels, the gap is too big!

Because of this, Jian Yi was killing him with murderous aura, but in Xu Ming's eyes, he seemed to be running over like a little bitch.

Xu Ming directly raised his slap and waved it towards Jian Yi's face. It looked as if Jian Yi slapped Xu Ming's slap with his face.


A crisp slap sounded on the invincible battle stage.

call out-


Jian Yi was directly slapped away, and fell heavily on the battlefield.




Around the invincible battle platform, there is a lot of confusion.

"what's the situation?"

"Jianyi was slapped by a barbarian?"

"Is Jianyi stupid? He was dignified by the Supreme Being, but was slapped by the Supreme Earth?"

"It looks like Jian Yi deliberately slaps the slap in the face of the savage ghost!"

"But it's not right! Jian Yi obviously hangs all the Heavenly Supremes in our inheritance land, how can they be ravaged by one Earth Supreme?"

Everyone was talking in horror, and gradually, the eyes that looked at Xu Ming became more and more terrified.

In the end, the powerhouses in the land of inheritance came to a conclusion - the barbarians are too strong! Even so strong that it can crush the super genius Jianyi of the Supreme Heaven with the cultivation of the Supreme Earth!

"The strength of the barbarian ghost, I am afraid that it has reached the level of the supreme heaven?"

"How is this possible! Earth Supreme's cultivation is comparable to the strength of the upper Heavenly Supreme? - Don't tell me, I haven't even heard of it!"

On the invincible stage, the battle between Xu Ming and Jian Yi continued.

Oh no! It's not so much a battle as it is... a one-sided devastation!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Jian Yi was completely pressed to the ground by Xu Ming, and he was beaten so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

Around the battle stage, many strong people couldn't help but feel pity for Jian Yi - this unfortunate child, pretending to be X for a long time, as a result, he was beaten into a dog by the savage ghost.

How miserable!

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

After I don't know how many stormy slaps, Xu Ming was a little tired and stepped on Jian Yi directly.

The soles of Xu Ming's feet "intimately" touched Jian Yi's cheeks, rubbing and rubbing, constantly rubbing on the smooth platform...

Jian Yi's face was twisted and deformed in the friction, but his eyes were dull: Who am I? Where am I? What have I been through?

However, Jian Yi's mouth was very hard.

"Xu Ming!" Jian Yi shouted coldly, his aura was very arrogant; it was as if he was not stepping on Xu Ming's foot, but he stepped on Xu Ming's foot, "I admit, your strength is very strong! But you have Just kill me if I can! I might as well tell you that even if I fall here, I will be resurrected again!"

Jian Yi finally had to admit that he was far inferior to Xu Ming in both talent and strength.

However, even if it is not as good, Jian Yi will not bow his head, because... Standing behind Jian Yi is the Eternal Palace! The largest force in the true universe "Eternal Temple"!

No matter how strong Xu Ming is and how defiant it is, can he still resist the majesty of the Eternal Hall?

In the Eternal Palace, the saying that "the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign is as many as a dog" may be a bit exaggerated; however, if the Eternal Palace sends a great lord at random, he can easily crush Xu Ming!

Therefore, although Jian Yi was stepped on by Xu Ming now, his expression was still very stubborn!

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I know you can be resurrected!"

In the Three Realms Pagoda, Xu Ming accepted almost all the inheritance of the Three Realms Great Venerable.

In fact, the inheritance in the Three Realms Pagoda is mainly prepared for the geniuses of the Three Realms universe; therefore, in the inheritance, in addition to various exercises and secret skills, there are also information about the forces of the real universe.

It was also in the Three Realms Pagoda that Xu Ming learned many secrets that he did not know. For example... There are means in the Eternal Hall, which can easily revive the fallen powerhouse. If a genius like Jian Yi dies, the Eternal Hall will definitely not be resurrected!

However, the information left by the Great Senior of the Three Realms is not omniscient. For example, there is one thing that even the Great Venerable of the Three Realms doesn't know, that is... Where are the Great Venerable Kunpeng and Great Venerable Eternal, who were once invincible in the real universe?

You know, the universe is divided into five "cosmic eras"!

Before Kunpeng Dazun was born, it was called "the first cosmic era"!

And when Kunpeng Dazun was born, it directly ended the first universe era and entered the second universe era!

When Kunpeng Dazun disappeared, the second universe era ended and entered the third universe era!

The birth of the Eternal Great Venerable opened the fourth universe era!

The Eternal Great Master disappeared, and the fifth universe era opened!

That is to say... The reason why the real universe is divided into five cosmic eras is entirely because of Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Dazun!

The birth and disappearance of Kunpeng Great Venerable and Eternal Great Venerable have had a great impact on the situation of the entire universe! When they were born, the heroes bowed their heads and the universe was unified; when they disappeared, the heroes were divided and conquered from all sides! —The strength and deterrence of Kunpeng Great Venerable and Eternal Great Venerable can be imagined!

So now, the question is - what about people?

Where did these two invincible existences go?

"Do you know that I can be resurrected?" Jian Yi was stunned when he heard and then sneered, "You learned about it in the Three Realms Tower?—Hmph! Then you are here to kill me! When I am resurrected, I will definitely seek revenge for you!"

You come to kill me!

Xu Ming had to admit that Jian Yi's request was indeed a bit unique. but…

"Why should I kill you?" Xu Ming sneered.

"Don't kill me?" Jian Yi said arrogantly, "That's why you let me go? Haha! Don't think that if you don't kill me, I will be grateful to you! When I return to the Eternal Hall, I must ask the Great Venerable to take action, and You kill!"

Jian Yi can be said to be very arrogant! - If you kill me, I will be resurrected to take revenge; if you don't kill me, I will also seek revenge for you!

Xu Ming couldn't help laughing: "Who said I was going to let you go?"

"Don't kill me, don't let me go, what do you want to do?" Jian Yi couldn't help but wonder, "Do you want to suppress me? Hahahaha..."

Thinking of this, Jian Yi couldn't help laughing: "Xu Ming, I admit that my strength is not as good as yours! But, want to suppress me? Then you look down on yourself too much! - You think, only your strength , can you stop me from committing suicide?"

"With my little strength, maybe I really can't stop you from committing suicide!" Xu Ming said with a faint smile, "But... what if you add this treasure?"


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