Break Into Another World

Chapter 2113: stepmother

Thunder Destruction Pavilion.

living room.

Elder Lei Gu received Xu Ming solemnly.

Xu Ming killed the ten demons in Yinshan in seconds, and he has already shown the strength of "the peak of the supreme heaven"! With such strength, even if compared to the current pavilion master of Lei Mie Pavilion, it is probably not far behind.

As for Fang Ping's direct disciple who came with Xu Ming, and other Heavenly Supremes, they are not qualified to appear here.

Strength determines treatment!

"Brother Wolong!" Elder Lei Gu said solemnly, "We Lei Miege will give you a satisfactory account of Ke Feng's matter!"

Although Ke Feng and Xu Ming only had brief contact, Ke Feng threatened Xu Ming more than once. If Xu Ming was just a middle-ranked Heavenly Supreme, then it would not be a big deal; however, Xu Ming showed the strength of the "High-ranked Heavenly Supreme Peak", which was a big deal!

If you don't give Xu Ming a satisfactory explanation, I'm afraid the entire Lei Mie Pavilion will not feel at ease.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded casually. In his eyes now, Ke Feng is just a weak ant, and naturally he doesn't care what kind of end Ke Feng will have. However, since Elder Lei Gu has already said such words, Ke Feng's end will definitely not be much better.

At this time, the elder Lei Gu said again: "Our pavilion master of Lei Mie Pavilion and other elders have already learned about your situation and are rushing back; I will chat with you a little first!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming said in surprise, "In the entire Lei Mie Pavilion, there is only you, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign?"

Xu Ming's implication is: Are you not afraid that someone will invade Lei Mie Pavilion?

Of course, Elder Lei Gu heard what Xu Ming meant and said with a smile: "Now, in the entire Lei Mie Pavilion, there is indeed only me, the Supreme Heavenly Supreme; moreover, my strength is not that strong among the Supreme Heavenly Supreme! However... no one dares to attack our Thunder Destruction Pavilion! The thunderstorm surrounding our Thunder Destruction Pavilion should not be underestimated; with me controlling the guard formation and mobilizing the power of the Thunder Storm, even if the Great Venerable exists, I would not dare to invade us easily. Lei Miege! As for the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, I dare to say how many come and how many die!"

It is no wonder that Elder Thunder Bone is so confident. You must know that Lei Mie Pavilion has existed from the "First Cosmos Era" to the "Fifth Cosmos Era". If their guardian formation was not powerful enough, they would have already perished.

"The thunderstorm on the periphery is really powerful!" Xu Ming also said.

However, Xu Ming had no hostility towards Lei Mie Pavilion, and he did not intend to peep at the treasure house of Lei Mie Pavilion.

The two chatted for a while, and Elder Lei Gu suddenly said: "Brother Wolong, I don't know... What do you think about the Kunpeng family?"

"The Kunpeng clan left by the Kunpeng Great Venerable?" Xu Ming asked.

Elder Lei Gu said with a smile: "The Kunpeng clan is indeed created by the Kunpeng Great Senior! But... Kunpeng Great Senior has never regarded the Kunpeng clan as his own!"

"How do you say this?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder when he heard the words.

"Haha! It seems, Brother Wolong, you don't know the secret!" Elder Lei Gu smiled, "Just now that I'm free, I'll give you a good introduction!"

"Oh? There are secrets in this?" Xu Ming was also interested.

"Brother Wolong, what a great existence Kunpeng Great Venerable is, you must be aware of it, right?" Elder Lei Gu said.

Elder Lei Gu can control the guardian formation of Lei Mie Pavilion, and is definitely a very qualified elder in Lei Mie Pavilion. In fact, as early as the first universe era, when Lei Mie Pavilion dominated the entire Lei Mie domain, the elder Lei Gu was already the elder of Lei Mie Pavilion!

Moreover, Elder Leigu watched as the Lei Mie Pavilion was torn apart by the Great Venerable Kunpeng; even several Great Venerables in the Lei Mie Pavilion were beheaded by the Great Venerable Kunpeng. It stands to reason that the elder Leigu should hate the Great Venerable Kunpeng very much; but now, Xu Ming found out that the elder Leigu doesn't seem to have much hatred, on the contrary, he is full of respect for the Great Venerable Kunpeng, and even uses "great" to describe it.

In fact, although Elder Thunder Bone hates Great Venerable Kunpeng, he is even more in awe of Great Venerable Kunpeng's strength!

This is respect for strength!

"The Great Venerable Kunpeng is the most powerful existence since the five cosmos eras! Among the many Great Venerable beings, the only one who can compare with the Great Venerable Kunpeng is the Great Venerable Eternal!" Elder Leigu said respectfully.

"But—" Elder Lei Gu changed the subject and said, "Have you noticed that both Kunpeng and Eternal are no longer in the real universe; however, the Eternal Palace is still strong, and has dominated the entire Eternal Domain so far. Under the circumstances, the power of the Kunpeng clan is already relatively miserable!"

Of course, the Kunpeng family is still the top force in the real universe! The reason why Elder Leigu said "comparatively miserable" is also compared to the Eternal Hall and the Kunpeng clan when they were prosperous.

However, Xu Ming noticed one point in the words of the elder Leigu: Kunpeng and Eternal are no longer in the real universe!

"Not in the real universe?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, and secretly said in his heart, "So, where are the Kunpeng and the Eternal Lord now? Could it be that there is a wider world outside the real universe?"

At this time, the elder Lei Gu smiled again and asked, "Do you know why the Kunpeng clan's power is so miserable now?"

"Because..." Xu Ming thought about and said, "The Great Senior Kunpeng left early, while the Great Senior Eternal left late!"

Xu Ming's words are also reasonable. You must know that Kunpeng Dazun never appeared in the real universe as early as the third universe era; and the Eternal Dazun disappeared in the early days of the fifth universe era.

The Kunpeng Great Senior has been away for too long, and of course the Kunpeng family will weaken even more.

"This is also a reason, but not the main one!" Elder Leigu said, "The main reason is... Eternal Great Senior attaches great importance to Eternal Hall. Before leaving, he also left many means in Eternal Hall; relying on Eternal Great Senior The means left behind, at least until the end of the fifth universe era, absolutely do not have any power that can threaten the Eternal Hall! However, the Kunpeng Great Senior does not pay attention to the Kunpeng family at all, and even the treasures he left before he left, Inheritance, nothing is left within the Kunpeng clan!"

"Uh?" Hearing this, Xu Ming couldn't help but be more and more puzzled - why did the Kunpeng Dazun treat the Kunpeng clan so badly? How to listen and listen, there is a sense of "stepmother".

The Eternal Great Venerable treats the Eternal Hall like a "mother".

"Actually it's very simple..." Elder Lei Gu continued, "The Kunpeng clan, this entire clan, is equivalent to the servant group of Kunpeng Great Senior! Since it is a servant group, Kunpeng Great Senior naturally does not need to be nice to them, and there is no need to give What treasures did they leave behind!"


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