Break Into Another World

Chapter 2115: Small

The pavilion master of Lei Mie Pavilion came back from the "Kunpeng Battlefield" in person. When he learned that Xu Ming had promised to help them Lei Mie Pavilion and fight against the Kunpeng clan together, Lei Mie Pavilion's attitude towards Xu Ming was even better.

"Brother Wolong!" Lei Mie Pavilion said sincerely, "Our Lei Mie Pavilion lacks top experts like you, so our position in the entire alliance is very embarrassing!"

The situation of Lei Miege is indeed quite embarrassing.

Originally, Lei Mie Pavilion was a superpower that dominated the entire Lei Mie Domain; however, when Kunpeng Dazun was born, he directly killed all the top powerhouses in Lei Mie Pavilion—there was not one left, the top-ranked Heavenly Supreme There are only three or two cats and dogs left.

There is no Great Venerable, and there are not many top-ranked Heavenly Supremes. What position can Lei Miege have in the alliance?

As now, in the Kunpeng battlefield, several deputy pavilion owners and elders of Lei Mie Pavilion have to fight on the front line in person. It's not that they want to go, but if they don't, then Lei Mie Pavilion will not have the top-ranked Heavenly Supreme to participate in the battle! - It's impossible for the pavilion master to personally participate in the battle, right? If the pavilion master rushed to the front and hung up, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for Lei Mie pavilion?

Looking at the other forces in the alliance, at most ordinary elders went out to rush to kill; as for the deputy pavilion masters and high-level elders, they were all drinking tea and chatting with their feet in the battlefield base camp.

Now, with the participation of Xu Ming, a "high-ranking heavenly supreme peak" powerhouse, it is no wonder that even the pavilion master was so excited that he ran back from the Kunpeng battlefield!

Another reason why Pavilion Master Lei Mie came back was that he planned to take Xu Ming to the Kunpeng battlefield in person. After all, with Xu Ming's strength, if Pavilion Master Lei Mie didn't lead him personally, he would appear to have little respect for Xu Ming.

Pavilion Master Lei Mie, and several elders of Lei Mie Pavilion who came back together, after chatting a little with Xu Ming and hosting a banquet, they immediately got up and went to the Kunpeng battlefield together.

"Brother Wolong! This time, you are our Lei Mie Pavilion's special soldier! The first time you made a move, the Kunpeng clan's powerhouses didn't know much about your strength. Kill a few high-ranking Heavenly Supremes of the Kunpeng clan!"

The other elders also said: "Yes! We have to plan well, and we must make good use of your strange soldier!"

The Kunpeng battlefield is not located near the Kunpeng clan's old nest, but in other places in Lei Mieyu, that is, near the inheritance place left by Kunpeng Great Venerable.

call out-

call out-

Xu Ming and the pavilion master Lei Mie flew through the endless void with extreme speed.

Thunder Extermination Domain is a relatively chaotic domain, much more chaotic than the Eternal Domain that Xu Ming had been to before.

Last time, Xu Ming went from Yuwucheng to Lei Mie Pavilion, and this time, Xu Ming went from Lei Mie Pavilion to Kunpeng Battlefield; along the way, he saw countless robbery. If it was in the Eternal Domain, there would not be so many robbery and slaughter at all.

However, most of those robbery and killings occurred at the level of "human supremacy", or even lower levels of strength. In the realm of Heavenly Supreme, it is almost impossible to encounter robbery; when other strong people see Xu Ming and the others, it is too late to escape.

"No matter where you are, the fate of the weak is sad!" Xu Ming secretly sighed, "Only the strong can truly control their own destiny!"

How strong do you need to be in order to "really control your destiny"?

Xu Ming still doesn't know!

In the past, when Xu Ming was in the mortal world, he felt that the gods were very strong, and they were invincible existences! However, when Xu Ming arrived in the "God's Domain", he realized that the endless continent he lived in was actually just a speck of dust floating around the god's domain; therefore, in the god's domain, such a mortal world would be called a "dust world".

Later, Xu Ming stood at the pinnacle of God's Domain, but found that there was endless chaos outside God's Domain. In the vast and endless chaos, God's Domain is just a "chaotic world" that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary; there are countless chaotic worlds that are more powerful than God's Domain!

After that, Xu Ming roamed the endless chaos. Endless Chaos "One Hundred and Eight Thousand Domains", each domain is made up of chaotic worlds like hundreds of millions of God's Domains! However, when Xu Ming stood at the peak of the endless chaos, he saw that beyond the endless chaos, there was an unimaginable disorder; and the entire endless chaos was just a very inconspicuous one in the chaos." small universe".

Xu Ming roamed the borders of disorder and stood at the peak of the Eight Great Limits of the virtual universe, incarnated in billions and everywhere; however, after arriving in the real universe, Xu Ming was still not that powerful!

"Now, my strength has reached the level of the 'high-ranking heavenly supreme'; I'm only one step away from the level of the power of the Great Senior!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "But it seems that...even if I reach the level of the Great Senior, I still can't really Take control of your own destiny!"

Your Majesty, you are already at the peak of your strength!

But... Xu Ming saw that even the Great Senior still couldn't seem to control his own destiny!

Gu Hanmo, who was the Great Senior in his previous life, has been reduced to the point of "reincarnation".

Moreover, there are many examples of other Great Seniors who have fallen - such as Lei Miege, in the "First Cosmos Era", the number of Great Seniors was quite large; however, not a single one of them died!

"I'm afraid... Only people like Kunpeng and Eternal, who are absolutely invincible in the real universe, can be called controlling their own destiny, right?" Xu Ming thought to himself, "But that's not right! Kunpeng and Eternal are now people. What? - Anyway, they have never appeared in the real universe again, and I don't know if they have or gone somewhere; but no matter which of these two possibilities, it seems It all means that the Great Venerable Kunpeng and the Great Venerable Eternal are still unable to completely control their own destiny!"

Xu Ming had thought about this issue before, but he didn't think about it carefully; but now, the more he thought about it, the more scared he felt!

This is a deep fear arising from one's own insignificance!

It's like, no matter how hard you try, no matter how strong you become, you can't break free from the cage of heaven and earth!

The elephant is invisible, silently laughing at the insignificance of the practitioner.

Suddenly, Xu Ming seriously remembered another thing—is there a universe beyond the universe? If there is, does that mean that there may be a world that is more "higher" than the real universe? Perhaps, in that world, "Great Senior" is nothing!

"If the Great Venerable Kunpeng and the Great Eternal, went to such a world..." In Xu Ming's mind, a picture couldn't help but emerge: Great Venerable Kunpeng and Great Eternal, who were invincible in the real universe, in the "higher" The world" was beaten into a dog.

Of course, it could also be - there is no other world outside the universe! In that case, the disappeared Kunpeng Great Venerable and Eternal Great Venerable might have really controlled their own destiny!

Just when Xu Ming was immersed in his imagination, the voice of the pavilion master Lei Mie sounded: "Here it is! The Kunpeng battlefield is ahead!"


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