Break Into Another World

Chapter 356: , leg hair

"Damn it! What the **** is going on with the cultivation of the two of you!"

Feeling the terrifying aura of Sun Ji and Wen Shuai, Xu Kai was taken aback for a moment.

"Sun Ji, when I saw you a month ago, didn't you just complete your inner training?" Xu Kai stared straight at Sun Ji.

"Hmm? Yes!" Sun Ji smiled cheaply, and then coquettishly showed off his half-step spirit.

In Feiyun Country's wild martial arts mansion, only congenital warriors can serve as elders, but Sun Ji is an exception.

Sun Ji is born with divine power, and has used some attribute stones; when his internal training is complete, his combat power is even stronger than some innate early stage! Therefore, Sun Ji's elder position is entirely based on strength!

"Wen Shuai, didn't your previous cultivation level not even reach the innate?" Xu Kai looked at Wen Shuai again.

"Yeah!" Wen Shuai also gave a wicked smile, "Originally, my small physique can hardly stand the three thousand in my harem! Thanks to my good brother Xu Ming, as soon as I come back, I will take my cultivation. Bring it up! - In the future, even if I take in a few thousand more concubines, I don't have to worry about my body being hollowed out!"

"Degenerate! Corruption!" Xu Kai scolded disdainfully, "After I became emperor, I didn't seek to improve at all, and I only knew that I was drunk every day!"

"Who said that I only know about life and death every day? For more than a year, I have managed Feiyun Kingdom to make the country prosperous and peaceful. Didn't you see that?" Wen Shuai retorted.

"I saw this..." Xu Kai had to admit.

With the efforts of Wen Shuai, Feiyun Kingdom is indeed a thriving, peaceful and peaceful scene.

It's just... In this world where martial arts are respected, Guotai Min'an may not be a good thing!

Guotai Min'an means that there is no fighting and fighting in Feiyun Kingdom. Under such an environment, it is very unsuitable for the growth of martial arts masters! It is estimated that in the past few years, the number of newly born martial arts masters in Feiyun Kingdom will drop sharply.

Therefore, there are countless continents, countless countries, and very few countries that govern the country with "benevolence".

On the contrary, there will be many countries that govern the country by "killing the way" and encourage the people under the rule to kill and kill in various ways. Even, as long as the cultivation base of the person killed is not lower than himself, not only is he innocent, but he is rewarded!

And often, in a country ruled by killing Dao, the number of Martial Dao masters born is the largest!

"Wen Shuai." Xu Kai couldn't help reminding, "Your way of governing the country is too kind, and it is very unfavorable for the birth of martial arts masters!"

Wen Shuai was very firm: "I have my own ambitions for governing the country! As for martial arts masters... I, this little Feiyun Kingdom, have been difficult to produce a condensing dan martial artist for hundreds of years. I don't need to deliberately cultivate any martial arts masters. !—You must know that now I am a master of the half-step spiritual realm! The force of my own is enough to deter all the surrounding countries!"

"Damn it!" Xu Kai scolded jealously, "Tell me, what's going on with your cultivation base, why did it suddenly skyrocket like this!"

Wen Shuai and Sun Ji all turned their attention to Xu Ming.

Of course, Xu Kai had already guessed that this matter must have something to do with Xu Ming; he even said, "Xiao Ming, my good brother, please improve your cultivation as well!"

Xu Ming pretended to have a cold smile, stretched out a hand and said, "Put your head together and let me touch your head!"


However, Xu Kai stuck his head out as he said.

Xu Ming pressed his five fingers on Xu Kai's head, and said silently in his heart: "Hanging up the 'Dai Go Ding Ding', open it!"

"Daigo Initiation" hanging, can help others, forcibly improve the cultivation level! However, the cost is extravagant!

"Daigo Initiation" consumes ten times more points than "Forced Leveling"!

For example, for Xu Ming himself to forcibly level up from the initial stage of condensing pills to the half-step spiritual realm, a total of 7.25 million points are required for level 3 hanging points!

Then, to help others from the initial stage of condensing pills to the half-step spiritual realm, it would take ten times the level 3 hanging point, which is -72.5 million!

With Wen Shuai and Sun Ji's help, Xu Ming has consumed more than 140 million level 3 points and a lot of level 2 points.

However, as far as Xu Ming is concerned, 1.2 billion level 3 hanging points are just a small amount of money!

You must know that the exchange ratio of level 4 hanging points and level 3 hanging points is 1:1000! The consumption is converted into level 4 hanging points, which is only more than 200,000; and Xu Ming, there are still more than ten million level 4 hanging points!

"The 'Daigo Initiation' hanging has been opened, are you sure to raise the creature in the right palm to the half-step spiritual realm?" Xiaohang's voice sounded.


Xu Kaizheng was a little dazed - why did Xu Ming stop moving after he put his paw on his head!

But then, a majestic and domineering, yet gentle as water force poured into Xu Kai's body from Xu Ming's palm.

"Huh? My cultivation base?" Xu Kai was dumbfounded, feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body.

Xu Kai felt that at this moment in his body, it was like a pot of boiling water - it was boiling!

The profound energy is continuously condensed and strengthened, and the cultivation base is continuously improved!

"Later internal training..."

"Inner training is complete..."

"Half innate..."

At this time, the profound energy in Xu Kai's body ushered in a qualitative sublimation - acquired profound energy, transformed into innate profound energy!

"Early innate..."


Xu Kai just thought, this Nima is crazy!

How can there be such an improvement in cultivation?

What do you think of those warriors who have been practicing hard for many years and rarely make an inch?

At this moment, Xu Kai suddenly had such an idea in his heart - it is useless to practice hard! Holding the right thigh is the key!

And this idea, before, Wen Shuai, Sun Ji's hearts have also surfaced!

yes! Practice ass! After cultivating hard for decades, it might be more useful to put your head close to Xu Ming and touch it!

Xu Kai was so excited that he just wanted to say: "Xiao Ming! Just let brother, be a leg hair on your thigh forever!"

After a long time, Xu Ming "received the merit"; and Xu Kai's cultivation level was also successfully raised to the half-step spiritual realm.

"Too strong! The power of this body is really too strong!" Xu Ming really wanted to fight Wen Shuai and Sun Ji immediately, "My cultivation has always been behind you two, and now I can finally catch up!"

Suddenly, Xu Kai thought: "Xiao Ming, in such a short period of time, you have raised my strength to a half-step spiritual realm... Then how strong is your own strength?"

"Yeah, boss! I want to know too!"

Sun Ji and Wen Shuai also looked at Xu My strength? "Xu Ming smiled mysteriously and said, "Anyway, a little finger is enough to deal with the three of you! "

"I wipe! It's so good to pretend to be X!" Xu Kai couldn't help cursing.

"But we can't pretend to be him!" Sun Ji said depressedly, "So sad!"

"Don't be sad!" Wen Shuai said with a smile, "Although we can't pretend to be this pervert, it's more than enough to pretend to be someone else!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The four brothers couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, Xu Kai!" Sun Ji suddenly said, "Now that your strength has risen, you can just go to your arrogant old man and pretend to be an X!"

"Oh? What's the story?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

Wen Shuai also looked over curiously. He has been working on state affairs lately and has never heard of the story.

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