Break Into Another World

Chapter 2099: 3 World Breakers

"But... what if you add this treasure?"

With a wave of Xu Ming's hand, a volume of atlas appeared in his hand, it was... Kun-feeding chart!

For a long time, Xu Ming thought that the two treasures, Kun Kun Tu and Feng Zhou Ding, were just "Supreme Soldiers of Heaven". After all... When Xu Ming got these two treasures before, he was told that these two treasures were far inferior to the "Boundary Breaker Spear"; and the Breaker Spear was a magic weapon, so Xu Ming subconsciously thought that the Kuntu He Feng Zhou Ding is just the Heavenly Supreme Divine Soldier.

However, after entering the Three Realms Pagoda to accept the inheritance and obtaining some secrets, Xu Ming found out that... Kuntu and Feng Zhou Ding are also divine weapons of breaking the world!


Xu Ming has three world-breaking weapons in his hands!

The Kun-feeding map is a "suppression and seal" type of world-breaking magic weapon!

Feng Zhou Ding is a "hidden camouflage" type of magic weapon!

And the Boundary Breaker Spear is the best among the "attack" type of Boundary Breaker! It's a top-notch world-breaking soldier!

You must know that even some of the existences of the Great Venerable Realm have only one world-breaking magic weapon in their hands; while Xu Ming has three world-breaking magic weapons, and one of them is a "superior world-breaking magic weapon"! In other words... Xu Ming is probably richer than many great masters!

Sure enough, Jian Yi's expression changed a bit after seeing the picture of the Kun-feeding in Xu Ming's hand.

"Kun feeding map!?" Jian Yi looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, "Kun feeding map is actually in your hands?"

Of course, Jian Yi was more frightened at this time! -After all, in terms of strength, Xu Ming is far superior to him; now, Xu Ming has the "Kun-feeding map" in his hands, it is really not difficult to suppress him!

Compared with death, Jianyi is more afraid of being suppressed and sealed!

If it is death, Jian Yi will definitely be resurrected by the Eternal Palace; but if it is suppressed and sealed, then the Eternal Palace cannot resurrect him at all - because Jian Yi is not dead, how can he be resurrected?

In that case, Jian Yi will probably be suppressed and sealed in the Kun-feeding map forever.

"Not good!" Therefore, Jian Yi's first reaction when he came back to his senses was - self-destruction!

I would rather commit suicide than be suppressed and sealed by Xu Ming!

"Want to commit suicide?" Xu Ming suddenly laughed - he wanted to die, have you asked Brother Ming for permission?


Xu Ming directly urged the Kun-feeding map.

The terrifying coercion instantly swept the entire invincible battlefield, and time and space seemed to be stagnant.

Xu Ming's strength was already crushing Jian Yi, and he used the "suppressing seal" type of world-breaking magic weapon. He was completely crushing Jian Yi, and he couldn't even commit suicide.

"Come in, give it to me!" Xu Ming directly used the Kun-feeding picture to shoot Jianyi, and put Jianyi in the Kun-feeding picture! As long as it is received, the suppression and seal will be successful!

"No—" Jian Yi was horrified and shouted in horror, "Xu Ming! Let me go! If you dare to suppress me, the Eternal Palace will never let you go!"

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled, "Let's talk about it when the Eternal Palace can find me!"

call out-

Jian Yi was directly sucked into the Kun Kun map.

Jianyi's strength, to put it bluntly, is at the level of the "median Heavenly Supreme"; while Kuntu is a world-breaking magic weapon! Jianyi was suppressed into the Kun-feeding map, how could there be a chance to struggle?

"Heh! You are in the Kun-feeding map, just stay honest!" Xu Ming sneered.

"No—Xu Ming! Let me out! Let me out!" Jian Yi's voice became weaker and weaker in the Kun Feeding Picture.

Xu Ming directly put away the Kun-feeding map.

In this battle on the invincible battle platform, the outcome has also been determined.

"The barbarian... Really defeated Jian Yi?"

"How can the cultivation of the Supreme Earth have such a strong strength?"

The powerhouses in the land of inheritance felt extremely unbelievable, but they had to believe it.

"But... the conversation between Jian Yi and the barbarian just now seems a bit strange! Eternal Palace? They don't seem to be geniuses in the Three Realms universe, but... outsiders!"

"Also, the identity of this barbarian seems to be fake! His real identity seems to be called Xu Ming!"

The powerhouses in the land of inheritance speculated that Xu Ming and Jian Yi were outsiders. However, their attitude towards "outsiders" was not as radical as that of the four major legions; even now that they knew that Xu Ming was likely to be an outsider, they did not show much hostility. After all... this place of inheritance of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms is not just for the geniuses in the universe of the Three Realms; if outsiders have a way to come to the place of inheritance, it is also a chance.

"Anyone going up to the challenge?"

"Challenge? Forget it! Even Jianyi has been ravaged to the point of being powerless to fight back; we are far from Jianyi. Going up to challenge is not going to die?"

"That's right! Let's take a good look and see if Xu Ming can get the ultimate chance!"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms had created a place of inheritance long before his fall. The original purpose of this place of inheritance was to cultivate geniuses in the Three Realms Mountain and the Three Realms Universe.

And now, these geniuses in the inheritance land obviously don't know what the word "Xu Ming" means! - They had already entered the land of inheritance before the fall of the Great Senior of the Three Realms; therefore, they did not know that it was Xu Ming who killed the Great Senior of the Three Realms.

Of course, after the fall of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, the place of inheritance has also undergone some changes. For example, originally, as long as you are "invincible for 10,000 years" on the invincible battle platform, you can get the final reward of the land of inheritance; but now, after "invincible for 10,000 years" on the invincible battle platform, the final assessment will be opened. If you can pass the ultimate assessment, you can get the "Tao Realm Contract" of the Three Realms Great Venerable! —However, almost no one knows about this change in the place of transmission; the only ones who know about it are Xu Ming and Jian Yi.

Now, Jianyi has been suppressed and sealed; therefore, Xu Ming is the only one who knows.

Xu Ming glanced around and secretly said, "In the past 10,000 no one should dare to challenge me! I will be on this invincible battle platform, and deduce the first chapter of "I am the universe". Fourth floor!"

The inheritance of the Great Master of the Three Realms left in the Three Realms Pagoda can still provide Xu Ming with some help. "Stones from other mountains can attack jade." Maybe Xu Ming could learn some mysteries from it and improve his self-created "I am the universe" exercise.

"He actually practiced directly on the invincible platform!"

"Isn't it a matter of every second?"

"That's it! It's only 10,000 years. With a flick of the finger, what can you cultivate?"

Time flies.

Xu Ming spent 10,000 years practicing on the invincible battle platform. The powerhouses in the land of inheritance have waited for ten thousand years around the invincible battle platform.

It's time for thousands of years!


Xu Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and there was disappointment in his eyes, but also expectation-disappointment is that in just 10,000 years, he really failed to deduce anything; and what he was looking forward to was the "Tao Realm Contract" of the Great Master of the Three Realms, It's coming to him soon!


Suddenly, the invincible battle platform was enveloped by a vast coercion. Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Great Senior of the Three Realms began to condense directly above the invincible battle platform.


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