Break Into Another World

Chapter 355: , not qualified to talk about dignity

A clear rooster croak woke up the morning in Yunqi City.

On both sides of the wide and flat bluestone-paved street, doors and windows opened one after another. The road, which was originally lonely for pedestrians, gradually began to be bustling.

Some shouts of hawking also sounded gradually.

"Cooking cakes! Selling cooking cakes!"

"Baozi! Freshly baked buns!"

"Hey, those two over there, you've been standing there for a few days, and you haven't seen you eat anything, aren't you hungry?" A dwarf who passed by carrying a burden of cooking cakes stood at the gate of the Wilderness Wufu. The two who looked like father and daughter said.

This father and daughter are none other than the Lord of Fengluo Kingdom, Guan Yu, and his daughter, Princess Xiyan. They hid their identities, made a slight disguise, and stood here, waiting for Xu Ming to come out and apologize.

The shorty who sold the pancakes, although he saw that the two were dressed in gorgeous clothes and had extraordinary temperament, how could he have imagined that their identities would be so noble. Especially this man, in terms of status, is even higher than the emperor of Feiyun Kingdom.

So, the dwarf leaned over stupidly and asked, "What are you two doing here? Do you want to join the Wilderness Martial House? - I tell you, it's useless! The Wilderness Martial House's recruitment this year has passed. , no matter how long you stand here stupidly, no one will take care of you... By the way, aren't you hungry? Why don't you come with two pancakes?"

What a noble status Princess Xiyan is, how can she bear the constant chatter of a baker selling pancakes beside her;

"Stop!" Ji Guanyu's voice transmission shouted, "Don't you think it's not enough trouble? Just stand quietly!"

After he finished speaking, Ji Guanyu threw a low-grade profound stone and said, "Cook cake seller, take this! When we are still standing here, I don't want to see you selling cooking cake again!"

There is no such thing as gold in the sacrificial ring of Guanyu; the low-grade profound stone is already the lowest level thing.

The pancake dwarf took the low-grade profound stone and looked at it suspiciously: "What is this?—You threw me a broken stone and wanted me to stop selling pancakes? How could it be..."

It happened at this moment that a disciple of the Wild Martial Mansion dressed in a strong suit came out and saw this scene.

"Fuck me, low-grade profound stone!?" This disciple only had a sixth-rank external training, but he still had some eyesight. "It's definitely a low-grade profound stone, I won't see it wrong!"

"Hey, the baker!" The Jinzhuang disciple walked forward quietly and quickly and said, "Sell this broken stone to me for a thousand taels of gold!"

"What!? How much!?" the pancake dwarf screamed.

For a thousand taels of gold, he can't sell so much for a lifetime of cooking cakes!

"Come on, let's go to the corner and talk!" The disciple in Jinzhuang pulled the shortcake over, for fear of being robbed of his good deeds by others.

This is a profound stone worth one hundred thousand taels of gold!

If he can really buy it for a thousand taels, then this vigorously dressed disciple can really wake up laughing from a dream.

"Hey, don't pull me, let me carry the pancake burden!"

"Danmao! Throw it away, I'll pay you a hundred pancake burdens!"

When the disciple in strong suit left, he also secretly glanced at Ji Guanyu, thinking to himself, who is this big man? How can he throw a profound stone like throwing garbage?

"It's finally clean!" Ji Guanyu sighed - being harassed by a cook selling cakes, this kind of thing will probably happen to him once in his life!

"Royal Father!" Princess Xiyan said dissatisfiedly, "Are we going to keep waiting like this? Otherwise, let someone go in and let us know?"

"You said that! It's not because of you!?" Ji Guanyu glared and shouted, "How many times have I told you that after you arrive in Feiyun Kingdom, you must not be arrogant, must not be arrogant! But what about you? - I still You really gave birth to a good daughter! As soon as you arrived in Feiyun Country, you directly offended Xu Ming, the palm god..."

"It's not that I don't know..."

"Shut up!" Ji Guanyu scolded, "I hope Palm God will not care about us after seeing how sincere we are!"

After hearing that his daughter had offended Xu Ming, he was so frightened that he rushed from Fengluo to Feiyun in person. After arriving here, he heard that Xu Ming was drinking hard with Wen Shuai and Sun Ji, and he didn't even dare to let anyone inform him, but just stood there foolishly outside the gate of the Wild Martial Mansion, one stop for three days!

After all, for a martial artist, it is normal to let go of heavy drinking, and drink a drink for a few days! Xu Ming and the others have not seen each other for a long time, so naturally they have to drink a lot; this has only been drunk for three days, what is it!

At this moment, a burly young man hurriedly appeared outside the gate of the Wild Martial Mansion.

"After three days, I finally came back!" The burly young man wiped his sweat.

Several disciples came out of the Wilderness Martial House one after another. When they saw this burly young man, they all stepped forward to greet him with great respect: "Brother Kai!"

"Brother Kai!"

"Yeah!" The burly young man gasped and returned the salute one by one.

Brother Kai?

Ji Guanyu was stunned for a moment, then he stepped forward and asked, "Is this brother Xu Kai?"

"Exactly!" Xu Kai cupped his hands in confusion, "You are...?"

If the breath of the other party is absent, it is obviously far more powerful than himself. Such a master, what is he doing standing outside the gate of the Wild Martial Mansion? Also, how do you even know your name?

The attitude of offering sacrifices to Guanyu is very low: "In Xiafengluo, the king, sacrifice to Guanyu!"

"What!?" Xu Kai almost jumped up in fright—Guanyu, the priest of Fengluoguo? What was he doing standing outside the gate of the Wild Martial Mansion this early in the morning?

"The Lord of the Kingdom, are you standing here...?" Xu Kai was very puzzled.

Ji Guanyu was about to speak when a voice full of master coercion sounded in a small area around him.

"Akai, don't worry about him! Come in quickly, we're all waiting for you!"

"Xiao Ming!" Xu Kai's eyes lit up. Xu Ming's voice had changed a lot compared to before, but Xu Kai could still hear it immediately.

"Is it Brother Ming?" Ji Guanyu shouted into the surrounding air, "In Xiafengluo..."

"I know who you are!" Xu Ming's voice sounded again, directly interrupting Ji Guanyu, "I don't care about you about this matter, you all go back, don't continue standing there! - Ah Kai, come quickly , the wine has been poured for you!"

"Uh..." Xu Kai glanced at Ji Guanyu and said, "I'm in, you guys can go back too!"

Unexpectedly, the Lord Fengluo even said: "I'll wait here! Although Brother Ming doesn't care about But if I have the opportunity to apologize to Brother Ming in person, then Even better!"

"Okay, then whatever you want."

Xu Kai was terrified in his heart - Xiao Ming is really getting better and better!

Lord Fengluo! Pill master! Xiao Ming didn't even bother him, so he basked him directly at the gate of the Wild Martial Mansion.

What's more exaggerated is that Xu Ming said he didn't care about it, let him go back; but this Fengluo country lord is still waiting stupidly, and wants to apologize in person - I said that you are also the lord of a country, can you? A little dignity?

But soon, Xu Kai understood a truth - in front of Xu Ming, the mere king of Fengluo, and the mere condensing pill martial artist, is really not qualified to talk about dignity!

Because, Xu Kai was horrified to discover that Wen Shuai and Sun Ji's cultivation had actually risen to the half-step spiritual realm! Any one of them can easily swept the entire Fengluo Kingdom!

Power? dignity? - In the face of absolute strength, these are all jokes.

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