Break Into Another World

Chapter 2114: Kaitian Stone

"The Kunpeng family, this entire group, is equivalent to the servant group of Kunpeng Dazun! Since it is a servant group, Kunpeng Dazun naturally doesn't need to be nice to them, and there is no need to leave them any treasures and inheritance!"


And it's still a "slave tribe"?

It means that the entire Kunpeng family are all servants?

Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

"Brother Wolong, you don't know something!" Elder Lei Gu said, "What Kunpeng Great Venerable cultivated is the 'God Body'! Created a life for research; this kind of life created by Kunpeng Dazun has an extremely tyrannical divine body, that is, the Kunpeng clan!"

Create your own family to study the divine body?

Xu Ming couldn't help but marvel at Kunpeng's handwriting!

At the same time, Xu Ming also understood why Elder Lei Gu said that the entire Kunpeng clan is the slave clan of the Kunpeng Great Venerable. I also understand why Kunpeng Dazun treats the Kunpeng family like a "stepmother".

"So..." Elder Lei Gu said again, "Since the Kunpeng Great Senior did not leave the treasure and inheritance to the Kunpeng clan, this means that the Kunpeng clan is not qualified to inherit the treasures of the Kunpeng Great Senior - do you think so?"

Xu Ming nodded: "Indeed!"

Treasures and inheritance all belong to Kunpeng Great Venerable. Kunpeng Dazun will leave it to whomever he wants.

Since it was not left to the Kunpeng clan, of course the Kunpeng clan was not qualified to inherit the treasures of the Kunpeng Great Venerable!

What's more, your Kunpeng clan, the entire clan is just the servants of Kunpeng Dazun - servants, what qualifications do you have to inherit the master's treasure?

"But the Kunpeng clan doesn't think so!" Elder Lei Gu sneered, "After the Kunpeng Great Senior left, the Kunpeng clan directly occupied the inheritance place that the Kunpeng Great Senior left in the Lei Destruction Domain! There are also the ruins left by the Kunpeng Great Senior. They also want to occupy the realm soldiers, but the treasures such as the Boundary Spear are in the virtual universe, and the Kunpeng clan have no such ability, so they reach out to the virtual universe!"

"There should be a lot of people coveting the inheritance left by Kunpeng Great Venerable? Are other forces in the real universe allowed to occupy the land of inheritance by the Kunpeng family?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"Naturally it is impossible to let them occupy it!" Elder Lei Gu said, "However, the place of inheritance is in our Thunder Destruction Domain, and the forces of the other seven territories cannot stretch their hands so long to reach our Thunder Destruction Domain. Come! Moreover, the Kunpeng family is not completely sealed off the inheritance land; if you want to enter the inheritance land, you only need to pay some treasures and you can enter!"

Xu Ming nodded secretly. In this way, it is naturally impossible for forces from other territories to attack the place of inheritance.

Elder Lei Gu continued: "And when the Kunpeng Great Senior left, it was also the time when the Kunpeng family was at its peak, and it was also the time when our other forces in Lei Mieyu were at their weakest! If you want to attack the land of inheritance, there is no such strength! - Time has been until the fifth universe era, and we have the strength to attack the land of inheritance! And we are attacking the Kunpeng family. One of the many forces of !"

Xu Ming listened, heard something, and said with a smile, "Elder Lei Gu, you should have a purpose in telling me this, right?"

Elder Lei Gu smiled: "Ming people don't speak secret words! Brother Wolong, I hope you can help us Lei Miege and attack the Kunpeng clan together!"

To attack the Kunpeng family together?

Actually, Xu Ming really wanted to fight the Kunpeng clan. After all, he was smothered by "Kunyu Great Master". Even if he doesn't have the strength to seek revenge against Kunyu Great Master, it should be done with the Kunpeng clan first, right?

However, it is one thing for Xu Ming to fight the Kunpeng clan, and it is another thing to help Lei Miege fight the Kunpeng clan! - Want Xu Ming to help? It's no good! White wolf with empty gloves is impossible!

The elder Leigu continued: "With your strength, Brother Wolong, you can almost be said to be invincible on the battlefield! With the strength of the 'High Heaven Supreme Peak', other powerhouses are at most the same level as you, almost There can be no one stronger than you!"

It's almost impossible to have someone stronger than me?

When Xu Ming heard this, he immediately asked back, "Where's the Great Senior?"

"Great Senior?" Elder Lei Gu smiled and said, "The Great Senior of the Kunpeng clan would not dare to take action!"


"Great Master, there is a world with Great Master!" Elder Lei Gu said, "The Kunpeng family has Great Master, and our alliance of major forces will not have Great Master? - The two Great Masters have already agreed that they will not interfere in this matter. Fight; the great master of the Kunpeng clan will never dare to take action! Otherwise, the great master behind our major forces will definitely cut off the Kunpeng clan's way to the 'Open Heaven Realm'!"

Open Heaven?

Xu Ming was taken aback.

In the inheritance of the Great Master of the Three Realms, Xu Ming had seen the name "Opening Heaven Realm", and also knew that there was another name for Open Heaven Realm: the end of the long river of time!

Elder Leigu continued: "So, Brother Wolong, as long as you are willing to go to the battlefield, you will definitely be the top powerhouse in the entire battlefield! There is almost no power that can threaten you!"

Xu Ming smiled: "Why should I go?"

Elder Lei Gu also smiled: "Haha! Brother Wolong, we Lei Mie Pavilion will naturally not let you work in vain! Moreover, we also know that for you, if you join the battlefield, it is equivalent to offending Kunpeng. A family; for this, we will definitely make up for it!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled with satisfaction—what he wanted was these words! In fact, Xu Ming wished he could take the opportunity to beat up the Kunpeng family; but, since there was a chance to get some benefits, how could Xu Ming be polite?

"I have already sent a message to discuss it with the pavilion owner!" Elder Lei Gu said As long as you kill one upper heavenly supreme, or ten middle heavenly supreme, we will destroy the pavilion and give it to you A 'Opening Stone'! Moreover, the Great Senior behind our various forces will also protect you and prevent you from being sought revenge by the Great Senior of the Kunpeng Clan! "

The Kaitian Stone is actually of no use to the current Xu Ming; because Xu Ming's true cultivation level is actually "Earth Supreme". However, for the Supreme Heavenly Venerate and the Great Venerable, the opening of the Heaven Stone is absolutely very important!

Very very important!

Even, it can be said that "Opening the Sky Stone" is their life! - This is a treasure that is of great significance to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and even the Great Sovereign! This kind of treasure, no matter which high-ranking Heavenly Supreme or Great Venerable, will only be too few, not too many!

Among the treasures of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms that Xu Ming obtained, there were also "Open Heaven Stones", but there were only less than fifty pieces.

Even the Great Senior of the Three Realms has less than fifty pieces of the Heaven-opening Stone in his hand, which shows that the value of the Heaven-opening Stone is very high! And what Elder Lei Gu said, killing a high-ranking Heavenly Supreme would give Xu Ming a piece of Heaven-opening stone; this price is definitely more fair!

"Yes!" Xu Ming agreed happily.

Anyway, to take this opportunity to fight a dozen Kunpeng clan, and to take the incomparably precious "Kaitian Stone", why would Xu Ming not do it?


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